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Human machine interface


Human Machine Interface (HMI) Systems provide the controls by which a user operates a machine, system, or instrument. HMI gives the ability to the operator, and the management to view the plant in real time and have alarm management that can warn the operator of a problem. It can log and print all the alarms in real time, which can help the management to improve the production and efficiency which can help the management to improve the production and efficiency. Human machine interfaces vary widely, from control panels for nuclear power plants to the screen and input buttons on a cell phone

HMI's main functionality is to monitor, supervise, and control processes. Human Machine Interface can display texts, pictures, bar graphs, bitmap and animated pictures. More importantly it can also display System messages, reports, alarms, trends and manipulate string values and calculate bolean operations and more complex math operations. Two components are needed in a human machine interface. The first is an input. A human user needs some way to tell the machine what to do, to make requests of the machine, or to adjust the machine. Examples of input devices include keyboards, toggles, switches, touch screens, joysticks, and mice. All of these devices can be utilized to send commands to a system or even an interlinked set of systems.

The interface also requires an output, which allows the machine to keep the human user updated on the progress of commands, or to execute commands in physical space. On a computer, for example, users have a screen which can display information. A robot, on the other hand, may move in response to commands and store data on a hard drive so that people can see how the robot responds, learns, and navigates the world. Outputs can also include things as simple as status lights which alert people when toggles or switches have been activated.

Operators play an important part in the humanmachine dialogue.They must use the information they have to perform actions that make the machines and installations run properly without endangering safety and availability. It is therefore crucial that the interfaces and dialogue functions are designed to ensure that operations can be performed reliably in all circumstances.


Information flow in the human-machine interface A human-machine interface (C Fig.1) uses two information flows in two directions: - Machine -> Human - Human -> Machine These flows are independent yet linked. Independent Because their content can be on different levels. The levels are defined by the designer of the automation system according to the requirements of the process and what the user wants, such as discrete signals from the operator to the machine, alphanumerical or animated diagram messages from the machine to the operator. Linked Because the automation system interprets an operator action on a control interface as a specifically defined action and, in return, emits information that depends on whether the action was properly performed or not. The operator can either act by his own decision (stop production, modify data, etc.) or in response to a message from the machine (alarm, end of cycle etc)

Role of the operator The operating interface includes all the functions required for controlling and supervising the operation of a machine or installation. Depending on the requirements and complexity of the process, the operator may have to perform. Regular process run tasks - stop and start the process; both steps may include start and stop procedures that are automatic or manual or semi-automatic and controlled by the operator; - operate the controls and make the adjustments required for regular process run and monitor its progress. Tasks to deal with unexpected events detect abnormal situations and undertake corrective action before the situation disturbs the process further (e.g. for early warning of motor overload, restoring normal load conditions before the overload relay trips); - deal with system failure by stopping production or implementing downgraded operation using manual controls instead of automatic ones to keep production running; - ensure safety of people and property by operating safety devices if necessary.

Quality of interface design The quality of the operating interface design can be measured by the ease with which an operator can detect and understand an event and how efficiently he can respond. Detect Any change in a machines operating conditions is usually seen by a change in or display of information on an indicator, display unit or screen. The operator must, above all, be able to detect the event in any environmental conditions (ambient lighting, etc.). Different means can be employed to attract attention: flashing information, colour change, sound signal, anti-reflection devices, etc. Understand To prevent any action that might endanger safety, the information the operator sees must be legible and accurate enough to be immediately understood and used. This is as much a matter of the ergonomics of the components as of the function design: - for a pilot light: use of the standard colour, fast and slow flashing clearly differentiated, etc.; - for a display unit: clear texts in the language of the user, adequate reading distance, etc.; - for a screen: use of standard symbols, zoom giving a detailed view of the area the message involves, etc.

Depending on what message the machine sends, the operator may have to act swiftly by pressing one or more buttons or keys. This action is Respond facilitated by: clear markings to identify buttons and keys easily, such as standard symbols on buttons; clever ergonomics with large buttons, touch keys, etc.

Human-machine interface is probably the sector in automation which has made the greatest progress in the last few years. This progress is due to increasingly sophisticated and user-friendly electronics and signal processing. With the right choice of interface and its configuration, users can control processes with ever greater exactness and undertake diagnostics and preventive maintenance to increase productivity e.

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