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LOW SCORE (1-3) RESERVED Stiff, cool, skeptical, and aloof. Likes things rather than people, working alone and avoiding compromises of viewpoints. Precise and rigid in his way of doing things and in personal standards Tend to be critical, obstructive, or hard.

HIGH SCORE (8-10) OUTGOING Good-natured, easy- going, emotionally expressive, ready to cooperate, attentive to people, soft hearted, kindly, adaptable. Likes occupations dealing with people and socially impressive situations, readily forms active groups. Generous in personal relations, less afraid of criticism, remember people with their names.

LESS INTELLIGENT Lower scholastic mental capacity Concrete thinking. Slow to learn and grasp. Dull, given to concrete and literal interpretation.

MORE INTELLIGENT High scholastic mental capacity. Abstract thinking bright. Quick to grasp ideas, a fast learner, intelligent. High scores contraindicate deterioration.

AFFECTED BY FEELINGS Low in frustration tolerance for unsatisfactory conditions. Changeable and plastic. Evading necessary reality demands, neurotically fatigued, fretful. Easily emotional and annoyed, active in dissatisfaction.

EMOTIONALLY STABLE Emotionally mature, stable , realistic about life. Unruffled, possessing ego strength, maintain solid group morale.

HUMBLE Mild, Accommodating, Conforming. Give way to others, to be docile and to confirm. Dependent, confessing, anxious for obsessional correctness.

ASSERTIVE Independent, Aggressive, Competitive, stubborn. Assertive, self- assured, and independentminded. Austere, a law to himself, hostile or extra punitive, authoritarian and disregards authority.

SOBER Prudent, Serious, Taciturn. Restrained, reticent introspective. Sometimes dour, pessimistic, unduly deliberate. Smug and primly corrected by observers. Sober, dependable person.

HAPPY-GO-LUCKY Impulsively lively, Enthusiastic. Cheerful, active, talkative, frank, expressive, effervescent, carefree. Impulsive and mercurial. Frequently chosen as elected leader.

EXPEDIENT Expedient, Evades rules, feels few obligations. Unsteady in purpose. Casual , lacking in efforts for group undertakings and cultural demands. Freedom from group influence may lead to antisocial acts, but at times makes them more effective and causes less somatic upset from stress.

CONSIENTIOUS Conscientious, Persevering, Staid, Rule-bound. Exacting in character, dominated by sense of duty, persevering, responsible, planful, fills the unforgiving minute. Conscientious and moralistic, prefer hard working people to witty companions.


Restrained, Diffident, Timid Shy , withdrawing, cautious, retiring, a wallflower. Inferiority feelings. Slow and impeded in speech and in expressing himself, dislikes occupations with personal contacts, prefer one or two close friends to large groups.


Socially bold, Uninhibited, Spontaneous. Sociable, bold, ready to try new things, spontaneous and abundant in emotional response. Thick-skinned, enable to face wear and tear in dealing with people and grueling emotional situations, without fatigue. Careless of detail, ignore danger signals and consume much tome talking. Pushy and actively interested in opposite sex.

TOUGH-MINDED Self- reliant, Realistic . Practical , realistic, masculine, independent, responsible , but skeptical of subjective, cultural elaborations. Sometimes unmoved, hard, cynical, smug. Keep a group operating on a practical and realistic no-nonsense basis.

TENDER-MINDED Dependent, Over-protected, Sensitive. Tender- minded, day-dreaming, artistic, fastidious, feminine. Sometimes demanding of attention and help, impatient, dependent, impractical. Dislikes crude people and rough occupations. Tend to slow up group performance, and to upset group morale by unrealistic fussiness.

TRUSTIR Adaptable, Free of Jealousy, Easy to get on with. Free of jealous tendency, adaptable, cheerful, uncompetitive. Concerned about other people, and a good team worker.

SUSPICIOUS Self-opinionated, Hard to make fool. Mistrusting and doubtful. Self-opinionated, and interested in internal, mental life. Deliberated to actions, unconcerned about other people, a poor team member.

PRACTICAL Careful, Conventional, Regulated by external realities. Anxious to do right things, attentive to practical matters, and subject to the dictation of what is obviously possible. Concerned over detail, able to face emergencies, but sometimes unimaginative.

IMAGINATIVE Wrapped up in Inner Urgencies, Careless of Practical matters, Absent-minded. Unconventional, unconcerned over everyday matters, Bohemian, self motivated, imaginatively creative , concerned with essentials, and obvious of particular people and physical realities. Individualistic, rejected in group activities.

FORTHRIGHT Natural, Artless, Sentimental. Unsophisticated, sentimental and simple. Sometimes crude and awkward, but easily pleased and content with what comes and natural and spontaneous.

SHREWD Calculat8ing, Worldly, Penetrating. Polished, experienced, worldly, shrewd. Often hardheaded and analytical. Intellectual, unsentimental approach to situations.

PLACID Self assured and Confident. Placid with shakable nerve. Mature, confidence in himself and his capacity to deal with things. Resilient and secure. May evoke antipathies and distrust when group is not going along with him.

APPREHENSSIVE Worrying, Depressive, Troubled. Depressed , moody, a worrier, full of foreboding, and brooding. Become anxious in difficulties. Does not feel accepted in groups or free to participate.

CONSERVATIVE Respecting established ideas, Tolerant of traditional difficulties. Confident in what he has been taught to believe, and accepts the tried and true, despite inconsistencies Cautious and compromising in regard to new ideas. Oppose change and inclined to go along with traditions Conservative in religion and politics and not interested in analytical intellectual thought.

EXPERIMENTING Critical, Liberal, Analytical, Free-thinking. Interested in intellectual matters and has doubts on fundamental issues. Skeptical and inquiring regarding ideas, either old or new. More well informed, less inclined to moralize, more inclined to experiment in life generally, tolerant of inconvenience and change.

GROUP-DEPENDENT Prefers to work and make decisions with other people, likes and depends on social approval and admiration. Not generous by choice. Need group support.

SELF-SUFFICIENT Prefers own decisions, Resourceful. Temperamentally independent, accustomed to going his own way, making decisions and taking actions on his own. Discounts public opinion, but not necessarily dominant in his relations with others. Does not dislike people but also does not need their agreement or support.

UNDISCIPLINED SELF-CONFLICT Carriers of Protocol, Follows own Urges. Not be bothered with will control and regard for social demands. Not overly considerate, careful, or pains-taking. Feel maladjusted.

CONTROLLED Socially precise, Following Self-image. Strong control of his emotions and general behavior, is inclined to be socially aware and careful. Give self respect and regard for social reputation. Sometimes tend to be obstinate. Effective leader.

RELAXED Tranquil, Torpid, Unfrustrated. Sedate, relaxed, composed and satisfied. In some situations over satisfaction leads to laziness, and low performance because low motivation produces little trial and error.

TENSE Frustrated, Driven, Overwrought. Tense , excitable, restless, fretful, impatient. Often fatigued, unable to remain inactive. In groups he take a poor view of the degree of unity, orderliness, and leadership. Sometimes his frustration represent an excess of stimulated, but undischarged, drive.

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