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How to Present A Presentation

Welcome Every one This Is MR. Ahmed Gamal Abdel-Shafi Ain Shams

Holds : Diploma in Management Diploma in Tourism & Hotels Trainee In : Management Negotiation Skills Fundraising Human resources Neuro-linguistic programming Body Language Psychology

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How to Present A Presentation

The content in any Presentation should always provide

Background of the issue Encountered Problems Available Solutions Presented solution Proof

To give a good delivery:

Practice your presentation. Ask friends for criticism. Be the expert; know your topic. Do not use note cards; the computer screen will be your cue cards. Face your audience; make eye contact. Do not read from the screen unless you are walking around the room. Move around the audience if possible.


Be brief and precise. Give important results, numbers

Do not be ambiguous.

Use memorable short but effective concrete sentences

Title is the most important part of a Presentation.

It should be: Short Interesting (even Shocking) Not clich Descriptive

Starting your presentation in Power POINT

Brainstorm with your partners. Create an outline. Create your slides. Do the text first. Add design and special effects later.

Consider Your Audience

Audiences are becoming more presentation literate They are bored with same looks Uniqueness can add impact Know your audience

10% are color-blind

Beware of experiential differences

Presentation Basics

Be consistent Strive for simplicity Always do a test drive Consider the audience


Do not just read your slides to the audience; instead, use the brief words in your bullets to outline your oral presentation. A title slide at the beginning of your presentation is a good way to call your audience to attention. Introductory slides may also be used as you move from one general topic to the next. Closing slides signal to both the speaker and the audience that the presentation has come to an end. It also gives the audience something to look at during any question-and-answer time at the end of a presentation.

Watch out for these common presentation problems:

The projected slide may lose details from the slide you see on the computer Too many special effects Print that is too small Use of colors that make the slides difficult to read Poor spelling and grammar

Too much text

How do you avoid using too much text?

Use Use Use Use Use

short phrases. bulleted lists. large text (not too large). your oral presentation to fill in details. handouts if there is a lot of text.

Problem 1: Dont use too many special effects.

The animations and sounds can be fun, but distracting. Usually beginners want to use all the effects that they can. The bells and whistles can become very annoying. On the other hand, when used properly, special effects can be effective.

Problem 2: Dont use print that is too small.

Small print makes your audience lose interest. Small print can be annoying.

Problem 3: Dont use wrong colors.

Wrong colors can be difficult to read. Wrong colors can be annoying to your audience. Remember: The colors that you use on the computer may not look the same on the projector.

Problem 4: Do not use poor spelling and grammar.

Use the spell checker. Proof read you work. Ask someone else to proofread your work. Did you find any errors on this page?

Q&A ?

Thank You for Your Attention!

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