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Freedom of Speech

Why do we have freedom of speech?

Freedom of Speech
Quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes:
the best test of truth is the power of thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market

We have free speech to preserve FREEDOM. Restrictions on speech are undemocraticthey prohibit the free-flow of ideas.

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech protects unpopular speech. Are First Amendment freedoms absolute? Answer: no.

Freedom of Speech
Examples of UNPROTECTED speech:
Libel Slander Perjury Sedition? Obscenity Fire in crowded theater example

Where is the line as to what is protected speech?

Freedom of Speech
Libel written defamation Slander verbal defamation Defamation -- Must be:
Published Damaging to reputation Untrue

Freedom of Speech
Private persons have more protection than public figures To defame public figuremust prove actual malice(bad intent)

Freedom of Speech
Miller v. California provides test for legal obscenity:

1. If the average person, applying contemporary community standards finds the work as a whole appeals to the prurient interest

Freedom of Speech
Miller v. California Test (Contd):

2. Work depicts or describes in a patently offensive manner certain conduct 3. Work lacks serious artistic or literary value

Freedom of Speech
Recent Obscenity Rulings: In 1996, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act, prohibiting transmission of obscene material over the Internet

Freedom of Speech
ACLU filed suit, and in 1997, the CDA was declared Unconstitutional Prior Restraint censorship before publication
Near v. Minnesota
States cant censor papers

Freedom of Speech
Prior Restraint (contd)

Prior restraint only acceptable where National Security threatened Exceptions: Student speech may be censored when censorship is related to legitimate pedagogical concerns

Freedom of Speech
Confidential Sources

No Constitutional protection for news reporters wanting to protect sources.

Matter is left to statessome states have shield laws. Why?

Freedom of Speech
Radio & TV Speech on radio & TV may be regulatedWhy? Answer: airwaves considered public propertylimited no. of broadcast channelstherefore the public interest is served by some censorship.

Freedom of Speech
FCC does not censorbut may act to punish networks that go too farby refusing to renew licenses First Amendment takes a back seat in TV & Radio Question: How will cable TV and the Internet change this?

Freedom of Speech
Symbolic Speech -- Examples: Flag burning Protected Picketing Protected if peaceful Burning draft cards during Vietnam War: NOT protectedgovt propertycant have people burning draft cardsharms public

Freedom of Speech
Symbolic Speech -Examples: Students wearing black arm bands Protected if not disruptive Campaign contributions Protected

Freedom of Speech
Commercial Speech -Examples: Advertising contraceptives Protected Lawyer solicitations (Jim Adler) Protected

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