Attitudes - Lecture

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A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.

Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall


Attitude Characteristics

Is lasting because it tends to endure over time. Is general because it applies to more than a momentary event. Has three components - beliefs, affect, and behavioural intentions.





A Simple Representation of the Tricomponent Attitude Model


Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall


The Tricomponent Model

Cognitive Affective Conative
The knowledge and perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with the attitude object and related information from various sources

Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall

The Tricomponent Model

Cognitive Affective Conative

A consumers emotions or feelings about a particular product or brand

Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall


The Tricomponent Model

Cognitive Affective Conative

Copyright 2007 by Prentice Hall

The likelihood or tendency that an individual will undertake a specific action or behave in a particular way with regard to the attitude object

ABC Model of Attitudes

Attitude has three interrelated components:
Affect: the way a consumer feels about an attitude


Behavior: persons intentions to do something

with regard to an attitude object. attitude object

Cognition: beliefs a consumer has about an .

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Attitude Components


Can be positive, negative, or neutral May or may not be accurate May contradict other beliefs held by the other person


An individuals plan or expectations of what he or she will do May appear inconsistent with beliefs May not predict well what the individual will do in reality


May be positive or negative May take on specific dimension (e.g., pleasure, disgust)


Discussion Question
Explain your attitude toward your college/university

based on the tricomponent attribute model. Be sure to isolate the cognitive, affective, and conative elements


Functional Theory of Attitudes

Katz: attitudes exist because they serve some


UTILITARIAN FUNCTION: Relates to rewards and punishments

VALUE-EXPRESSIVE FUNCTION: Expresses consumers values or self-concept

EGO-DEFENSIVE FUNCTION: Protect ourselves from external threats or internal feelings

KNOWLEDGE FUNCTION: Need for order, structure, or meaning


Utilitarian function is related to the basic principles of reward and punishment. We develop some attitudes toward products simply on the basis of whether these products provide pleasure or pain. If a person likes the taste of a cheeseburger, that person will develop a positive attitude toward cheeseburgers. Ads that stress straightforward product benefits (e.g., you should drink Diet Coke "just for the taste of it") appeal to the utilitarian function.


Attitudes that perform a value-expressive function express the consumer's central values or self-concept. A person forms a product attitude not because of objective product benefits, but rather because of what using the product says about him or her as a person (e.g., "What sort of man reads Playboy?"). Value-expressive attitudes are highly relevant to life-style analyses, where consumers cultivate a cluster of activities, interests, and opinions to express a particular social identity.


Attitudes that are formed to protect the person, either from external threats or internal feelings of insecurity, perform an ego-defensive function. An early marketing study indicated that housewives in the 1950s resisted the use of instant coffee because it threatened their conception of themselves as capable coffeemakers. Products that promise to help a man project a "macho" image (e.g., Marlboro cigarettes) may be appealing to his insecurities about his masculinity. Many deodorant campaigns stress the dire, embarrassing consequences of being caught with underarm odor in public.

Some attitudes are formed as the result of a need for order, structure, or meaning. This need is often present when a person is in an ambiguous situation or is confronted with a new product (e.g., "Bayer wants you to know about pain relievers")

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Relationship between Belief, Attitude and Behavior

Customer possesses specific belief and attitude towards various products. Since such beliefs and attitudes make up brand image and affect consumer buying behavior therefore marketers are interested in them. Marketers can change the beliefs and attitudes of customers by launching special campaigns in this regard.


Subjective judgments about the Subjective judgments about the relationship between two or more things


Consumer Belief
A belief is a descriptive thought that a person has about something. A person may believe that a certain cooking oil 'x' has the lowest fat content and is best for health. This belief may be based on some real facts or it may merely be a notion or opinion that the person has.


Why Belief is Important

The belief that the customer has about a brand is important because it determines his behavior towards buying and using it. The beliefs constitute the brand image, and if the customer has the wrong beliefs he is likely to generate a negative image about the brand. The marketer must ensure that consumers have all relevant and correct information about the brand to facilitate formation of a positive brand image.


Behavior v/s Beliefs

B e h a v i o B u e r


A Sampling of Consumer Beliefs

If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably

You cant believe what most advertising says

these days. retire.

People need less money to live on once they Its not safe to use credit cards on the Internet. Appliances today are not as durable as they

were 20 years ago.

Extended warranties are worth 4/25/12 the money.

Attitude is a person's enduring feeling, evaluation and tendency towards a particular idea or object. Starting from childhood, attitudes develop over the time with each fresh knowledge input, experience and influence. Attitudes get settled into specific patterns and are difficult to change. It is easier to market a product which fits in well with the existing patterns of attitudes rather than change the attitudes to fit a new product concept.


Properties of attitudes:
Properties of attitudes:
--Valence: Whether the attitude is positive, negative or neutral Extremity: The intensity of liking or disliking Resistance: Degree to which the attitude is immune to change Confidence: Belief that attitude is correct Accessibility: How easily the attitude can be retrieved from memory


How Do Attitudes Influence Behavior?

We tend to assume that people behave in accordance with their attitudes. However, social psychologists have found that attitudes and actual behavior are not always perfectly aligned. After all, plenty of people support a particular candidate or political party and yet fail to go out and vote.


Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to behave according to their attitudes under certain conditions:
When your attitudes are the result of personal


When you are an expert in the subject. When you expect a favorable outcome. When the attitudes are repeatedly expressed. When you stand to win or lose something due to the



Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance is a phenomenon in which a person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or beliefs. In order to reduce this tension, people may change their attitudes to reflect their other beliefs or actual behaviors. Imagine the following situation: You've always placed a high value on financial security, but you start dating someone who is very financially unstable. In order to reduce the tension caused by the conflicting beliefs and behavior, you have two options. You can end the relationship and seek out a partner who is more 4/25/12

Relationships between consumer beliefs, feelings, attitudes and intentions


Multiattribute Model (Fishbein Model)

Aj = BijIi Where:
i = attribute or product characteristic j= brand

Such that:
A = the consumers attitude score for brand j I = the importance weight given to attribute i by the consumer B = the consumers belief as to the extent to which a satisfactory
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of attribute i is offered by brand

Marketing Strategies of Attitude Change


Changing the consumers basic motivational function event

2. Associating the product with an admired group or 3. Resolving two conflicting attitudes 4. Altering components of the multi-attribute model 5. Changing Brand beliefs



Changing consumer's basic Motivational Function

An effective Strategy for changing consumer attitudes toward a product or brand is to make particular needs important. Attitudes can be classified in terms of four functions
Utilitarian function Ego Defensive function Value expressive function Knowledge function


Utilitarian function
One way of changing attitudes in favor of a product is by showing people that it can serve a utilitarian purpose that they may not have considered.

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Ego Defensive Function

Most people want to protect their self images from inner feelings of doubt- they want to replace their uncertainty with a sense of security and personal confidence. Ads for cosmetics and personal care products, by acknowledging this need increase both their relevance to the consumer and the likelihood of a favorable attitude change by offering reassurance to the consumers self concept.

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Value Expressive function

Attitudes are an expression or reflection of the consumers general values, lifestyles and outlook. If a segment of consumers has a positive attitude towards owning the latest personal communication devices, then their attitudes toward new electronic devices are likely to reflect their orientation. Thus by knowing target consumers attitudes, marketers can better anticipate their values, lifestyle or outlook and can reflect these characteristics in their advertising.

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The knowledge function

Indeed many product and brand positioning are attempts to the need to know and to improve the consumers attitudes toward the brand by emphasizing its advantages over competitive brands.

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2. Associating he product with a special group, event or cause

Attitudes are related, at least in part, to certain groups, social events or causes. It is possible to alter attitudes toward products, services and brands by pointing out their relationships to particular groups, events or causes. C:\Users\faheem\Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\ Zong's Manchester United Ad - YouTube.flv

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3.Resolving two conflicting attitudes

Attitude change strategies can sometimes resolve actual or potential conflict between two attitudes. Specifically, if consumers can be made to see that their negative attitude towards a product, specific brand or its attributes is really not in conflict with another attitude, they may be induced to change their evaluation of the brand ( i.e., moving from negative to positive)

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4.Altering components of the multi-attribute model

A. Changing the relative evaluation of attributes A. Changing brand beliefs B. Changing an attribute C. Changing the over all brand rating


A. Changing the relative evaluation of attributes

The overall market for many product categories is often set out so that different consumer segments are offered different brands with different features or benefits. When it comes to cola, the market is divided into regular colas and diet colas, or when it comes to teas, there is division between regular teas and green teas. In general when a product category is naturally is divided according to distinct product features or benefits appeal to a particular segment of consumers, marketers usually may have an opportunity to persuade consumers to cross over, that is to persuade consumers who prefer one version of 4/25/12 the product, to

B. Changing brand beliefs

A second cognitive- oriented strategy for changing attitudes concentrates on changing beliefs or perceptions about the brand itself.

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C. Adding an Attribute
This can be accomplished either by adding an attribute that previously has been ignored or one that represents an improved or technological innovation. C:\Users\faheem\Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\Sahir Lodhi in new Ariel Commercial 2011 - YouTube.flv


D. Changing the overall Brand Rating

Another cognitive-oriented strategy consists of attempting to alter consumers overall assessment of brand directly, without attempting to improve or change the evaluation of any single brand attribute C:\Users\faheem\Videos\RealPlayer Downloads\ Harpic 5X Pakistan..wmv - YouTube.flv


5. Changing beliefs about competitors brands

Another approach to attitude change strategy involves changing consumer beliefs about the attributes of competitive brands or product categories.

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