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Presidents and Major events in Modern America

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Harry Truman(D) 1945-1952

Integrated the military by executive decision Korean War Fired General MacArthur. Rebuilt Europe: Marshall Plan Kept the New Deal Policies of FDR alive

Led the United States into its era of greatest wealth.

Dwight Eisenhower(R) 1953-1960

Built the Interstate Highways. 40% of Americans move to suburbs, 30% live on farms, 30% in the inner city Sent military to protect Little Rock Nine. SPACE RACE Sends advisors to Vietnam

John F Kennedy: First Catholic to be elected President. Youngest president elected. (Teddy Roosevelt was 42) Peace Corps. (Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country) Cuban Missile Crisis. 16, 000+ troops in Vietnam Assasinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas.

JFK Assassination

Lee Harvey Oswald shot in jail by Jack Ruby.

Lyndon B Johnson(D) (1963-1968)

Civil Rights Acts of 1964. Great Society(War vs Poverty, Medicare, Medicaid, Government Housing, Food Assistance) Vietnam War officially begins 1964. 1968: Robert Kennedy Killed, Martin Luther King Killed. LBJ does not run for reelection President During COUNTERCULTURE In USA

Counter Culture

Vietnam War

Richard Nixon(R)(1968-1974)
Normalizes relationship with China. Cease fire with Vietnam (1973) 1964-1973 2.6 million Americans went to Vietnam. 55, 894 dead. Watergate: Nixon advisors caught breaking into Democrat headquarters. Tapes reveal that Nixon ordered it, forced to resign. Only President in the History of the US to resign from office.

Gerald Ford(R)1974-1976
Finished Nixons Term First time since Eisenhower that no American Troops are involved in active warfare. Roe V Wade abortion legalized throughout USA.

Jimmy Carter(D) 1977-1981

Iranian Hostage Crisis Push for Clean Energy President during major economic recession, Oil shortages.

Ronald Reagan (R) 1981-1987

Tax cuts. Believed in Trickle down economics. Shot, but survived. Made a nuclear treaty with USSR. Increased military spending, Russia couldnt keep up, communist economy failed. AIDS epidemic ignored. Drug War. multiple interventions in Latin America.

George Bush (R) 1988-1992

Just Say NoTo drugs First Iraq war Read my lips, No new Taxes

William Jefferson Clinton(D)(19932001)

World Trade Center bombed, War with Kosovo Black Hawk Down Internet goes Mainstream NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

George W Bush (R) 2001-2008

September 11 Tax cuts, Education Reform War with Afghanistan War with Iraq Collapse of American Economy Saved millions of AIDS victims with foreign aid

Barack Obama (D)(2008- )

First African American President. In the process of ending Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Health Insurance Reform Had Osama Bin Laden Assassinated. Power of presidency centralized like never before.

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