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Pharmacy Interview

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Tell me about yourself?

Persistent and hardworking person. I put a lot of effort into my work and study. Easy going person. Bring a lot of fun, cheer ill and worried patients up. Endure high levels of stress, heavy workloads and multiple work tasks. Helpful, try to solve patients problems.


2+2 MPharm degree. This opens the possibility of practicing as a pharmacist not only within M but also in UK and the other countries that recognize the UK four year pharmacy Master degree.

What area of our course content interests you the most?


Community pharmacy
Pharmacists which help the community Often first port of call Situated high street locations, in neighbourhood centres, in supermarkets and in the heart of the most deprived communities.

Hospital Pharmacy
Hospital pharmacists work in a hospital pharmacy service, primarily within the public sector. responsible for the dispensing of prescriptions but also the purchase, manufacture and quality testing of all medicines used in a hospital. They are members of a healthcare team and work closely with medical 4/24/12 and nursing staff to ensure patients

Academicpharmacist These spend on average around 60% of their time working in hospital, community or industrial pharmacy and the other 40% of the time as a pharmacy teacher or lecturer.


Primarycare pharmacist The role of the primary care pharmacist has emerged over the last ten years. They have a strategic role, making the best use of resources allocated for medicines and ensuring they are well spent. They also analyse medicines and work closely with hospitals, GPs, practice nurses and other community 4/24/12

Industrial Pharmacy
Industrial pharmacists work alongside scientists in the pharmaceutical industry who specialise in other areas to discover new ways of combating disease and improving manufacturing and production techniques


talk about a current controversial issue regarding pharmacy, and your personal opinion

towards it.


Why is organic chemistry important to pharmacy?

Organic chemistry is very important within Pharmacy. As Pharmacy deals with Biochemistry and hence organic chemistry becomes very important. Functions of enzymes, interaction of different chemicals etc can only be learned through understanding organic chemistry.

Can you tell me about a controversial drug in the media?


Which science is most important in pharmacy and why?

Chemistry - The active ingredients of most medications are pure chemicals; so it is easy see why a thorough knowledge of chemistry is important. From simple table salt to substances so complex that their formulas are not completely known, pharmacists are continually dealing with chemicals. They must know how to handle and store them, as some are dangerous; how to analyze them to determine their purity; and how to dissolve them, combine them, package them, and preserve them-as well as how chemical substances behave in the body. Small wonder then that pharmacy students study the principles of the common divisions of chemistry and finish off this study with several courses in pharmaceutical chemistry, where the principles of basic chemistry are applied in the study of medicinal products. Many drugs come from plants and animals. Biology - Moreover, the practical use of nearly all medicinal substances is within, or upon, the bodies of humans or animals. Hence, the study of biological sciences, including anatomy, physiology, zoology and biochemistry, is important for building a strong foundation of knowledge of natural drugs and their actions within the body.


Who will bear legal and professional responsibility for the actions of pharmacist prescribers? Pharmacist Independent Prescribers
are professionally responsible for their own actions,. They should therefore only prescribe in situations where they feel fully competent, using those medicines that they feel are effective for the patient and the condition being treated. RPSGB Code of Ethics states that all pharmacists who own a pharmacy, should ensure that all 4/24/12

Supplementary prescribers are professionally

Who will be responsible and liable for the actions of supplementary prescribers?

accountable for their own actions, including prescribing decisions.


Why should pharmacists be able to prescribe medicine?

A pharmacist studies 4 years solely about medicines thus therefore has a high level of expertise in the field of drugs and the effects they have. Hence deserving the right to prescribe medicines. 4/24/12

How do Antihistamines work?

Antihistamines work by blocking the receptor sites that the histamine go to cause the allergy symptoms. With the receptors blocked you don't experience the allergies.

Which of the antihistamines cause drowsiness?

The older group/First generation sedating Antihistamines (e.g. hydroxyzine ( Atarax) ) can enter the brain and cause drowsiness, while the newer nonsedating antihistamines do not. (e.g. cetirizine)

Can you name some Nonsedating antihistamines?

loratadine(Claritin) cetirizine(Zyrtec) fexofenadine(Allegra) desloratadine(Clarinex)


What is meant by a profession?

1) Recognized by institutional authorities as existing as a profession. (Sometimes laws define who is a member of a profession, or establish a governmental board that defines professional qualifications). 2) An occupation that requires specialized and technical knowledge.
4/24/12 3) An occupation that has some sort of

What is an anti-fungal?
An antifungal drug is a medication used to treat fungal infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm, candidiasis (thrush), serious systemic infections such as cryptococcal meningitis, and others. Such drugs are usually obtained by a 4/24/12

In reality, the practice of pharmacy today is one of the most important in the delivery of health services, and pharmacists are the health professionals who have the most detailed knowledge of drugs and how they work. A pharmacists duty is not simply preparing the drugs which are 4/24/12 prescribed by a general practitioner

Why are pharmacists important in the health service?

What does a pharmacist do? What will you be expected to do at the end of the degree?


Where do you see yourself in this profession?


What is the role of the primary care pharmacist?


medicines management prescribing advice GP practice based work Professional development adviser pharmacy clinical governance coordination.

- Work in GP practices as practice pharmacists. 4/24/12

What skills do you need to be a pharmacist?

Ability to pay strong attention to detail Have large respect for accuracy and care in work, mistakes such as incorrect dosage, quantity of drugs etc can lead to harming patients Enjoy working with people and providing information and education

Effectively communicate

What are preventative medicines and there importance?

Preventive medicineorpreventive carerefers to measures taken to prevent diseases or injuries rather thancuringthem ortreatingtheir Symptoms. Importance: 4/24/12

What would you take into account when prescribing drugs to a patient?
Age of patient? i.e. child, adult etc. If female whether they are pregnant or not. Whether the patient has had any side effects to the medication before or similar medication before.


Why are drugs stored in particular ways in a pharmacy?


What is a medication?
Amedicationormedicineis a drug taken to cure and/or improve any symptoms of anillnessor medical condition, or may be used as preventive medicinethat has future benefits but does not treat any existing or pre-existing 4/24/12

What is a Generic Drug? Reasons for cheaper price?


When can a generic drug be produced?


What is a prescription drug?

A drug which can only be purchased/received with a valid prescription verified by a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist.


What is the differences between hospital, community and industrial pharmacy?


What area in pharmacy do you wish to enter and why?


What is palliative care?

is any form of medical care or treatment that concentrates on reducing the severity of disease symptoms, rather than striving to halt, delay, or reverse progression of the disease itself or provide a cure. It can help people live more comfortably. Often used for cancer patients.

Whats diabetes?

A disease in which the blood glucose concentrations cannot be controlled effectively. 2 types, type 1 bodys immune system attacks beta cells therefore no insulin can be produced, taken through form of injection. Type 2 occurs over time when persons pancreas only produces small amounts of insulin monitored through healthy diet before insulin 4/24/12

Why can't insulin be taken as a pill like the other medicines and hormones?
Proteins are digested in the stomach and small intestine. Insulin is a protein therefore If diabetics were to take insulin orally it would be digested to amino acids before being absorbed. Thus having no effect.


What other method of administering insulin?

Inhaled form of insulin spray, got discontinued due to cost of the product Injection: Self injection Pen injector technique - requires careful education including the need to ensure that no airlock or blockage forms in the needle


Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - an antibiotic-resistant MRSA Is a bacterial superbug, infection?


Name three drug delivery methods and explain each of them?

Oral Administration (Enteral): bymouth(orally), many drugs as tablets,capsules, or drops Intravenous Injection (I.V.): The drug is usually introduced directly into the blood vessel for immediate action. Inhalation: By this method, drugs are introduced


What are a metered-dose inhaler and a spacer?

Ametered-dose inhaler (MDI)is a device that delivers a specific amount of medication to thelungs, in the form of a short burst of aerosolized medicine that is inhaled by the patient. Commonly used for asthmatics and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sufferers. A spacer device is a plastic cylinder, designed to make a metered-dose 4/24/12

Please explain dosage of inhalers compared to tablets?

Inhalers give immediate relief as opposed to tablets which would not provide an effect immediately and would provide relief after a certain time period.


Where do drugs come from?

Drugs are derived from a range of sources. Many are found in plants, for example nicotine in tobacco; caffeine in coffee beans; and cocaine from the coca plant. Morphine and codeine are derived from the opium poppy, while heroin is produced by the chemical modification of morphine. Marijuana is the leaf, buds and seed heads of the cannabis plant, while 4/24/12 hashish and hash oil are the plant's

Please explain the difference between a generic and branded drug?

A generic drug is simply a branded drug that uses a different name. As they are not branded they therefore cost less. A Branded Drug has a trade name and is drug manufactured by a well established pharmaceutical company, protected by a patent.It cannot be produced or sold by any other company. 4/24/12

What do you think you will learn over the next four years?


Please name three medicines?

Co-Codamol Penicillin Aspirin


When was penicillin invented?

Was discovered in 1928 Accidental discovery by Alexander Fleming Left a petri dish of bacteria open, came back and it was contaminated by a blue-green mould there was inhibited bacterial growth around the 4/24/12

How does penicillin work?

Penicillin is an anti biotic which destroys bacteria it does this by destroying the cell wall of the microorgaby inactivating an enzyme required for the cross linking of bacterial cell walls. The enzyme mistakenly accepts the penicillin as a substrate and is then rendered ineffective. This prevents synthesis and repair of the bacterial cell wall, 4/24/12 causing the bacteria to burst.

The future of pharmacy. Please continue.


Why not medicine or dentistry if you like healthcare and people?


What is the role of the pharmacist?


What is the difference between pharmacology and pharmacy?

Pharmacology is the study of drug interaction in living organisms. Learning how a drug interacts in the human body Pharmacy is a profession that ensures the safe use of medication and deals with patients, therefore pharmacists will need to have a wider knowledge of how a drug works, how it's formed and its side 4/24/12

Why do old (out of date) eggs float in water?

As the egg decomposes, the mass of the egg is reduced. This is because the egg shell is porous and water vapor and gases can escape over time, reducing the mass of the egg. If the mass of the egg is less than the mass of the volume of water displaced by the egg, it will float.

Whats the difference between antibiotics and other medicines?


What is a drug overdose?

the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. An overdose is widely considered harmful and dangerous as it can result in death 4/24/12

Please explain nuclear magnetic resonance? (NMR)


effective is it? Why is it controversial? What did Nice recommend? What were the legal battles? How will extending provision affect the NHS?


trials? Northwick park trials, what happened? What are drugs trials and how are they organised? Who gives permission for them to go ahead? Who takes part in such trials? Do people know things could go wrong? How common are problems such as those seen in this trial?

What are Paracetamol and NSAIDs? COX-2 inhibitors? Opiates and morphinomimetics?


Please explain the synthesis of aspirin.

Add salicylic Acid Add acetic anhydride Add phosphoric acid as catalyst Heat at 70-80 degrees Add distilled water Cool in icebath Filter out solid aspirin

pharmaceutical companies out to produce medication for patients in need or are they just out to make a profit?


In hospital pharmacy, what do you understand by a "clean room"?

A pharmacy clean room is a low-level pollutant environment for the storage and preparation of medication in a hospital setting. Contaminants are constantly produced by facilities, machines and the people in the room. A clean room provides a locale where the air is constantly controlled.


What is enzyme and how it functions?

An enzyme is a protein molecule that is a biological catalyst to increase the rate of a reaction Provide another path which requires lower activation energy Highly specific Minute in amount

What is pharmacology?

The scientific study of drugs and their effects, especially in the treatment of disease.


Draw/Write a chemical reaction involving a drug and the body?


Tell me about the different drugs you would expect to find in a hospital setting in comparison to community?


What do you know about radiopharmaceutics?


What does the circle inside it indicate? Draw a methyl group, aldehyde etc......


Talk about latest news in pharmacy


Where do you see yourself in this profession?


Please tell me about a current issue in the media relating to pharmacy?


What reaction makes proteins from amino acids? Draw a section of a protein. What is the name of the link between individual amino acids? Condensation reaction makes a protein
from amino acids. Link between amino acids is called a peptide bond


protein. How is this drug administered? What other ways could it be Insulin is a administered? drug that is a protein, this
drug is taken through insulin injections this is because it cannot be taken orally due to the digestive enzymes in the stomach which will break the insulin down thus it having no effect.

What are some challenges that pharmacists face?


Changing roles of a pharmacist and being able to adapt to it Increase in technological advancements i.e prescription machines allowing patients to get their own medication from prescriptions Stereotypes i.e. people assume pharmacists as counting pills

What roles do you see pharmacists taking on in the future?

Electronic prescriptions All pharmacists doing supplementary prescribing More health checks


Why should we pick you over other qualified applicants?


involved with extracurricular activities. Do you think you can handle balancing extracurricular activities with pharmacy school?


Youre in a group and you think the group is heading in the wrong direction, how would you voice your opinion? And can you give an example where you handled a similar situation?


drugs erythromycin enteric coated tablets drug classes role of pharmacists in society


prescribing powers, and what services pharmacists could offer people to take pressure off GPs


Q's on proteins e.g. why are they good at binding, why are proteins better at being drugs than small synthetically made molecules, examples of protein drugs (not including insulin), how you could synthetically made proteins

Why Pharmacy? What other health-care professions had i considered studying/entering? Did i enjoy my workexperience and what did i learn from it? Talk to me about a drug that is/has been in the news recently? 4/24/12

inject a drug and when you would choose to give drugs as a pill? where drugs come from? Why is pharmacy considered as a profession?


Drugs taken in the form of pills and capsules are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. Sublingual tablets that dissolve in the mouth are usually absorbed faster than medication that is swallowed. The same is true of suppositories that are absorbed through the membrane of the rectum. Nasal sprays enter the bloodstream more quickly by being 4/24/12 absorbed through the membrane

a) why pharmacy? b) a mental arithmetic question (i had what is 7% of 500) c) what did you learn during your work experience? d) what does a pharmacist do? (talk about the new contract, cholesterol + diabetes testing in community pharmacies etc) e) what area of pharmacy do you see 4/24/12 yourself working in?

Why Nottingham?


what skills and qualities I have that a pharmacist requires


why pharmacy


what the biggest contributors to ill health are in the UK and how they affect the body,


Why Shake Liquid Medicine Before Taking?

so that the active drug mixes properly with the liquid medium. In any liquid medicine there are two important ingredients - active drug and liquid medium. If the active drug is lighter, it floats on top of the liquid medium and you can get overdosed if you take the medicine without shaking it. In case the active drug is heavy, it settles at the bottom and if 4/24/12 taken without shaking, you may get

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