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Data Objects

Can not exist without Data types. Occupies memory space. Created during Run Time.

Data Object Types

Internal Data Objects

Variables Constants Literals


Data a type value 1234. During run time, Data Object A is created and its value is 1234. The value of A in this case (declared as variable) can be changed during run time. a = a + 1.


Constants a type i value 1234. During run time, Data Object A is created and its value is 1234. The value of A in this case (declared as constant) can not be changed during run time.


Data a(10) value ABCDEF. During run time, Data Object A is created and its value is ABCDEF.

External Data Objects

All Table fields comes under this category. Data a like sflight-carrid value SQ. During run time, Data Object A is created and its value is SQ.

System defined Data Objects

Space , and System variables comes under this category. Data a like sy-datum. a = sy-datum. During run time, Data Object A is created and its value is todays date.

Special Data Objects

Parameters Selection Criteria

Data : a type i value 123, b type i value 321. You can not assign another set of values to a & b, unless we change these values with in the above code. Hence the need for Parameters.

Parameters contd.

Parameters: a type i, b type i. With parameters declaration a selection screen is created during run time and the user can input any number of sets of values.

Parameters contd.

You can assign default values variables declared under parameters. Parameters : a type i default 123, b type i default 321. During run time, the above default values will appear in the selection screen. User can use the same values or he/she can change the above set of values for later use.

Selection Criteria

Data : a like sflight-carrid. a = SQ. You can not assign another value to a, unless we change this value with in the above code. Hence the need for Selection Criteria.

Selection Criteria contd.

select-options a for sflight-carrid. With select-options declaration a selection screen is created during run time and the user can input any range of values.

Selection criteria contd.

You can assign default values to variables declared using select-options. Select-options : a for sflight-carrid default SQ. During run time, the above default values will appear in the selection screen. User can use the same value or he/she can change the above value for later use.

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