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Objectives Introduction to Cloud Computing How Open Source + Java can drive Cloud Computing and change the dynamics of Cloud Space Why Java is suitable for Cloud Q&A

2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 1

To briefly describe Cloud Computing
Cloud Types Cloud Deployment Models Some Cloud Computing Use Cases

How Java professionals can leverage Cloud Computing How Open Source is fuelling the Cloud Computing growth Demystifying the perception Cloud is Elastic Infrastructure

2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 2

Evolution of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing SaaS Computing Utility Computing Grid Computing Solving large problems with Parallel Computing Made mainstream By Global Alliance Network-based subscriptions to applications Gained momentum in 2001 Next-Generation Internet computing Next-Generation Data Centers

Offering computing resources as a metered service

Introduced in late 1990s

2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 3

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing promises to increase the velocity with which applications are deployed, increase innovation, and lower costs, all while increasing business agility. Cloud computing incorporates virtualization, on-demand deployment , Internet based delivery of services, and open source software. Cloud Computing is about how we invent, develop, deploy, scale, update, maintain, and pay for applications and the infrastructure on which they run. Cloud deployments can be Private, Public, Hybrid and Community based on the intended purpose and underlying implementation..

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Commercial Clouds

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Cloud Anatomy

Application Services(services on demand) - SaaS

Gmail, GoogleCalender Payroll, HR, CRM etc Sugarm CRM, IBM Lotus Live

Platform Services (resources on demand) - PaaS

Middleware, Integration, Messaging, Information, connectivity etc AWS, IBM Virtual images, Boomi, CastIron, Google AppEngine

Infrastructure as services(physical assets as services) - IaaS

IBM Blue house, VMWare, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure Platform, Sun Parascale and more

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Cloud Service Models

Driver Quickly gain new capabilities Agility Maximized Reuse SOA Select best in class point solutions with already well defined integration methods (EDI) Requires Application virtualization Challenges Governance Data security, privacy, and ownership 3rd party SLAs Integrated support Application monitoring tools

Driver Development of external facing web solutions Requires Understanding of SaaS application and data models Challenges Integration to backend systems Data security, privacy and ownership 3rd party SLAs

Driver Agility, Maximize efficiency Maximize ROA Cloudbursting and Storage on demand New compute intensive services Requires Server virtualization Service level agreements Automated infrastructure provisioning and orchestration Integrated systems management suite Internet bandwidth Challenges Security Application Silos

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Cloud Computing Success Stories

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Taxonomy for cloud computing

Service Consumers use the services provided through the cloud Service Providers manage the cloud infrastructure Service Developers create the services themselves (Notice that open standards are needed for the interactions between these roles.)
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How Open Source can drive Cloud Computing

The success of massive-scale systems like Google, eBay, and Amazon led to the rise of cloud computing and each of these companies built their highly customized systems on a huge scale with freely available, freely modifiable opensource software. Today, the dominant software stacks used in cloud computing environments are also open source.

Early adaptation in developer community makes Open Source software and tools an inavitable driver for Cloud.

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How Open Source can drive Cloud Computing ?

The interoperability, flexibility, affordability, early adoption of developer community and countless other benefits that open source and open standards deliver will be key as companies look for IT solutions that solve 21st century business problems.Open source is increasingly mainstream key open-source options: Java CAPS, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), SOAP and REST (CXF, Axis), ESBs (OpenESB, Mule, ServiceMix, JBossESB), messaging (ActiveMQ), governance (Galaxy), BPEL (ActiveBPEL, ODE), and more .. Apache Tuscany, OpenVPN etc.

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Open Source Cloud Implementation

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Comparison of OpenSource and Proprietary Cloud Solutions

Platform ISF

VMware Vsphere




Virtualization Management Virtual Network Management Image Management Service Contextualization

VMware, Xen


Xen, KVM


Xen, KVM, VMware

Yes Yes No

Yes Yes No

No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Administration Interface Hybrid Cloud Computing Cloud Interfaces Flexibility and Extensibility Open Source

Yes No No Yes No

Yes No vCloud No No

No No EC2 Yes GPL

No No WSRF, EC2 Yes Apache

Yes Yes EC2 Query Yes Apache

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OpenSource Marketplace for Cloud

delivers integrated middleware stacks based on components developed at Apache and provides commercial support and professional services around the Tungsten and Apache projects (i.e. Axis2, Sandesha, Rampart, Neethi, Axiom, and Synapse).

MuleSource In sponsors and supports the open source Mule ESB project. Mule is a leading open source ESB and integration platform, with hundreds of mission-critical production installations worldwide. Designed to support high-performance multi-protocol transactions, Mule can be used for system to system messaging, as transactional middleware, or as part of an application server. The extensible nature of the core Mule server, along with the open source code base, allows developers to maintain control of their infrastructure. Sponsors of Ubuntu (one of the most highly regarded Linux distributions, with millions of users around the world) is the centre of a global open source software ecosystem. Linux-focused open-source player Red Hat has been rapidly expanding its focus on cloud computing. Donated by Yahoo to Apache, this open-source cloud computing initiative is to manage web traffic, sessions, authentication, configuration, load balancing and routing for entire cloud computing software stacks. Acts as an overlay to raw cloud computing services.

2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 14

OpenSource Marketplace for Cloud..

Open-source Hadoop software framework is increasingly used in cloud computing deployments due to its flexibility with cluster-based, data-intensive queries and other tasks. Open-source software, built upon the legacy of the Cfengine system to manage large numbers of systems or virtual machines through automated routines, without having to do a lot of complex scripting. Open-source provisioning and management software, designed to take much of the complexity out of starting a cloud infrastructure. ECP is a programmable virtual cloud computing infrastructure for sm.all, medium and large businesses. This OpenSource cloud hosting infrastructure and cloud management software incorporates many open-source tools for public and private clouds and can also help you optimize a speedy implementation of the open-source MySQL database for cloud use. This open-source toolkit allows businesses to turn clusters into Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. The Amazon EC2 interface is carried over, but is not the only interface you can choose European open cloud project which offers many layers of cloud services and tools.

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OpenSource Marketplace for Cloud..

OpenNebula is an open-source virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic deployment and replacement of virtual machines on a pool of physical resources.

xTuple is a Commercial Open Source ERP for the Enterprise with ability to run their xTuple database in the cloud using Amazon EC2. EyeOS offers an open-source cloud computing platform that includes an Office Suite, Groupware application and a toolkit to develop specific Web applications. Abiquos abiCloud is hypervisor-agnostic, open-source cloud infrastructure management solution which supports Microsoft Hyper-V and lets users leverage "drag-and-drop" functionality to convert a running VMware hypervisor to Hyper-V. Selenium is an OpenSource portable software testing framework for web applications. It provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language. It provides a test domain specific language (DSL) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including Java, Ruby, Groovy, Python, PHP, and Perl. FlexMonkey is an open source Adobe AIR application used for testing Flex and AIR applications.

2008 Capgemini. All rights reserved 16

OpenSource Marketplace for Cloud..

Open source project that provides a generic framework to distribute work between machines efficiently. Open source business intelligence is the world's most widely used BI software enabling true multi-tenancy while providing a common platform for on-premise, virtualized, SaaS and Cloud deployments. Commercial open source alternative for Business Intelligence (BI), providing comprehensive reporting, OLAP analysis, dashboards, data integration/ETL, data mining and a BI platform Commercial open source global leader in open source enterprise backup and recovery for Cloud hosted DB. Open Source platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web. Acquia is a commercial open source company that offers products and services around the Drupal Web CMS. OpenLayers is an open source JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers. It provides an API for building rich web-based geographic applications similar to Google Maps and Bing Maps

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Java technology - 20 years old..tried..tested..trusted..widely adopted..excellent OpenSource communities and and perhaps with the largest developers community and clearly on the cusp of a new era in its evolution. Supports distributed environment deployment. Cluster management and extensive monitoring and management capabilities are supported by all major application servers. The EJB 3 programming model encourages stateless, idempotent, and atomic or transactional design which is most suitable for Cloud based web applications. Java EE 6 come with standardized packaging (EAR), which makes the provisioning of cloud apps relatively easy and EAR solves some cloud-interoperability issues: It's a lot easier to move an app from one cloud to another as a deployable archive. JVM itself comes with fantastic remote debugging, profiling, and monitoring capabilities. with JMX, you can build a perfect cloud-monitoring system. Java EE is extensible with JCA Java EE has become extremely lightweight. The whole GlassFish v3 EJB 3.1 container is smaller than one megabyte, can be dynamically installed and uninstalled, and is surprisingly "elastic." You can develop and deploy an application with only a few annotations. Also, Java EE is supported by multiple application servers, so your application is not dependent on a single vendor. Since Java EE 5, applications have become portable as well: There is no vendor-specific code or even XML configuration required. Moving your application from one server to another is not an empty slogan. Java EE is therefore more interoperable than the cloud itself and can be used as a lean abstraction layer between the bare cloud and your business logic. Failover is supported by every application server I know. it Capgemini. a You can start, stop and manage application servers on demand. e.g. GF v2 can do2008throughAll rights reserved 18

Major Players at a glance

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10Gen 3Leaf Systems 3Tera Akamai Amazon EC2 Apache Hadoop Appirio Appistry AppNexus Aptana Arjuna Asankya AT&T Bluewolf Boomi Box-Net CAM Solutions Cassatt Cisco Cloud9 Analytics Cloudera CloudHan Cloudscale CloudStatus Cloudworks CohesiveFT Cordys Dataline DATASiSAR Dell ElasticHosts Elastra EMC Engine Yard ENKI Enomalism Eucalyptus Citrix Fortress ITX GigaSpaces GoGrid/ServPath Google gOS Heroku HP Hyperic IBM iCloud Intuit Partner Platform Joyent JumpBox Kaavo Keynote Systems FlexiScale Morgan Stanley Morph Labs MorphExchange Nasstar Netsuite Nirvanix nScaled, Inc OpenNebula Qrimp RightScale Stax ThoughtExpress TrustSaaS UtilityStatus Xpack Microsoft Azure Microsoft Mesh Layered Technologies

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