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Segmented Worms By: David Wu

Body structure of a segmented worms

The segmented worm has many segments in its body. Each of these segments has an epidermis surrounding two layers of muscles which contract, allowing the worm to extend and shorten the worm. The segmented worm has several digestive parts, the mouth, the pharynx, the esaphagus , the crop, the gizzard and then the intestine Segmented wormss segments can be modified to fit the part of the body, Near the head the worms segments can have thicker layer of muscles or a fatter cutile. Segmented worms include leeches, earthworms, and sandworms

Movement and Food of an Earthworm

Many segmented worms feed and move differently Leeches move in water and usually live in moving streams and such. They have suckers where their mouths are and the prey on their victims blood Segmented worms like earthworms however are different. They live in moist soil and eat or decompose soil or the waste of animals and plants. The earthworm moves while it eats. I takes the soil which goes through the mouth then the esaphagus, then the crop, then the gizzard, and the intestine, where the worm digests the food and returns nutrients to the soil. However sand worms are much different, they live in the sand and eat small insects and and live things, though they look much like the earthworm.

The Environment of segmented worms

Segmented worms live all over the world, in streams rivers dirt/soil and even the driest areas such as sand. Most of these worms need to live by a water source or moist area, or they dry out. The sandworm lives in the sand on beaches. The surrounding area is full of insects and dead seaweed for the worm to feed on. Earthworms live in moist soil and fertilize soil naturally for plants to use. Usually the area where earth worms live is in moist soil full of nutrients for the earthworm. Leeches live in very wet places, such as rivers and streams where there are mammals and fish where they can feed on the other animals bloods.

Fun Facts of Segmented Worms!!!!!

There are over nine thousand types of segmented worms in the world. There are two members of the marine species of segmented worms today: the Polychaeta, and the Hirudinea, the third member is the Oligocheata, which earthworms are part of. Segmented worms can die if easily if the conditions are not right, such as a earthworm can die by drying up if the soil isnt moist or if there is know soil at all. Polychaetes together with Echiura is currently regarded as a separate phylum. All annelids may end up as Polychaetes.

Reproduction of Segmented Worms

Segmented worms reproduce a-sexually and sexually. Most worms such as reproduce sexually. In sexual reproduction, male worms and female worms release sperm and egg cells which the sperm will fertilize the egg cell and then the egg cell will develop into a larvae The larvae will then sink and develop into a full grown segmented worm later on. In a-sexual reproduction, a segment of the worm will split off and grow into another worm. The life cycle of segmented worms or annelids is unknown. But some adults look after the eggs till they hatch or they produce a jelly like substance to keep their eggs safe.

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