Advtg Campaign

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Advertising Campaign

A series of related advertisements focusing on a common theme, slogan, and set of advertising appeals.

Steps in Creating an Advertising Campaign

Determine the advertising objectives.

Make creative decisions.

Make media decisions.

Evaluate the campaign.

Setting Objectives DAGMAR Approach

Goal of Advertising Objectives
Define Target Audience Define the Time Frame for Change

Define Desired Percentage Change

Defining Ad Goals for Measured Advertising Results

DAGMAR Objectives
Measure effects of August 21 - October 1 2006 advertising campaign on consumers. Target audience: 25-49, HH Incomes of >50K.
Awareness objective from less than 10% to 50% in the post-wave (November 2006)

Creative Decisions
Identify Product Benefits Components of Creative Decisions

Develop and Evaluate Advertising Appeals

Execute the Message Evaluate the Campaigns Effectiveness

Identify Product Benefits

Attribute Powerades new line has been reformulated to combine the scientific benefits of sports drinks with B vitamins and to speed up energy metabolism.

so what?


So, youll satisfy your thirst with a great-tasting drink that will power you throughout the day.

Advertising Appeal
Reason for a person to buy a product.

Unique Selling Proposition

Desirable, exclusive, and believable advertising appeal selected as the theme for a campaign.

Common Advertising Appeals

Value Health Love or romance Product saves, makes, or protects money Appeals to body-conscious or health seekers Used in selling cosmetics and perfumes

Admiration Convenience Fun and pleasure Vanity and egotism Environmental Consciousness

Social embarrassment, old age, losing health

Reason for use of celebrity spokespeople Used for fast foods and microwave foods Key to advertising vacations, beer, parks Used for expensive or conspicuous items Centers around environmental protection

Executing the Message

Scientific Musical Slice-of-Life Lifestyle


Spokesperson/ Testimonial

Mood or Image

Real/ Animated Product Symbols Humorous

headline subhead body




Major Advertising Media

Magazines Radio Television

Outdoor Media
Yellow Pages Internet

Newspapers 19%


Short lead times Coop Advertising Geographic selectivity

Short lifespan Low pass-along rate Color capabilities Selectivity of narrow markets


Cooperative Advertising
Cooperative Advertising

An arrangement in which the manufacturer and the retailer split the costs of advertising the manufacturers brand.

Magazines 5%


Image reproduction Long lead time Long life Limited demonstration High demographic selectivity


Radio 8%


Low cost Short lead times High selectivity Immediacy

No visual treatment Short life span Highly fragmented audience


Television 25%


Mass coverage Low cost per customer Demographic selectivity High color capabilities

High execution cost Skepticism Technology Clutter

Outdoor Media


Geographic selectivity Low costs

High noise level

Advantages Fast growing Ability to reach narrow target audience Short lead time Disadvantages

Difficult to measure ad effectiveness and ROI Ad exposure relies on click through from banner ads Not all consumers have access to Internet

Moderate cost

Alternative Media

Shopping Carts Computer Screen Savers DVDs

Interactive Kiosks Ads in Movies Advertainments

Floor Ads Subway Tunnel Ads Video Game Ads Cell Phone Ads

Videogame Advertising
Microsoft plans to acquire Massive inc., a start-up that places ads in video games.

Ads are inserted into the game environment. Video games could become a large new medium for advertising.

Companies are offering free telephone directory assistance but theres an advertisement first. The audio ads are narrowly targeted, and are 10 to 12 seconds. The growth of such free services could represent another change in the telecom industry.

Directory Assistance Advertising

Media Selection Considerations

Cost per Contact

Factors Influencing

Reach: portion of audience we want to reach

Media Mix
Frequency: how often?

What media?

Audience Selectivity

Rating, GRPs
Friends TV show $300,000 per 30 seconds 18 - rating. HH tuned to the show / total households If we had 2 commercials per week for 4 weeks, Friends would accumulate ___ GRPs. GRP = Reach(as given by ratings) * Frequency GRP =


CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

4-color ad in Sports Illustrated Cost = $10,000,000 (10 Million) Reached 2.0 Million readers Cost to reach 1 person = CPM = Cost per person* 1000 = CPM = 5 * 1000 =
ESPN = $ 6000

CPM for SuperBowl

The super bowl ads cost an average of $2.2 million Estimated audience of 43,618,000 CPM = $ 50.44

Media Scheduling
Continuous Media Schedule

Flighted Media Schedule

Pulsing Media Schedule

Types of Media Schedules

Seasonal Media Schedule

Media Scheduling
Continuous Media Schedule Flighted Media Schedule
Advertising is run steadily throughout the period. Advertising is run heavily every other month or every two weeks.

Pulsing Media Schedule

Seasonal Media Schedule

Advertising combines continuous scheduling with flighting.

Advertising is run only when the product is likely to be used.

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