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The Art of Asking Questions

The Art of Asking Questions

Why so Curious?

The Art of Asking Questions

Why so Curious?

How else can we define, analyse, & solve Problems? How else can we become familiar with our resources, & the world around us?

The Art of Asking Questions

So, what is a Problem, anyway?

The Art of Asking Questions

Definition: The difference between what we HAVE & what we WANT.

The Art of Asking Questions

Problems Are Good

We are at our best, mentally, when solving problems. Problems dont have to be torture. Any Change causes a Problem

The Art of Asking Questions

If we define a Problem as The difference between what we HAVE & what we WANT. And if we agree that we ask questions to get answers which we want & which we dont have-. Wouldnt it be safe, then, to consider Questions as Problems, that need to be solved i.e. answered?
The Art of Asking Questions

Real Problems
A real Problem, is one which has no solution, that we can FIND. And when theres no existing solution to FIND, we need to CREATE a solution of our own. Hence our need for Creativity surfaces.

The Art of Asking Questions

So What Is Creativity?

Creativity is the result of a particularly good sequence of questions. Creativity is, more or less, Problem Solving. Its all about excelling in the Art of Asking Good Questions.

The Art of Asking Questions

Questioning Tools

The Art of Asking Questions

100 mph Thinking

Generating ideas as fast as you can, doesnt give you a chance to stop & judge your new-born ideas Hence, it give your mind a chance to gain speed & efficiency in the idea generation process Try it

The Art of Asking Questions - Questioning Tools

Ask a Better Question

Ask question after question until you get to the point of I wonder

-How do we deliver our message effectively? -What do we need in the process? - I WONDER how we could deliver the message without speaking?
The Art of Asking Questions - Questioning Tools

180 Degrees Thinking

Ask yourself what you would do if you were seeking the opposite of what you want Helps you identify what you want to avoid as well as what you want to get Try it

The Art of Asking Questions - Questioning Tools

Intergalactic Thinking

Everything is interconnected We can relate anything to ANYTHING Try it

The Art of Asking Questions - Questioning Tools

Ask the Question Early

Thats what weve been doing, all session! Now make it a habit.

The Art of Asking Questions - Questioning Tools

Answer Evaluation
Take your pick

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles :

Green White Black Yellow Red Blue

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles: Blue: Coordinator of the meeting. Decides the course of discussion. Decides when to use which hat.
The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles: Blue Spectacles' Famous Words; E7na delwa2ty bnekkalem 3ann... 3ANDAK...Da kalam barra el mawdoo3!

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : White: Seeking Facts, & fact ONLY.

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : White Spectacles' Famous Words; Mesh 3ayez fatyy ya 7abeeby... hat el mofeed w 5allas!!

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Red: Feelings, & feelings ONLY. ( (no justification)

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Red Spectacles' Famous Words; Howa da elli ana 7asso, mates2lnish leih...

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Yellow: Positive, Logical view of the problem. (note: 'Problem' means any issue not necessarily ' 'catastrophe')
The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Yellow Spectacles' Famous Words; Fekra msh battala... Da kalam manteqy! :) F

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Black: Negative, Logical view of the problem.

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Black Spectacles' Famous Words; Eih el HATCH dah?!! Howa da kalam yod5ol el 3a2l aslannn?!!!

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Green: Idea generation. Creative problem solving.

The Art of Asking Questions

The 6 Spectacles : Green Spectacles' Famous Word; Peace ya MAAAN... Nemshy 3al 7eit welli gabooh kaman!! ;D

The Art of Asking Questions

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