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Hypophysis -Sella turcia (sphenoid bone) A) anterior lobe (Adrenohypophysis) : glandular ( ) * Oropharynx Ectoderm A-1 (pars distalis) -chromophils

ls (x: acidophils y: basophils ) Acidophil: growth hormone, prolactin Basophil: ACTH, FSH, LH, TSH -chromophobes (z: chromophobe ) -S: sinusoid ( endocrine BV ~) A-2 (pars intermedia) -colloid vesicles pars intermedia -: colloid -MSH: B) posterior lobe (Neurohypophysis) : neuronal due to unmyelinated axons. *origin- 3rd ventricle neuronal ectoderm ~ *oxytocin, vasopressin(ADH) (pars nervosa) p: pituicyte (glial cell- astrocyte like function) *Herring body: ( hypothalamus)

<Endocrine Organs>

Thyroid gland - colloid follicle . -f: follicular cell (basophilic cells w/ microvilli) : thyroid H , , : squamous(), cuboidal(), columnar()

-I: interstitial tissue(= interfollicular tissue) Follicle tissue

-p: parafollicular cell=c cell (in interfollicular tissue) : interstitial tissue , clump . : Calcitonin ( Ca++ -> )

Parathyroid gland -c: chief cell *more #ous, parathormone PTH: Ca++ (<-> parafollicular cell ) -o: oxyphil cell *single, clumped/ larger/ : eosinophilic

Adrenal gland -c: cortex (mesoderm origin) <> Zona glomerulosa (): round ovoid clusters, mineralocorticoid Zona fasciculata (): parallel cords, large foamy cells, glucocorticoid Zona reticularis (): branching or anastomosing cords, cells ACTH -> gonadocorticoid

-m: medulla (neural crest origin) medulla. *Chromaffin cell , cell Epinephrine, Norepinephrine

Pancreas (H&E Gomori) -Islet of Langerhans ( ) A) A cell: periphery , Glucagon B) B cell: center , cord , Insulin *: pancreatic acini

: B cell : A cell :

<Lymphatic Organs> No afferent lymphatic vessels in the lymphatic organs that weve seen during class except for lymph node!! APC dendritic cell, macrophage, b cell etc. B cell: Nave B cell, Effector B cell (=Plasma cell) T cell: Nave T cell, Effector T cell (Cytotoxic T cell and Helper T cell) *Helper T cell: MHC class II (CD4+/ APC) Th1: macrophage , Th2: , allergic reaction Cytotoxic T cell: MHC class I (CD8+), Perforin/ Granzyme Ileum -GALT: gut associated lymphoid tissue / MALT: mucosa associated lymphoid tissue - epithelium lamina propria loose CT lymphatic cells . . -Peyers patch: Aggregated lymphatic nodules. No capsule, food antigen Follicle B-cell Germinal center T-cell Epithelium Simple columnar, Peyers patch Epithelium Simple Squamous => Gut lumen epithelium M cell

Lymph node *2 : effector T, B . , (plasma cell ), -: , , , axillary, inguinal -cap: capsule / sin: sinus ( ) -C: cortex ( basophilic w/ nodules) 1) Outer cortex Lymphoid follicle (lymphatic nodule): B-cell zone Subcapsular sinus: capsule sinus *Germinal center: lymphatic nodule , : B cell proliferation, maturation (Ag ) helper cell: follicular helper T cell, follicular dendritic cell 2) Inner cortex (paracortex) Diffused lymphatic tissue loose , T-cell T-cell : interdigitating dendritic cells *HEV(high endothelial venule) : venule squamous , HEV which are postcapillary venules simple cuboidal/ columnar. Basal lamina x2. => t-cell . -M: medulla *Medullary cord sinus . Cord: diffused LT, reticular tissue + , , , Medullary sinus: cord trabecula , efferent LV . : afferent lymphatics-> subcapsular sinus-> trabecular sinus -> medullary sinus-> efferent lymphatics

Palatine Tonsil ( lobe !!) -MALT, GALT . -tonsil : palatine, lingual, pharyngeal, tubal -hemi capsulated -tonsilar ring: aggregated lymphatic nodules, germinal center. -tonsilar crypt: , stratified squamous epithelium.

Spleen - , secondary lymphoid organ -: , , , , -framework: trabecula , capsule, reticular tissue -no afferent lymphatics, no lymphatic sinuses, no HEV -Open and Closed circulation . (central a.-> penicullar arteriole->capillary-> open or closed circulation) 1) White pulp (~ ) - . -PALS (periarteriolar lymphoid sheath= periarterial lymphatic sheath) : central a. , T cell zone, diffused LT. -lymphatic nodule (splenic follicle) : B cell zone, germinal center -marginal zone (white pulp ) : , . (red & white), ( , ) marginal B cell . 2) Red pulp (RBC , white pulp ) -loosely organized, trabecula white pulp , -Splenic cord: reticular cell reticular fiber reticular tissue macrophage, RBC, -Splenic sinus: , , RBC.

Thymus ( Tcell w/ dendritic cells) *Palatine tonsil nodule . LACKS FOLLICLES -Primary lymphoid organ for T-cells (Primary lymphoid organ 2: Thymus & Bone marrow) -, fat tissue , lobule .

-Framework Capsule: dense irregular CT Reticular tissue ( epithelial reticular cell cellular reticulum t-lymphocyte ) No nodules (thus no b cells)
1) Cortex t- Cortex t, Epithelial reticular cell (cortex , cell.) 98% thymocyte macrophage . 2) Medulla cortex (a lot more mature t cells) Epithelial reticular cell (acidophilic) Blood thymus barrier Hassalls thymic corpuscle : epithelial reticular cell . (type 4 epithelioreticular cells) Postcapillary venule : t .

Bronchus a) Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium b) Lamina propria c) Muscularis mucosae d) Submucosa: Serous gland e) Tunica adventitia f) Cart. Plate (hyaline cart. x2 )

<Respiratory System>

TRACHEA 1. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. 2. Lymphocyte, mucous gland (goblet cell), trachelis mm.(post. wall), serous gland 3. Hyaline cart. (type II collagen) 4. Submucosa mixed gland * cell: ciliated columnar cell, goblet cell, basal cell, brush cell, small granule cell(catecholamines)

1 2 3 4

tunica mucosa tunica submucosa fibro-elastic layer tunica adventitia

Stained with h&e

Epiglottis 1) Elastic cart. (type II collagen + elastin) 2) Fat tissue . -ant. surface (=lingual surface/ AS): nonkeratinized stratified squamous epi. -post. surface (=pharyngeal surface/ PS): (sup. part- nonkeratinized stratified squamous epi. inf. part- respiratory epi. , epiglottic glands(eg) in lamina propria) Larynx : produce sound, close trachea during swallowing a) Ventricle: b) c) elongated lateral recess *ventricular folds (vf): pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. serous gland many lymph nodules in mucosa

b) False vocal cord

c) True vocal cord Stratified squamous epi. Mucous gland, vocalis muscle, vocal lig. Submucosa: muscle layer (vocalis m.) Blood vessels .

Nasal conchae *Goblet cell Respiratory portion respiratory portion~~ olfactory portion 1. Respiratory portion - Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. (w/ goblet cells) - Lamina propria: mucoseous glands

2. -

Olfactory portion Lamina propria venous plexus . Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. (goblet cell !!) Serous glands in lamina propria: Bowmans gland cell: olfactory n. cells (oc-bipolar neuron), sustentacular cells(sus), brush cells(w/ microvilli), basal cells(bsc-stem cell)


Vestibule: stratified squamous epi.

~ 1) Conducting Portion Respiratory Portion ciliation , cartilage(conducting portion bronchiole ), cell (columnar->cuboidal), smooth muscle , elastic tissue Conducting Portion *Bronchiole: Clara cell(CC) (nonciliated columnar cell, ptn.) *Terminal bronchiole(tb): mucosa folding, simple ciliated columnar, goblet cells(X) : tb rb Respiratory Portion *Respiratory bronchiole (rb) : nonciliated cuboidal epi. , elastic fiber & smooth mm., alveoli in the wall *Alveolar duct: w/ numerous alveoli, simple squamous epi. cells, *Alveoli: saccular compartment, exchange of O2 and CO2 Lung -Mixed gland -Bronchiole: pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium -Terminal bronchiole: ciliated simple columnar epithelium -Respiratory bronchiole: ciliated cuboidal simple cuboidal alveolar duct-> alveolar sac-> alveoli

Lung Cell ~ 1. Clara cell : ciliated cell , NON ciliated cuboidal cell, secretory granulesin (protein bronchiole surface inflammation. *Alveolar septum : fibroelastic tissue (elastic fiber, collagen type I and III), reticular fiber, GAG, lymphocytes, mast cell, monocyte, pericyte, septal cells, capillaries(endothelial cells), type I and II pneumocytes, alveolar macrophage(MPS, , pulmonary surfactant degrade) Air blood barrier: type I pneumocyte, basal lamina of alveolar epi., basal lamina of capillary endothelium, endothelial cells of capillaries, plasma memb. of RBC 1. Type I pneumocyte (=pulmonary epithelial cell): squamous, 97% 2. Type II pneumocyte (=great alveolar cell): round , surfactant, type I but 5%, lamellar bodies (phospholipid, surfactant) *Surfactant : surface tension , alveoli inflation , collapse.

Ureter 1. Transitional Epithelium 2. 3: a) mucosa b)muscularis c)adventitia (*SUBMUCOSA) 3. Muscularis (internal longitudinal, intermediate circular, external longitudinal) *Transitional Epithelium cuboidal , cell , flat squamous . Urinary bladder ** (Ureter ) Ureter muscle while Ureter . -Transitional Epithelium -Ureter submucosa . mucosa mm.. Muscularis 3

<Urinary System>

Penis -Urethra Initially, the urethra is lined by a transitional epithelium in males and females. In males, it is replaced by a pseudostratified or stratified columnar epithelium below the openings of the ejaculatory ducts into the urethra. The distal end of the male urethra are lined by a stratified squamous epithelium. The lamina propria contains loose connective tissue. Smooth muscle cells in the muscularis are mainly oriented longitudinally. They are surrounded, in the middle part of the urethra (below the prostate in males), by striated muscle cells of the sphincter urethrae.

Kidney -capsule, cortex (nephron) , medulla(tubule ) Medullary ray straight tubules collecting ducts . 1. Cortex -Nephron= Renal corpuscle (=glomerulus+Bowmans capsule) + tubule system *Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JUX) : a structure that functions in the regulation of blood pressure : macula densa + juxtaglomerular cells + extraglomerular mesangial cells MA: columnar epi. cells near distal tubule, NaCl , renin JC: smooth muscle cells w/ secretory granules containing renin ( ) EC(Lacis cell): afferent and efferent arteriole cell/ vascular pole , interact w/ JC and MA to regulate *glomerulus: arterial portal system Glomerular capillary: fenestration Intraglomerular mesangial cells: phagocytosis(filtration), capillary support, blood flow by angiotensin stimulation *Bowmans capsule a) Parietal layer: simple squamous b) Visceral layer: podocyte *filtration barrier: endothelial cell, basal lamina, filtration slit of podocyte

2. Medulla -tubule ~ Proximal tubule(P) microvilli => lumen , smooth Distal tubule(D) microvilli => lumen clear smooth. Tubule: simple cuboidal

Endothelium: simple squamous epithelium Subendothelial layer: loose connective tissue(fibroblast+collagen fiber)+smooth muscle fiber Subendocardial layer: loose connective tissue+smooth muscle fiber

Myocardium: cross striation, intercalated disc Epicardium

**cardiac skeleton(dense connective tissue)

**Purkinje fiber( H&E , )

Subepicardial layer: loose connective tissue(coronary blood vessels, nerves, adipose tissue) Mesothelium: simple squamous epithelium

Semilunar valve

-: Verhoeff -Endocardium -annulus fibrosus connective tissue core valve central core

: (Elastic artery) : Verhoeff Tunica intima: muscular a.
Endothelium: simple squamous epi. Subendothelial CT Internal elastic lamina: !

Tunica media:

Tunica adventitia:

elastic lamellae 40-70 smooth muscle fiber External elastic lamina Loose CT Vasa vasorum(arteriole, venule), nervous tissue

Renal artery

: (muscular artery) : H&E Verhoeff Tunica intima:

Endothelium: simple squamous epi. Subendothelial layer: dense CT Internal elastic membrane:

Tunica media:

Tunica adventitia: muscular a. ! Renal vein .

Loose CT with collagenous fiber&fibroblast

smooth muscle fiber collagenous, elastic fiber External elastic membrane:

: (arteriole), (venule) Tunica intima
Endothelial layer: simple squanous epi. Subendothelial layer Internal elastic membrane: H&E , smooth muscle fiber External elastic membrane CT

Tunica media

Tunica adventitia

Toe skin
Glomus: highly coiled arteriovenous shunt collagenous CT

Glomus highly coiled vessel transverse section glomus vessel lumen Thick skin dermis !

AV shunt: capillary bypass artery vein :

1. epicardium/myocardium/en Renal artery docardium 1. Muscular artery 2. endocardium 2. Tunica adventitia subendocardial layer 3. Internal elastic lamina 3. Aortic semilunar valve 2. Tunica media 3. Vasa vasorum arteriole

Semilunar valve

Toe skin


1. Semilunar valve 2. Endocardium, connective tissue core 3. Verhoeff 1. Elastic artery

1. Glomus 2. Thick skin dermis 3. AV shunt

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