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Human Resource Planning

The actual HRM process begins with number and type of people required during the coming period. After this only can people be hired to fill the jobs. HRP is a subsystem organizational planning. in the total

HRP includes estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what, if anything, must be done to ensure that personnel supply equals personnel demand at the appropriate time in the future. - Terry L. Leap and Michael D. Crino

HRP includes estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what, if anything, must be done to ensure that personnel supply equals personnel demand at the appropriate time in the future. - Terry L. Leap and Michael D. Crino

OBJECTIVES OF HRP 1) Ensure adequate supply of manpower as and when required. 2) Ensure proper use of existing human resources in the organization. 3) Forecast future requirements of resources with different levels of skills. human Contd.

4) Assess surplus or shortage, if any, human resources available over a specific period of time. 5) Anticipate the impact of technology on job and requirements for human resources. 6) Control the human resources already deployed in the organization. 8) The ultimate objective is to relate future human resources to future enterprise needs so as to maximize the future return on investment in human resources.

Importance of HRP
Future Personnel Needs VRS, Overstaffing, absence of
succession planning

Coping with change Creating highly talented personnel Protection of weaker sections International strategies Foundation of personnel functions Increasing investment in human resource Resistance to change and move

Factors Affecting HRP

Type and strategy of organization
Production processes involved Number and type of staff needed Supervisory and managerial personnel required Strategic plan of the org defines the org. HR needs.

Internal Growth Narrow Informal Reactive Inflexible

Factors Affecting HRP Growth through


Broad Formal Proactive Flexible

Continual Strategic Choices in HRP

Factors Affecting HRP

Organizational growth cycles and planning The stage of an organizations growth influences HRP Environmental uncertainties Time horizons Greater the uncertainty, the shorter the plans time horizon and vice versa

Factors Affecting HRP

Type and quality of information Nature of jobs being filled
Easy to employ shop-floor workers as compared to hiring managerial personnel

Off-loading the work

Several organizations off-load part of their work to outside parties

The HRP Process

Environment Organizational Objectives and Policies HR Needs Forecast HR Programming HRP Implementation Control & Evaluation Surplus Restricted Hiring, VRS Lay off, etc. Shortage Recruitment and Selection HR Supply Forecast

The HRP Process

HR plans to be based on organizational objectives The HR needs forecast should be based on the annual budget and long-term corporate plan, translated into activity levels for each function and department Organizations generally follow more than one forecasting technique

HR Demand Forecast Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the future quantity and quality of people required. It takes into consideration several factors like external factors which includes competition, laws and regulatory bodies, changes in technology. It includes internal factors like budget constraints, production levels, org structure and employee separations.

Forecasting Techniques
Managerial judgment Ratio trend analysis Work study techniques Delphi technique Flow models Others

MANAGERIAL JUDGEMENT METHOD The top and operating managers participate. Both bottom-up approach and top-down approach methods are used. - Operating managers prepare manpower plans and send up to the top level for approval. - OR, the top managers prepare the forecast and send down to the operating levels for comments after which it is finalized. Quick method but may suffer from subjectivity.

WORK STUDY METHOD can be used when it is possible to apply work measurement to calculate the length of operations and the amount of labour required. Eg starting point in a manufacturing company is the production budget


Very quick method, on the basis of studying past ratios say between number of workers and sales in an org and forecasting future ratios. After computing the above number, adjustments are to be made for planned separations.

DELPHI TECHNIQUE METHOD This is a more refined judgemental method; hence can be more accurate than the management judgement method. But it is more time consuming. The managers involved do not meet face-to-face. Contd.

The following steps are involved : - The managers are asked to provide manpower estimates on a pre-designed questionnaire, to HR department. Each manager submits his estimate anonymously and independently.

- The HR department compile and summarize the various responses and report the findings back to each the managers.

- After receiving the feedback, the managers are surveyed once again, for reviewed estimates. - The summaries and surveys are repeated until the managers opinions begin to agree. - The agreement reached is the forecast of the manpower needs.

The HRP Process

The supply analysis covers
Existing human resources Internal sources of supply External sources of supply

Once the organizations demand and supply are forecast, the two must be balanced so that vacancies can be filled by the right employees at the right time

Existing human resource is facilitated by HR audits. HR audits summarize each employees skills and abilities. Non managers- skilled inventories Managers- management inventories Information of skilled includes personal data, education, salary and job history etc. management inventories include work history, strenghts, weakness, career goals etc.

2. Internal supply includes inflows and outflows, turnover rate, conditions of work and absenteeism, productivity level and movement among jobs. 3. Turnover rate : Number of separations during one year divided by average no. of employees during the year * 100.

The HRP Process

Implementation requires converting HR plan into action
Recruitment, selection and placement Training and development Retraining and redeployment Retention Plan Redundancy plan Succession plan

The HRP Process

To control deviations, evaluation should be done against
Budgets Targets Standards Trends

Clarification of responsibilities has to be done

HRP Process
Assessing current human resources Assessing where the organization is going Matching future demand and supply of human resources

Requisites for Successful HRP

The planner of human resources must be aware of the corporate objectives Backing of top management for HRP is absolutely essential HRP responsibilities should be centralized in order to co-ordinate consultation between different management levels Personnel records must be complete, up-todate and readily available

Requisites for Successful HRP

The time horizon of the plan must be long enough to permit any remedial action Data collection, analysis, techniques of planning and the plans themselves need to be constantly revised and

Barriers to HRP
Resistance by employers and employees Uncertainties Inadequacies of information system HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy

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