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BY: Jyoti Vijaylaxmi

Learning is defined as the process of acquiring , assimilating, and internalizing cognitive, motor or behavioral inputs for their effective and varied use when required, leading to an enhanced capability for further self monitored learning.

Learning process

Acquiring of new input terms of knowledge

Assimilation Internalization Available for effective use Development of creativity Increase persons capability

Cognitive theories
1) Constructivist theory Bruner has proposed this theory According to him learning an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/ past knowledge. Cognitive structure provides meaning and

organization to experiences and allows the individual go beyond the information given.

2) Theory of cognitive dissonance

Festinger proposed the cognitive dissonance theory

According to this theory, individuals tend to seek consistency among their cognitions. Dissonance occurs most often in situation where an individual must choose between two incompatible belief or


3 ways to eliminate Dissonance

1) Reduce the importance of the dissonant beliefs.

2) Add more constant beliefs that outweigh the

dissonant beliefs.

3) Change the dissonant beliefs so that they are no

longer inconsistent

Kolbs Cyclic theory

Experienc ing



Processin g

Generaliz ing

1) Experiencing : The learner has some concrete

experience, or is helped to have experience during the training programme. 2) Processing : The learner reflects on and analyses the experience individually and in a group.

3) Generalizing : The learner forms a tentative theory or

a way to explain the data abstract conceptualization based on the experience. 4) Applying : The learner tries the new behavior, or uses it in the day- to- day work, followed by a new








Learning styles
Learning style referred to the preferred way individual processes information. Individuals differences in abilities, styles describe a persons typical mode of thinking, remembering or problem solving.

1) Field independence vs. field dependence

A field independent person approaches the environment

in an analytical way and is able to distinguish figures as

discrete from their backgrounds. A field dependent person approaches the environment in a global way, and experiences events in an

undifferentiated way. This people are greater social orientation relative to field independent personalities.

2) Leveling vs. sharpening

Individual variations in remembering that pertains

to the distinctiveness of memories and the

tendency to merge similar events.

3) Reflection vs. impulsivity:

Individual consistency in the speed and adequqcy with which alternative hypotheses are formed and responses made.

4) Serialist vs. holist

Serialist prefer to learn in a sequential fashion ,whereas holist prefer to learn in a hierarchical manner( top down)

Orgn culture

Group climate

Learning process

Endosystem Challe nge

Graduat ed success

Feed back

Discov ery Practic e Mechanics Process

Collab orative learnin g Learning Auto style

Applic ation

Self learnin g

experi mentat ion

Values Influence



Compt ence

1) Endosystem: The main focus of a training organization is to create the

necessary motivation for learning. The various aspects of

the endosystem help in creating such motivation.

2) Mechanics of learning:
Learning technology plays an important role in stabilizing

learning so that what has been learned is properly

assimilated and becomes a part of the individuals normal behavior .

3) Influence : The trainer The teacher or trainer influence the learner situation great deal. The trainers values, general style of interaction, competence, and individual needs matter a great deal. His or her contribution to the learning process is most vital. 4) Learning process: The process is most important factor, which emphasizes creativity. It is concerned with how

learning develops, how the learner and the trainer interact ,

and how the learner is involved in the process. Such concern

are crucial for managing the effectiveness of learning.

What I had written:

2 2

3 2

5 2

What my friend read:

22 X 23 = 25
Twenty two multiplied by twenty three equals twenty five!

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