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Submitted by : dilip vaishnav

Definitions Why cryptography is important? Available technologies Benefits & problems

Definition & Overview

Cryptography a word with Greek origins which means SECRET WRITING.

Today in this modern age of communication the data security is must which is provided to us by cryptography.

Cryptography Encryption Plain text Cipher text Decryption Cipher text Plain text Cryptanalysis Cryptology

Defending against external/internal hackers Securing E-commerce Securing bank accounts/electronic transfers Securing intellectual property

Plaintext The original message before being transformed .

Ciphertext After the message is transformed to encrypted message. Cipher The algorithms used to encrpt or decrypt the

Key In cryptography,a key is a piece of information that determines the functional output of a cryptographic algorithm or cipher.

Cryptographic algorithms are of two types : 1. Symmetric key or Secret key. 2. Asymmetric key or Public key.

In this same key is used by both the parties. The sender uses this key and an encryption algo. To encrypt data. The receiver uses the same key and the corresponding decryption algo. to decrypt the data.

In this case there are two keys that is PRIVATE KEY AND PUBLIC KEY The private key is kept by the receiver and the public key is announced to the public. It means the encrypt and decrypt keys are different from each other.

Suppose alice wants to send a message to bob. Alice uses the public key to encrypt and when the message is received by bob , the private key is used to decrypt the message.

There are 3 types of keys 1. secret key used in symmetric cryptography. 2. public key used in asymmetric cryptogrphy. 3. private key used in asymmetric cryptography.

DES (Data Encryption Standard) and

derivatives: double DES and triple DES IDEA (International Data Encryption Standard) Blowfish RC5 (Rivest Cipher #5) AES (Advance Encryption Standard)

RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) DH (Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement

Algorithm) ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Algorithm) RPK (Raike Public Key)

Data secrecy Data integrity Authentication of message originator Electronic certification and digital signature Non-repudiation

False sense of security if badly implemented Government regulation of cryptographic technologies/export restrictions Encryption prohibited in some countries

There is one more way to secure your data that is Stegnography. Steganography covered writing is an art of hiding information Popular contemporary steganographic technologies hide information in images

Image in which to hide another image

Image to hide within the other image

Image with other hidden within

Recreated image

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