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How to take an EChemTest Assessment

E. A. Varella, I. Kozaris, E. Koliarmou EChemTest Testing Center, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The participant via a web browser connects to the server and the log-in page appears on the screen

The participant enters a valid Name and Password and clicks on the Enter button

A list of scheduled assessments appears on the screen and the participant selects an assessment by clicking on the Start button

Description of the assessment

Each test consists of 30 questions, which are randomly chosen from a database. There are different types of questions, such as:

Multiple choice: the participant selects the right choice from up to 4 possible answers. Multiple response: the participant selects none, one or more of the up to 4 possible answers. Numeric questions: the participant is prompted to enter a numeric value. True/False: the participant selects "true" or "false" in response to the question. Yes/No: the participant selects "Yes" or "No" in response to the question. Drag-and-Drop: the participant clicks and drags up to ten images into position.

Description of the assessment

Pull-Down List (selection question): a series of statements is presented and the participant can match these statements with a pull-down list. Select-a-blank: the participant is presented with a statement where a word is missing; words can be selected from a pull-down list to indicate the right answer. Text match: the participant types-in a single word or a few words to indicate the right answer. Ranking (Rank in Order): a list of choices is presented and the participant ranks them numerically with no duplicate matches allowed. Matching: two series of statements/words are presented and the participant must match items from one list to those of the other list.

Description of the assessment

Hotspot: the participant clicks on a picture to indicate his/her choice. Fill-in-the-blank: the participant is presented with a statement where one or more words are missing and completes the missing words.

The duration of each test is 60 minutes. The difficulty of the test varies according to the thematic area chosen.

Level 1: at the end of compulsory education Level 2: at the beginning of University studies Level 3: at the end of the Core Chemistry Syllabus at the University Bachelor level Level 4: at the end of a Master degree

At the end, the participant submits the answers by clicking on the Submit button

After submitting the answers, the total score appears on the screen

By clicking the Reports button the participant can have access to the reports of past assessments

The Transcript Report appears on the screen, where the participant filters the reports by date

The participant can find information for the assessments that he/she has attempted

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