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Data Types

System Defined (Pre Defined)

User Defined

1) Elementary

2) Structured

1) Elementary

2) Structured

1) Elementary System Defined Data Types

Character (C) Numeric Text(N) Integer(I) Packed(P) Float(F) Date(D) Time(T) Hexadecimal(X)

2) Structured System Defined Data Types

All Database Tables

3) Elementary User Defined Data Types


4) Structured User Defined Data Types

Internal Tables & Field Strings

Elementary System Defined Data Types

Character (C) Data Type

Data a(5) type c. Data a(5). Data b. Data : a(5),b. a = ABCD.b = A. move ABCD to a. move A to b. Write:/ a,b

Numeric Text (N) Data Type

Data a(3) type n. a = 123. Data b(6) type n value 500029. Data :c(3) type n value 123, d(6) type n value 500029. Data e(3) type n. move 123 to e.

Integer (I) Data Type

Data a type i. a = 125. Data b type i value 130. Data : c type i value 135, d type i value 140. Data : e type i. move 145 to e.

Packed Number (P) Data type

Data a type p decimals 2. a = 123.45. Data b type p decimals 2 value 234.56. Data : c type p decimals 2 value 123.45, d type p decimals 2 value 234.56. Data e type p decimals 2. move 234.56 to e.

Float (F) Data Type

Data a type f. a = 123.45. Data b type f value 234.56. Data : c type f value 123.45, d type f value 234.56. Data e type f. move 123.45 to e.

Date (D) Data Type

Data a type d. a = 20000225. Data b(8) type d. b = 20011226. Data : c type d value 20000328, d(8) type d value 20011221. Data : e type d. move 20011212 to e.

Time (T) Data Type

Data a type t. a = 081152. Data b(6) type t. b = 090231. Data : c type t value 081152, d(6) type t value 090231. Data : e type t. move 101010 to e.

Hexa Decimal (X) Data Type

Data a type x. a = 01. Data b type x value AB. Data : c(2) type x value 1234, d type x value AC. Data e type x. move A1 to e.

Structured System Defined Data Types


Tables sflight. Tables : sflight, sbook.

Elementary User Defined Data Types

Structured User Defined Data Types

Structured User Defined Data Types

Internal Tables & Field strings

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