Reported Speech: February 25th March 4th

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Reported speech

February 25th March 4th Direct speech Im going home She said, Im going home.

Reported speech She said (that) she was going home.

Reported speech /2
Posibles cambios: Tiempos verbales.

He said, I love you

He said (that) he loved me. Orden de las palabras Mum says, Why arent you at school? Mum wants to know why you arent at school. Pronombres (Ver ejemplo en tiempos verbales) Otras palabras Peter said, Im seeing the doctor tomorrow.

Peter said (that) he was seeing the doctor the following day.

Reported speech /3
Cambios en los tiempos verbales:

Direct speech Present simple I like peaches. Present continuous Is it raining? Past simple I didnt recognize you. Past continuous
I was joking about the price.

Reported speech Past simple He said he liked peaches. Past continuous He asked if it was raining. Past simple / Past Perfect She explained that she hadnt recognized /didnt recognize me. Past continuous or past perfect continuous He said he was joking (Or: had been joking) about the price.

Reported speech /4
Cambios en los tiempos verbales (continuacin)

Direct speech Past perfect

Reported speech Past perfect

I hadnt seen her before that day. You said you hadnt seen her before that day.

shall / will
Well be late. can, may

should / would
I told him wed be late. could, might

I can swim.
must I must go.

She thought she could swim.

must or had to He said he must / had to go.

Reported speech /5
Reporting questions Two kinds of questions 1. Yes / No questions Are you leaving? he said. aux s v He wanted to know if / whether I was leaving. s aux v

Reported speech /6
2. Wh-questions Where is the President staying? the reporter said. Wh-word aux s v

The reporter asked where the President was staying. Wh-word s aux v

Reported speech /7
Otras palabras here now today yesterday tomorrow this week last week an hour ago there then, at the time that day the day before / the previous day the next / following day that week the week before, the previous week an hour before / earlier

Reported speech /8
Say or tell Tell + el oyente

Daniel told me (that) he was ready. Say no se menciona el oyente

Daniel said (that) he was ready.

Ask, want to know, wonder

Whats the problem? he said. He wanted to know / asked (me) / wondered what the problem was.

Andrew is working, Jessica said.

Jessica said (that) Andrew was working.

Ive fixed the shelves, John told Susan. John told Susan (that) he had fixed the shelves.

My money had run out, said Daniel.

Daniel said his money had run out. You can sit over here, the steward said. The steward said we could sit over there. When did you start acting, Melissa? Guy said.

Guy asked Melissa when she had started acting.

Has the taxi arrived yet? someone asked. Someone asked if / whether the taxi had arrived yet.

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