Business Ethics 1

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Introduction about coca cola



Coca-Cola Continues Unethical and Dishonest Practices in India

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The Indian government forced Coca-Cola out of the country in 1977. The company returned in 1993 Each bottling plants extracts up to 1.5m litres of water everyday from the ground. It takes nine litres of clean water to manufacture a 1 litre of Coke. In 2000 Coca-Cola opened a plant at Plachimada, a village in Kerala to 4/28/12

The conditional licence granted by the local panchayat authorised the use of motorised pumps But the company drilled more than six wells & illegally installed high-powered electric pumps to extract millions of litres of pure water. The level of the water table fell from 45 to 150 metres below the surface.


The company started dumping waste outside causing a serious health hazard. The court gave Coca-Cola a notice to cease water extraction The theft of water was not only limited to kerala Overexploitation of groundwater soon started in Kala dera


Kala Dera - Thirsting from Coca-Cola

Kala Dera is a large village outside the city of Jaipur. Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood. Coca-Cola started its bottling operations 4/28/12 in Kala Dera in 2004, and within a year,

Kala Dera lies in an overexploited groundwater area and access to water has been difficult. Summers are particularly intense in the area, when water shortages are most acute. Moreover summer months are also when Coca-Cola reaches its peak production. Coca-Cola bottling plant in Kala Dera continues extracts the most water, 4/28/12

Unusable Well in Kala Dera Showing Depleted Water 4/28/12 Level

For farmers, loss of groundwater translated directly into loss of income. For many children it meant leaving schools to provide a much needed helping hand in household since the women had additional burdens. 4/28/12

Community response

The community in Kala Dera organized itself to challenge the Coca-Cola company for the worsening water conditions - through extraction and pollution - and demanded the closure of the 4/28/12 Coca-Cola bottling plant.

Company's response The company, in usual fashion, denied any wrongdoing, blaming "outsiders" for the increasing local community opposition

Forced Assessment Validates Community Concerns

International Support to the opposing parties campaigns was at the prestigious University of Michigan in the US independent assessment of its operations in India Validating theedit Master subtitle style Click to concerns


Stop Using Groundwater in Kala Dera The assessment noted that the plant's
operations would continue to worsen water situation


Coca-Cola should no longer utilize the overexploited groundwater resource in Kala Dera

Transport water from the nearest aquifer that may not be stressed Store water from low-stress seasons Relocate the plant to a water-surplus area Shut down this facility The community in Kala Dera welcomed the recommendations and waited for companys response.



4. .


Coca-cola took seven month to respond Coca-cola not respond to the concern raised

Coca-Cola's Response Unethical and Dishonest

Unethical and dishonest campaign Chosen to continue the operation Continued in misery of thousand people

Criminal Negligence

Coca-Cola is supposed to have conducted an Environmental Impact assessment.

Company started its operations even though it found to be "overexploited 1998.


Criminal negligence, it not criminal

Misrepresenting Facts by Coca-Cola

1) Coca-Cola Forced to Agree to Assessment - Business with the University of Michigan - TERI assessment 2) Coca-Cola Does Not Meet its Own Standard

- TCCC standards

3) Coca-Cola Not in Compliance with Government Regulations - Effluent discharge requirements". 4) Coca-Cola Fails to Mention Shut Down Plant Recommendation - Shut down the bottling plant.

The Coca-Cola steps up its corporate social responsibility announcing to the world that it is a green and socially responsible company. --- but was not the case at kala dera Rainwater harvesting --- Dilapidated and a Bluff

COKES Corporate Social Responsibility - A Scam?


The company announce its rainwater harvesting initiatives in India It also announce that the company will become "water neutral" in India by 2009.


Some serious concerns about CocaCola's claims on rainwater harvesting

The company announced that it has recharged five times the amount of water it has used. When asked to back it up with numbers, Coca-Cola does not provide any. Coca-Cola states that they "will install measuring devices that will verify the amount of water recharged." If they do not have measuring devices installed to verify the amount of water recharged, how can they make a 4/28/12 claim of recharging five times the water that they have

People across Rajasthan are well known in rainwater harvesting and have been harvesting rainwater long before Coca-Cola started. Coca-Cola started rainwater harvesting to overcome response to the growing campaigns against its water mismanagement. Coca-Cola was bluffing people with its rainwater harvesting. The rainfall in the area is too low, and the amount of rainfalls fluctuates a lot contributing to 30 days of rains every year

Based on their rainwater harvesting initiatives CocaCola company has announced that they will become water neutral in India by 2009 Coca- cola will recharge more water than the use from the groundwater resource. ---A BLUFF


Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit

Billboard by: Sharad Haksar



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