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-Importance of communcation,Forms of communication, communication network of the organization ;process of communication: different stages, different between oral & written communication.

Books Recommended
Managerial Communication-Rai & Rai

Developing Communication Skills-Krishna Mohan

Meera Banerji Business Communication- Raymond V Leiskar Marie E Flatley

Communication is derived from latin word

communis meaning common. It stands for a natural activity of all human beings to convey opinions ,feelings, information,& ideas to others through words written or spoken ),body language, or signs.

Definitions of Communication
George Vardman in his book" Effective

Communication of ideas defines effective communication as purposive interchange, resulting in workable understanding & agreement b/w the sender & receiver of a message.
Robert Anderson Communication is

interchange of thoughts,opinions,or information,by speech,writing,or signs.

The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding (but not necessarily agreement).

Allen Louis --- Communication is the sum of

all things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another; it involves a systematic & continous process of telling, listening,& understanding. Keith Davis defines communication as The transfer of information & understanding from one person to another person.It is a way of reaching others with facts,ideas,thoughts,& values.

Features of Communication Process

Communication is unavoidable.

Continuous Process
Two way Traffic The Role of perception Universal Social process

What is communication ?
The Transmission of messages Which requires at least 2

participants Factors of communication:

The Message - The content of the communication The Medium - The method of passing on information

The code - The system of signs or sounds used

The Channel - Sound waves or light waves Interference - Noise which can affect transmission of

information Feedback - information on how information was received Context - Framework in which communication takes place

Reasons for communication

In groups list the reasons why we communicate

and identify the aims of good communication List the different forms communication takes.

Reasons for communication

To provide support

To teach or learn

To question or to

something To obtain/accomplish something To express feelings To solve problems To stimulate interest To socialise To entertain

answer To Organise To Justify To discipline To pass on information To clarify

Process of Communication
Sender: The individual, group, or organization

that needs or wants to share information with some other individual, group, or organization. Receiver: The individual, group, or organization for which the information is intended. Message: The information that a sender needs or wants to share with other people.
Needs to be both clear and complete

Communication - Key Terms

Encoding: Translating a message into symbols

or language that a receiver can understand. Medium: The pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver. Decoding: Interpreting or trying to make sense of a senders message. Noise: Anything that interferes with the communication process.

Functions and importance of communication

General functions & Importance of

Communication. Functions & Importance of Communication to individual. Functions & Importance of Communication to Business.

General functions of communication

1) 2) 3) 4)

Conducive environment. Technological progress. Economic development Global village

Importance to individual
1) 2) 3) 4)

Expression of oneself. Satisfaction of Human Needs Building Human relations. Career advancement.

Importance of Communication in business

Efficient working of the business. 2) Communication failures:Costly 3) Basis of managerial Functions (a) Anticiaption (b) Innovations. (c)Planning

(d) Organising (e) Leading ,Directing & Motivating (f) Controlling 4) Building Human relations 5) Total Quality amnagement 6)Zero defect marketing & quality services. 7)Job satisfaction & enrichment

8) Maintaining relations with external parties 9) Strategic Management.

Summary of the above Points.

Communication is basic to an Organisation

existence from birth of the organization on through its continuing life Herbert.G.Hicks

When Communication stops organised activity

ceases to exit.

Communication is classified according to the no of

persons (recievers) to whom the message is being sent. Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Group Communication Mass Communication Verbal Communication


Non-Verbal communication Meta Communication

Intrapersonal Communication It is talking to oneself in ones own mind Ex:Soliloquies.


Interpersonal communication It is the exchange of messages b/w two persons. Ex: A conversation, a dialogue, interview process in which two persons interact others may also be present as audience).

3) Group communication

It can be among small or large groups in which all individuals retain their individual identity. Ex: An organisation,Club or a classroom

4) Mass Communication

It occurs when the message is sent to large groups of people. Ex: Newspaper,radio,television In this process each person becomes a faceless individual with almost no opportunity for personal response or feedback.

Communication can be classified on the basis of

medium employed
5) Verbal Communication It means communicating with words, written or spoken.Verbal communication consists of speaking,listening,writing,reading, & thinking.

6)Non-verbal Communication It involves exchanging information b/w persons through sign language,action language,or object language. Ex: Pictures,signs,gestures,facial expressions

Non verbal communication flows through all acts of speaking or

It is a wordless message conveyed through Gestures(sign). Movements(action language) Object language(pictures/clothes) Nonverbal communication can be identified by Personal space(proxemics,body language,& kinesics) Touch(Haptics) Eyes(Oculesics) Sense of Smell(Olfactics) Time(Chronemics)

7) Meta Communication
Here speakers choice of words unintentionally

communicates something more than what the actual words state.

Types/Forms Of Communication
1. On the basis of Organizational Structure

Formal Informal 2. On the basis of Direction Vertical Horizontal Diagonal

Vertical Communication

a. Downward b. Upward 3.On the basis of way of Expression Oral Gesture Written

1 .On the basis of Organization Structure

A.Formal communication-Types of Formal communication -Advantages It helps in developing relations between immediate boss and his subordinates. It keeps uniformity in the dissemination of information. It is an officially recognized path of communication.

It increases the workload of various managers as

communication is to be transmitted through them. Dilutes the accuracy of the message when filtering and coloring take place at middle level.

B. Informal communication(Grapevine)
Factors responsible for informal communication Feeling of uncertainty or lack of direction when the organization is passing through a difficult period. Feeling of inadequacy or lack of self confidence on the part of employees, leading to the formation of groups. Giving other employees a feeling of insecurity or isolation.

Types of grapevine
Single strand chain b. Gossip chain c. Cluster chain d. Probability chain

Advantages of grapevine
Safety value

Organizational Solidarity
Quick transmission Feedback

- Incomplete information

- Damaging swiftness
- Leakage - Lack of authenticity - Problem in fixing responsibility

2. On the basis of Direction


Vertical-Downward and upward Advantages of Downward communication

-Helps to convey to the subordinates the expectations of management from them.

-Acts as a means to control the activities of the subordinates with active feedback. -Provides motivates to the subordinates to the workers to excel their performance.

Disadvantages of Downward communication

-Delays in transmission -Overload or unload message -Loss of information Distortion of message

b. Upward communication Advantages

-crates insight into behavioral problems.


Create confidence and trust Enhance learning and excellence

Disadvantages -Delays and distortion


Poor listening Hesitation of employees

B.Horizontal Communication
-Advantages It helps in coordinating the activities of different departments at the same level. Different heads may sit together and thrash out problems of wastage of time ,money, labor and materials -Disadvantages Rivalry among employees Specialization Lack of motivation

C.Diagonal communication
Oral informal meeting, formal

Conference, task teams, project organization meeting Written Company newspaper or magazine Bulletin boards General notices etc

3.On the basis of way of expression

Oral communication- Advantages

-saves time -saves money - Speech is more powerful means of persuasion and control - Speaker can get immediate feedback - Immediate clarrification - The informal plane of oral communication helps to promote friendly relations

Media/Modes of communication

Internal communication- which take place with in the organization between employees or groups or teams it can be oral or written ,formal or informal, upward or downward control and caution among the organization .

2. External communication take place outside the customers,competitors,creditors,public,press,med ia and government. It can take place through various channels.Letters,notices,telephone calls,meeting,press conference,product launch events and advertisements etcS

Characteristics of Successful communication

Communication is successful when

The message is properly understood.

The purpose of the sender is fulfilled. The sender & reciever of the message remain

linked through feedback

Characteristics of Successful communication

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

According to Francis.J.Bergin,communication should be: Candidness Clarity Completeness Conciseness Concreteness Correctness Courtesy

1) Candidness The message to be communicated should be candid(straight forward,frank) It should not be: Indirect Multivocal or untrue 2) Clarity/Clear Clarity in expression is brought through use of precise & concrete words. As far as possible ,use simple & short words than prompous & heavy words

Prompous Terminate Fascination Utilise Procure

Simple End Attraction Use Get



Use words which are familiar to the audience & are appropriate for the situation
Familiar Home After Deeply For Example

Domicile Subsequent Profoundly eg

Construction of effective sentences and paragraphs is at the core of clarity

Prefer use of sort sentences than long ones. Insert no more than one main idea into a sentence. Arrange words 7 clauses in such a way that the a

main idea occurs easily in a sentence & less important in subordinate clause. Headings,tabulations,graphs,line charts,pie charts,coloured capital or italic letters should be used in a creative way to improve the visual impact of the message.

3 . Completeness
Incomplete message breeds

misunderstandings & misinterpretations. Wastage of time and resources. Irritates the receiver. Completeness contributes to the clarity of the message

WORDY At this point of time As regards the fact that Because of the fact that In due course of time Not very far from here CONCISE Now or at present Considering As or because Soon Nearby, or close by

Use single word substitutes instead of phrases without changing the meaning of the message
Long phrases At the present time Due to the fact that Despite the fact that Will you kindly Keeping in view Single words Now Because Although Please considering

Use single & simple word instead of 2 words ,conveying the same idea

Two Words
9.a.m in the morning In my personal opinion period of one month

9.a.m In my opinion One month

Eliminate Unnecessary prepositional Phrases

Wish to suggest.

Concise Suggest. Order goods.

Order for goods.

Include only relevant material related to the

main purpose of the message. Avoid lengthy introductions & unnecessary explanations. Also omit the information already known to the receiver

5. Concreteness Concreteness means being specific. Definite in describing events & things It also means using specific facts and figures. Avoid using words leading to uncertainty and vague. Use active words than passive words.

Correct in spelling,Grammar,Format,Content &

statistical data provided. Verify the tools ,data,totals,etc for correctness. Check the grammar & construction of sentences Use right level of language-formal/informal.

Courtesy in the message as well as manners

plays a dominating role in this regard. Be in right frame of work. Use polite and respectful tone. Always thank for generosity and favour. Use words like please for requesting something. Ensure that the other persons self respect is not hurt.

Communication in Crisis
Personal department of a management will plan

for 7 respond to crisis. The crisis may arise due to 1.Environmental accidents. 2.Strikes. 3.massive product failure.

4. Major Litigation. 5.Abrupt changes in management.

If the crisis situation is not handled properly it may lead to 1.Destroying companys reputation. 2.Drain its functional strength. 3.Erode morale. 4.Heavy fines & negative publicity

Measures to overcome crisis

1.Selecting a communication team & a knowledgeble spokesperson to handle the requests for in information during crisis. 2.The individual selected should be able to speak honestly & remain calm when a crisis hits.

3.Experts recommend that managers especially top management be visible in the hrs immediately following the initial crisis,to demonstrate that the company will do whatever it takes like. 1.To control the situation. 2.To find the cause. 3.To prevent a future occurrence.

4.Experts recommend that managers

to minimize the impact of any criss,on employees by communicating Honestly. Openly using caution when sharing personal opinions.

Communication Network of the organization: Factors influencing organization communication:

Formal channels of communication b. Job specialization c. Authority structure d. Information ownership


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