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Defining women Entrepreneurship Analyzing the problems of women Entrepreneurship (WE) To find out Motivational factors of WE To know Facilitating Factors of WE To define Rural Entrepreneurship (RE) To classify RE Analyzing the challenges in growth of RE

We need to understand

Whether women can contribute significantly towards the national economy Do they have equal potential? If so, why are there fewer women entrepreneurs today? What are their difficulties? How can we address them?

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs

Patriarchal Society:


Entrepreneurship has been traditionally seen as a male protected and idea of taking up entrepreneurial activities is considered as a distant dream.

Women are equally achievement oriented, aggressive, independent, risk takers, self confident, hard working etc as their male counterparts

Any deviation from the norm is looked fiercely and if possible, immediately restricted.

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs


Financial Problems:

Obtaining the supports of bankers, managing the working capital, Women are yet to make significant mark in quantitative terms. Marketing and financial problems are such obstacles where even training doesnt significantly help the women.

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs

4. Family conflicts:

also face the conflict of performing of home role as they are not available to spend enough time with their families. They spend long hours in business and as a result, they find it difficult to meet the demands of their family members and society as well. Their inability to attend to domestic work, time for education of children, personal hobbies, entertainment add to their conflicts.

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs

5. Credit facilities:

women constitute about large percentage of population, the percentage of small scale enterprise where women own very small percentage of share capital. Women are often denied credit by bankers on the ground of lack of collateral security. Therefore, womens access to risk capital is limited.

Example: Grameen Banks, Brac, Proshika, Asas microcredit facilities has been a good deal of self employment program.

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs

6. Heavy competition:

Many of the women enterprises have imperfect organizational set up. But they have to face severe competition from organized industries.

7. High cost of production:

undermines the efficiency and stands in the way of development and expansion of womens enterprises. Government assistance in the form of grant and subsidies to some extent enables them to tide over difficult situations.

Women set up an enterprise due to economic and noneconomic reasons

When women moves forward, the family moves, the village moves and the nation moves. is rightly said by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. Employment gives status and economic independence to women leading to an empowered women. Various reasons can be due to motivational factors and facilitating factors.

Motivational Factors

Economic necessity independence education and qualification employment generation success stories of friends & relatives family occupation Govt. policies and programs role models to others self identity and social status

Facilitating Factors Adequate financial facilities Innovative thinking Co-operation of family Support of family members Network of contacts

Rural Entrepreneurship

In simple words, rural entrepreneurship implies entrepreneurship emerging in rural areas. Or rural entrepreneurship means rural industrialization. Industrialization cant originate or sustain without entrepreneurship whether rural or urban. Thus, rural entrepreneurship is the only solution to rural poverty and backwardness.

Some Village Industries

Mineral based industry i.e. cottage pottery industry, slate & slate pencil making, manufacture of bangles etc. Forest based industry i.e. hand made paper, manufacture of katha, cottage match industry, agarbatties etc. Agro based food industry. it includes, honey, manufacture of cane gur, nuts etc. Engineering and non-conventional energy includes carpentry, household aluminium utensils, gobar gas from cow dung and other waste products. Textile industry includes batik work, toys, and doll making etc.

Features of Rural Industry

Agriculture and rural development are the ultimate goal of our economy. As far as meaning of rural industrialization is concerned, there are conceptual difficulties in defining as such. However, it is generally taken as a group of traditional industries like handloom, khadi, handicraft, pottery, Bamboo made stuffs etc.

Features of Rural Industry

A Rural industry has following features:

b) c)

d) e) f)

very low investment use of traditional skills products are either essential mass consumer goods or handicrafts; use of locally available raw-materials cater to limited markets products are becoming popular in foreign markets for their unique nature

Problems in Growth of Rural Entrepreneurship

Lack of infrastructural facilities Non-supportive attitude of financial institutions which works more on papers that its delay often disappoints the entrepreneurs lack of technical know-how lack of communication facilities and market information lack of warehousing facilities banks do provide concessional loans but their rules are very rigid lack of quality management Conclusion: Village & small industries is under a threat of extinction. Unless the rural industry is modernized, it has to face its closure sooner or later due to increasing competition.



c. d. e. f. g.

Problems in Growth of Rural Entrepreneurship

Village & small industries is under a threat of extinction. Unless the rural industry is modernized, it has to face its closure sooner or later due to increasing competition.

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