Human Resource Development

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What is HRD?

The art of procuring, developing and maintaining a competent workforce to achieve the goals of the organization in an effective and efficient manner. Is concerned with the effective use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals. (Udai Pareek and T. V. Rao) A process by which the employees of an organization are helped in a continuous and planned way to: Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected future roles; Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner potential for their own and/or organizational development purposes; Develop an organizational culture in which superior-subordinate relationships, team work, and collaboration are strong and contribute recruiterbox to the professional well being, motivation and pride of employees.

HRD Philosophy

Human resources organizations.







Human resources can be developed to an unlimited extent. A healthy organizational climate (openness, trust, collaboration) is essential for developing human resources.

HRD can be planned and implemented to benefit both individuals and organizations.
If the organization is able to inculcate a spirit of belongingness in its employees, they will be more loyal and committed. TO ensure this healthy feeling, the organization has to provide for their basic as well as higher order needs through recruiterbox appropriate management styles and systems.

The commitment of employee increases when he/she is able to find opportunities to use his/her potential while at work. The managers must clear the paths, create a developmental climate and help employees realize their full potential. The higher the level of the manager the more attention should be paid to the HRD function in order to ensure its effectiveness. The maintenance of a healthy working climate and the development of its human resources are the responsibilities of every organization.

HRD: A Humanistic Approach

HRD: A Humanistic Approach

People can do better; they can do wonders Involve them, trust them and empower them; treat them as resources, as assets Focus on the strengths of people and help them overcome their weaknesses Integrate the needs and aspirations of individuals into the strategic goals and the mission of the organization for better results Encourage individual initiative and response by providing a fostering culture (openness, trust, collaboration, mutuality, etc.)

Features of HRD





HRD is a system: having several inter-dependant parts or subsystems; changes in any one subsystem leads to changes in other parts. HRD is a planned process: systematic way of developing people, and undertaken on a continuous basis. HRD involves development of competencies: at the individual, interpersonal, group and organizational levels HRD is an interdisciplinary concept HRD improves quality of life: of employees working at various levels in the organization HRD aims at offering a motivating environment recruiterbox

Differences between HRD & Personnel

Points of distinction Personnel Function HRD

Structure Philosophy Responsibility Motivators Outcomes

Maintenance oriented
An independent function independent sub functions Reactive function Exclusive responsibility personnel department

Development oriented
with Consists parts of inter-independent

Proactive function of Responsibility of all managers in the organization Emphasis on higher-order needs

Emphasis is on monetary rewards

Improved performance is the result Better use of human resources of improved satisfaction and leads to improved satisfaction and morale morale


Tries to improve the efficiency of Tries to develop the organization people and administration as a whole and its culture

Objectives of HRD

HRD aims at developing

The capabilities of each employee as an individual; The capabilities of each individual in relation to his or her present role; The capabilities of each employee in relation to his or her expected future role(s); The dyadic relationship between each employee and his or her employer; The team spirit and functioning in every organizational unit; Collaboration among different units of the organization; The organizations overall health and self-renewing capabilities, which in turn increase the enabling capabilities of individuals, dyads, teams and the entire recruiterbox organization.

Benefits of HRD

Improves the capabilities of people Improves team work Leads to greater organizational effectiveness Performance-related rewards help employees realize the importance of utilizing their skills fully in the service of organizational goals


HRD mechanism or subsystems or instruments

HRD Processes & HRD Climate Variables

HRD Outcomes Variables

Organizational Effectiveness Dimensions

HRD Dept. Performance Appraisal Review, Discussion, Feedback, Counseling Role Analysis exercises Career Planning Potential Development exercises Training Communication policies Job Rotations OD Exercises Rewards Job-enrichment programs (Employee Welfare, QWL) Other mechanisms

Role Clarity Planning of Development by every employee Awareness of competencies required for job performance Proactive Orientation More Trust Collaboration & Team Work Authenticity Openness Risk taking Value Generation Clarification of norms & standards Increased Communication More objective rewards Generation of objective data on employees
Other factors Personnel policies, top management styles, Investments on HRD, Top management commitment, History, Previous culture, Line Managers interest

More competent people Better developed roles Higher work commitment and job involvement More problem solving Better utilization of human resources Higher Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation Better generation of internal resources Better organizational health More teamwork, synergy and respect for each other

Higher Productivity Growth & Diversification Cost Reduction More Profits Better image

Other factors Environment, Technology, Resource availability, History, Nature of business, etc.


Principles in designing HRD systems

Management support Focus of the HRD system - Design must take into consideration factors such as size, technology, skill levels, etc. Structure of the HRD system must have a distinct identity of its own, headed by senior management Functioning of the System must provide for feedback from departments at regular intervals

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