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BY Mahesh Chowdhary S.Raghava Rao E.Santhosh Kumar

Career planning consists of activities and actions that you

take to achieve your individual career goals.

A career is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provides continuity , order & meaning to a persons life. -Edwin B. Flippo

Self Assessment

Job Search

Individual career planning process

Academic/ Career options

Relevant /Practical Experience

1. Self- Assessment
Aware of the interrelationship

between self and occupational choice Start by:

Learning interests, abilities, skills,



and work values Listing accomplishments Understanding physical and psychological needs Assessing aspirations and motivation level



2. Academic / Career options

Investigate the world of work in greater depth,

narrow a general occupational direction into a specific one

Start by: Learning academic and career entrance requirements Investigating education and training required Learning skills and experience required Planning academic and career alternatives Learning job market trends

3. Relevant / Practical experience

Gain practical experience through internships,

cooperative education etc.. Start by: Testing new skills and try diverse experiences Deciding the type of organization in which to volunteer or work Assessing likes and dislikes of work values, skills, work environments, Assessing if additional/different coursework or skills are needed for your targeted career goals

4. Job Search
Start by: Learning how to prepare resume and cover letters, and complete employment applications Learning and implementing job search strategies Learning and practicing interviewing skills
Narrow your choices

Career Planning Functions:

Explore your interests and abilities Strategically plan your career goals Create your future work success by designing learning and

action plans to help in achieving your goals.

The major focus is matching personal goals and opportunities

that are realistically available.

Career planning is building bridges from ones current

job/career to next job/career.

A typical Employee
views a career planning Programme as a path to upward mobility

The manager

Win-Win situation for all

sees career planning as a retention And motivational tool

The top management

view it as a tool for succession planning

Organizational career planning process

Projected Outcome

Career planning options Transitions Career Time


Organizational career planning process

1. Direction

Assessing employee wants and organizational needs common goal setting

2. Career time
Relates to distance & speed of an employee How far & how fast can employee move on career path?? 3. Transition Relates to changes expected to a career goal Analyzing transition factors Setting goals and a timetable

4. Career planning options

Advancement. Lateral Change to Lower Grade Mobility.

Job Enrichment
Exploratory Research

5. Projected Outcome Calculate the risks attached How well will it pay off?

Some important guidelines

Employees Discuss any concerns regarding career or professional development with supervisor Its your career, take all necessary initiative Supervisors/ Managers Make career planning an ongoing process Explain employees importance of growth, need for change Personal commitment

Acquire skills to be a good developer Give essential feedback to employees Provide a work environment that is conducive Supportive and motivational atmosphere

Existence of supportive organizational structure suitable

to employees needs Provide resources dollars and time

A deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to

ensure leadership continuity in key positions, retain and develop intellectual and knowledge capital for the future, and encourage individual advancement.
Getting the right number of people with the right skills,

experiences, and competencies in the right jobs at the right time.

How Succession Planning Helps Organizations

Engages senior management in a disciplined review of

organizational talent Guides development activities of staff Brings HR systems into alignment Assures continuity of key positions / Avoids transition problems Assures new managers are prepared for their jobs Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Focus on Organizational Effectiveness

1. Identify Candidates for SP

2. Build Candidate Profiles

3. Assess Readiness

4. Conduct Leadership Skills Assessment (LSA) Session

5. Modify/Update Development Goals & Action Plan

Identify candidates for succession through selfnomination process Managers review list of candidates

Candidate builds the profile by: Collecting relevant performance information Documenting work history Conducting selfassessment

Manager completes:
Review 360 rollup Review the profile & selfassessment Rate candidates readiness to assume greater responsibility Rate Risk for Separation Identify positions for future succession Aggregate Readiness Assessments

Review Roles & LSA process Discuss candidates against succession needs and each other - Strengths - Weaknesses Finalize readiness ratings

Conduct Feedback meeting with each Candidate Candidate updates Development Plan & Goals in Development Engine

Compile list of candidates


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