Inter Personal Relations & Team Spirit: Training Programme

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Training Programme



Organised by : Container Corporation of India Limited

October 25, 2005




Sumit Chaudhuri
Chairman and Managing Director

Session :


The People You Interact With

Boss (es) Seniors other than Boss Subordinate (s) Peers / Colleagues Visitors
Business : Various Categories Friends / Relatives

Boss Spouse / Family Members

My Boss & I
When I take a long time I am slow. When my boss takes a long time He is through.
When I dont do it I am lazy. When my boss doesnt do it He is too busy.

My Boss & I Contd.

When I do something without being told I am trying to be smart. When my boss does the same That is initiative. When I please my boss Im apple polishing. When my boss pleases his boss He is cooperating. When I do good My boss never remembers. When I do wrong He never forgets.

Successful Ways of Managing Boss

1. Build confidence in him
2. Understand his needs 3. Avoid confrontation 4. Discuss issues of interest to him 5. Accept instruction if they are o.k.

6. Use logic to convince him if not o.k.

7. Give timely feedback

Successful Ways of Managing Boss Contd.

8. Help him to update his knowledge
9. Work with him in a crisis 10. Be open, fair and sincere

11. Meet targets

12. Appreciate his point of view

13. Personal communication rather than

written 14. Hear him out now, argue later

Successful Ways of Managing Boss Contd.

15. Ask for his advice 16. Involve him

17. Take on responsibility

18. Act like a friend 19. Meet informally 20. Prove that your way produced results even though it was different from his 21. Fall in line with his thinking 22. Attitude of Boss is always right, do what he says

Unsuccessful Ways of Managing Boss

1. Not presenting clear facts
2. Giving too many details 3. Letting him do the follow up 4. Approaching at the wrong time 5. Discussion without full facts

6. Direct confrontation
7. Trying to bluff him

Unsuccessful Ways of Managing Boss Contd.

8. Own rigid attitude

9. Making him suspect that you are

discussing him 10. Not giving him feedback 11. Lack of persistence 12. Not understanding that he is under pressure from his boss

Unsuccessful Ways of Managing Boss Contd.

13. Not agreeing with him 14. Leaving the decision to him 15. Mixing with him socially 16. Making him insecure by taking own


The Most Important Words

The six most important words are I admit I made a mistake The five most important words are You did a great job The four most important words are What is your opinion?

The Most Important Words


The three most important words are If you please The two most important words are Thank you The least most important word is I

Winners vs. Losers

The Winner is always part of the answer; The Loser is always part of the problem; The Winner always has a program; The Loser always has an excuse; The Winner says Let me do it for you The Loser says Thats not my job The Winner sees an answer for every problem; The Loser sees a problem for every answer;

Winners vs. Losers Contd.

The Winner sees a green near every sand trap; The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green; The Winner says, It may be difficult but its possible; The Loser says, It may be possible but its too difficult;

Be a Winner !

10 Rules of Human Relations

1. Speak to People There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting. 2. Smile at People It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile. 3. Call People by Name The sweetest music to anyones ears is the sound of his own name. 4. Be Friendly and Helpful If you would have friends, be a friend.

10 Rules of Human Relations


5. Be Cordial Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure. 6. Be Genuinely Interested in People You can like almost everybody if you try. 7. Be Generous with Praise Cautious with criticism.

10 Rules of Human Relations



Be Considerate With the feelings of others. There are usually three sides to a controversy: yours, the other persons and the right side. Be Alert To give service. What counts most in life is what we do for others.


10. Add to This a Good Sense of Humour A big dose of patience and a dash of humility and you will be rewarded many fold.

Inter-Personal Relationship
Relationship people between two or more

Trust is an absolute must for a warm and effective inter-personal relationship.

Inter-Personal Relationship

Trust Stands for: T = Togetherness R = Respect U = Understanding S = Sincerety T = Trust / Thrust

Inter-Personal Skills
For initiating, developing and maintaining fulfilling relationships, the basic skills required are:
1. Knowing and Trusting 2. Understanding each other accurately and unambiguously 3. Influencing and helping 4. Resolving problems and conflicts constructively

Learning Interpersonal Skills

1. Becoming aware of the need for and

uses of a skill. 2. Identifying the behaviour involved in the practice of that skill. 3. Practicing the behavior.

Learning Interpersonal Skills


4. Receiving feedback concerning how well one is performing the behavior. 5. Changing / Modifying ones behaviour based on feedback, if needed. 6. Integrating the behaviour into ones behavioural repertoire

Inter-Personal Dynamics
An Introduction Other people play a crucial role in our lives. At different contexts, they are the source of many of our most satisfying forms of pleasure (love, praise, assistance) and many of our most important forms of pain (criticism, annoyance, rejection). We spend a great deal of our time interacting with them, thinking about them, and trying to understand them.

Relationship and Interactions Help

1. In formation of our sense of identity 2. In acquiring a sense of belonging 3. In satisfying our need for safety and

protection 4. In enhancing our personal development 5. In fulfilling self-esteem and accomplishments

1. A system of knowledge, feelings, and ideas about the self that lends coherence to individuals self-relevant experiences. 2. It emerges primarily from information provided by other people i.e. from social input.
3. Development of self-concept has its roots in early childhood and continues in later years.

The Three Selves

The Perceived Self The person we know we are in private moments of total honesty. The Presenting Self The image we project to the world. The Desired Self The person we wish to be. We wear masks to be the kind of person others expect we should be instead of the person we truly are. When this presenting self is attacked, we become defensive.

Self-Concept as a Basic Set of Traits

1. Self-efficacy is a collection of beliefs and expectancies about his / her ability to deal effectively with tasks and to accomplish what needs to be done. 2. Self-monitoring is a personality disposition that ranges from the tendency to regulate ones behaviour on the basis of the situation (High self-monitors) to the tendency to regulate ones behaviour on the basis of internal factors (Low selfmonitors).

Self-Concept as a Basic Set of Traits Contd.

3. Self-esteem refers to a persons attitude about himself / herself. It depends on how closely an individuals perceived selfcharacteristics match his / her concept of an ideal self.

Individuals with High SelfEsteem

1. Tend to talk firmly
2. Are likely to think well of others 3. Perform well when being watched 4. Take responsibility 5. Have assured and open non-verbal


Individuals with High SelfEsteem Contd.

6. Able to defend themselves against the negative comments of others 7. Are concerned and empathetic 8. Work harder for people who demand high standards of performance 9. Expect to be accepted by others 10. Function better in inter-personal situations

Individuals with Low Self-Esteem

1. Do not appear self-confident, tend to
2. 3. 4. 5.

be defensive and hesitant Likely to disapprove of others Feel threatened by people they view as superior in some way Perform poorly when being watched Shirk responsibility

Individuals with Low SelfEsteem Contd.

6. Are apprehensive of rejection by others 7. Slack body posture is marked by protective gestures 8. Work harder for undemanding, less critical people

Self Concept Can Be Changed

1. Set achievable goals, judging your talent and aptitude 2. Observe models who handle themselves in the ways you would like to adopt 3. Inculcate a strong will to work for a change 4. Get accurate feedback from those who are supportive and appreciative of your efforts

Session :


1. To develop skills for working as a

team member 2. To sensitize participants to the behavioural dynamics characterising the relationships amongst the team members in different situations

How many of you are familiar with the following names?

Desh Prem Azad

Ramakant Achrekar

Quiz Contd.
They are the coaches of Kapil Dev

Sachin Tendulkar
This is real teamwork. The coach works behind the scene unknown to people while their trainees become known all over the world.

One Indian Two Indians = = Two Japanese One Japanese Utter Confusion

Three Indians =

The Success Triangle

(ASK Principle)

ASK Principle - Meanings of Terms

1. Attitude Learned inclination to

behave in a consistent evaluative manner 2. Skill Expertness or practiced ability or tact. 3. Knowledge Familiarity gained by experience or range of information

My supervisxr txld me that Teamwxrk depends xn the perfxrmance xf every single persxn in the team. I ignxred that idea until my supervisxr shxwed me hxw the xffice cxmputer perfxrms when just xne single key xf the keybxard is xut xf xrder. All the xther keys wxrk just fine except xne but that xne destrxys the effectiveness xf the cxmputer. Nxw I knxw that even thxugh I am xnly xne persxn, I am needed if the team is tx wxrk as a successful team.

Teamwork Contd.
There is no letter I in the word TEAMWORK - Bill Foster

None of us is as fast as all of us

- Ken Blanchard Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success - Anonymous

Essentials of Team Working

1. Accomplishment of tasks
2. High motivational level of members 3. Synergy effect : ordinary people working extraordinarily to supplement and complement each others competency and support each others incompetency to produce phenomenal results.

Teamwork Agenda

1. Goals

2. Strategic Planning
3. Strengths and Limitations

4. Expectations (Role Clarity)

5. Decision Making (Accuracy and Acceptance)

Teamwork Agenda Contd.


6. Organizing
7. Relations with Significant Others

8. Current Problems
9. Motivating self and others

Team Spirit Team spirit is nothing but a collective desire to win.

Team Spirit Contd.

Coming Together is a Beginning
Keeping Together is Progress Working Together is Success At Which Stage are You ?

Successful organisations are built by successful people

Team Spirit Contd.


Team Spirit Contd.


My grateful thanks

Mr. K.K. Srivastava

Ms. Charu Malhotra Mr. Sidhartha Mukherjee Mr. Mohammad Arif and Many others from whom I have learnt immensely


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