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The Recession of the 80s. A rapidly growing economy is crucial to enable a fairer distribution of wealth.

Projects undertaken by private sector was badly affected as they were unable to secure domestic or foreign loans The banking sector faced problems of unpaid loans. The Bumiputera were relatively inexperienced in business venture Dualisms had been reduced; nevertheless, many farmers were still left behind in development Some Bumiputera did not understand the government aspiration under NEP. Some non-Bumiputera were very reluctant to help Bumiputera venture into the business sector The greatest setback of the NEP is it created a subsidy mentality among some Bumiputera

National Unity:-situation where all Malaysians have willingly accepted that loyalty & dedication to the nation above all other objectives. In Malaysian scenario, national unity is importance for development. Cannot be achieved if vast sections of the population remain poor

Reducing absolute poverty with the intention of eventually eradicating it, regardless of race Restructuring Society, i.e., to correct economic imbalances so as to reduce & eventually eliminate the identification of race with economic function.

Just as with NEP, national unity remains the ultimate goal of NDP. National Unity is to be achieved through balanced development

Growth & Equity Balanced Development Social & Economic Inequalities National integration A Progressive Society Human Resource Development Science & Technology Environment & Ecology
Refer Page 74-75 from text book

5. Strengthening the countrys institutional & implementation capacity ~ establish a more effective implementing & monitoring mechanism

1. Moving the economy up the value chain 5 challenge of VISION 2020

2. Raising the capacity for knowledge and innovation, and nurturing first class mentality

4. Improving the standard and sustainability of the quality of life

3. Addressing persistent socio-economic inequalities constructively and productively

Increasing productivity, competitiveness & value-add Generating new sources of wealth & job creation in

technology- and knowledge-intensive sectors Giving a lead role to the private sector, & increasing private sector investment by providing an enabling environment for doing business, enhancing SMEs development, increasing public-private partnerships as well as attracting targeted high-quality FDI Inculcating a culture of high performance & excellence in public & private sectors including GLCs Expanding market for Malaysian products and services

Undertaking comprehensive improvement of the education system, from pre-school to tertiary level, from the aspects of curriculum and teaching to school facilities, with a special focus on raising the standard of schools in rural areas Enhancing national schools to become the peoples school of choice Producing universities of international standing and ensuring that tertiary institutions meet the needs of employers creating more avenues for skills development, training and lifelong learning for the labour force at all levels and for all ages, including in ICT Providing an environment and innovation system which encourages top-quality R&D and its commercialisation Refining and implementing programs which encourage the development of a strong moral and ethical culture as encapsulated in the National Integrity Plan Empowering youth & women to participate in national growth and development


disparities between rural and urban population & among states & regions via sustainable income-generating avenues & by improving access to basic needs such as housing, education, healthcare, utilities & transportation Developing less developed regions through regional growth centres Bridging the digital divide Addressing inter- and intra-ethnic disparities, particularly by raising incomes through the enhancement of skills & capabilities Promoting equal opportunities in employment towards reducing disparities in occupation & income as well as enhancing integration among the ethnic groups Creating a new generation of competitive Bumiputera entrepreneurs & enterprises Reviewing past restructuring policies and programmes to evaluate their effectiveness and impact, and to focus future policies and programmes on merit and need


better protection of the environment and more efficient usage of natural resources Enhancing energy sufficiency and efficiency, including diversifying sources of energy Increasing the efficiency of water services delivery Providing better public transportation to relieve congestion and reduce fuel usage Improving access to and quality of healthcare and affordable housing Ensuring public safety and security Enhancing the development and promotion of Malaysian culture, arts and heritage


public services delivery by strengthening governance, streamlining administrative processes and measuring performance Improving usage and cost-efficiency of public sector funds by upholding financial prudence as well as improving the monitoring of implementation Addressing actual and perceived corruption in both the public and private sectors Enhancing corporate governance and delivery of private sector services by improving legal and regulatory frameworks Strengthening the role of Parliament, media & civil society

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