Personality Typing

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Personality Typing

Identifying your personality type Information adapted from Riso and Hudsons theories on the Enneagram

The Enneagram
The Enneagram has been part of Ancient civilisations for thousands of years. Much of the information is a condensation of many ancient traditions practiced by Buddhists, Muslims, the Greek and by Jews (in the Kabbalah). It is thought to be about 2500 years old and to have possibly originated from ancient Greek mythology. The teachings concern themselves with self-knowledge as real self knowledge is a guardian against self deception! The Enneagram encourages us to reflect on who we are and to practice self observation Staying present in the moment- being aware and mindful of those around us and considering the perspective of others as each person will see the world with a different view point. Work in the Enneagram starts when you identify your personality type. Whilst we will all recognise parts of ourselves in the nine different types our most defining characteristics are rooted in one of these types and colour our view of the world from our basic type.

Things to keep in mind out personality

While everyone has a certain mix of types in their overall personality one particular pattern or type style is our home base and we return to it over and over. Whilst people grow and develop in numerous way they do not change from one basic personality type to another The descriptions of the types apply to both males and females Not everything in the description of your basic type will apply to you all the time. This is because we fluctuate constantly through our emotions and levels of development. None of the personality types is better of worse than any other- all types have unique assets and liabilities. Some types can be more calued than others in a given culture or group however the more that is learnt about all of the ypes you will see that just as each has a unique capacity each has a different limitation To become aware of others it is important to explore all the different types. This awareness will give you far more understand of and compassion for others because you will recognise their particular reactions and habits. It is much harder to condemn an Eight for their aggressiveness or the disguised neediness of a Two if you are aware of why to certain situations the way they do.

Introducing the Nine Types

QUEST: Quick Enneagram Sorting Test Description of the nine types
The Leaden Rule [is] the opposite of the more famous Golden Rule. If the Golden Rule tells us, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, the Leaden Rule states, Do unto others what you most fear having done unto you.

The nine passions

The idea of the Deadly Sins (Also called the Passions) is best understood if we think of the word sin not as something bad or evil but as the tendency to miss the mark in some way. The passions represent the nine main ways that we lose our centre and become distorted in our thinking feeling and doing.

One of the most practical uses of the Enneagram is to help managers be more insightful about the problematic qualities that the different types bring to the workplace. For example, the following "Enneagram of the Dysfunctional Workplace" clarifies some of the troublesome influences of each type, particularly as pressures build and people operate in more disruptive ways. Naturally, the different types need to be managed differently if they are to resolve these negative tendencies. The Enneagram of the Dysfunctional Workplacesm

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