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Dimension I

School Leadership

Attested Appointment
DBM Plantilla Designation by the SDS Certification of Participation on Basic Leadership and management AIP

Basic SBM training SIP/AIP Training ASB Training Fiscal Management Training ICT related Training

List of Officers of Organizations (Internal and External) Roles and Responsibilities Records of Meetings/Orientations on Roles and Responsibilities

Module 1 Administrative Management Module 2 Financial management Module 3 Health and Nutrition Management Module 4 Human Resources Management Module 5 Legal Services Module 6 Planning Services

INSET Mechanism Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism Staffs in-charge of Financial Statements School Staffing System Records of Orientations of School Teams

MOOE LSB Donations Income generating Projects PTA Others

Dimension 2 Internal Stakeholders

Dimension 2

Report on Orientation/Meeting on Roles and Responsibilities of the following :

Pupils Teachers Parents

Pupils Handbook
Magna Carta of Teachers/DepEd Services manual

Provisions on parents and Roles and Responsibilities Found in DepEd Service Manual/Education Act of 1982

Name of Organizations and List of Officers With Constitution and By-laws

Pupils Teachers Parents

Minutes of the Meetings on School Improvement

Report on Training Needs and Assessment and Trainings Attended of teachers

Lesson Plan showing the application of methodologies learned Logbook on utilization IMs reference book, workbook ,etc Records of Observations

Records of Test results

Records of Parents participation in Reading Program, Feeding Program etc Records of Parents Volunteers as teachers aides, tutors, remedial teachers ,para teachers etc.

Records of attendance to SBM orientations by the ff:

LSB/LGU/Bgy. Council Alumni/Youth Group Retirees/Elders

Professionals/Bgy. Health Workers

Religious Groups NGOs SGC Others farmers group, fisherfolks group, etc.

Name of Organizations and List of Officers with minutes of meetings on school improvement
Alumni/Youth Group Retirees/Elders Professional/ Barangay Health Workers/ Traditional Birth Assistance Religious Groups/ Church leaders or minister

Non-government Organizations/ Cooperatives/ Church Organizations

School Governing Council

Reports/ records of meetings/ orientation of external stakeholders on SIP/AIP and its implementation

Work plans of external stakeholders aligned to the SIP/AIP

Reports/ records of meetings/ orientation non other possible school community partnership

Report/records of meetings/orientation/training/briefing of local Government stakeholders on their duly recognized roles and responsibilities related to SBM Report on/records of participation of local government unit in the development of the SIP/AIP

School Conducts assessment of SBM practices using assessment tool

Accomplish self assessment guide on SBM practices

Analysis of SBM results Performance indicators Analysis of School data against National Standard Records on the trend analysis of result

School Governing Council is Organized

List of officers with roles and responsibilities

Constitutions and by-laws

Code of Conduct
Operating Procedures List of Comities with roles and responsibilities

School Planning Team Showing Records Leading to the Development of the SIP/AIP


Dimension 4 School Improvement Process

Records of involvement of stakeholders representations in the SIP/AIP Formulation and Implementation

Incentives and Reward System for Pupils and teachers Results of implementation on incentives and rewards system Revised guidelines on incentives and rewards system implemented

SIP/AIP implementation attained the goals and objectives relevant to school performance indicators

Dimension 6 School Performance Accountability

Documents showing monitoring and evaluation tools on::

Guidelines on:




Records of Involvement of the:

Division Officials LSB

SGC Others

Documents of targets on performance indicators disseminated to internal and external stakeholders

Classroom level tracking of student learning outcomes

Organized documents on tracking of school performance indicators

See you in July for the District SBM Evaluation

Happy Preparations
Thank you Fernanda F. Camaya District SBM Coordinator

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