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Every company must have a landscape for implementation of the objects. System landscape is a server set up which is build at client space.

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SAP recommends three types of systems for implementation purpose.

Development system. Test system. Production system.

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Development system
Development system is the system where actual development takes place. Normally development is carried out for objects.
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Test system
Test system is also known as quality system and is used to test the objects. You can test the object in the development system also, but here the object is tested against the real data.
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Production system
The production system is the system where end users enters the business data and it is the place where actual business runs. No development takes place in this system.
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Diagram for the landscape.

Development system

Test system

Production system

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Developers creates the objects in the development system, these objects are transported to the test system to test objects against the real data and when validated these objects are transported to the the production system.

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Transport organizer
To transport these object form one system to another system, ABAP/4 development workbench provide a tool called TRANSPORT ORGANISER, which are also used to manage activities that are important in the overall workbench environment.
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Example of these activities are.


management and control of new development request. Modification of objects. Version management.

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Concept of workbench.

Development objects. Workbench records and controls changes to existing development objects as well as new objects. Development class. When user creates a objects in R/3 system, the object needs to be stored in particular development class. The development class are object themselves.
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In R/3 you can store the object in local object i.e. $tmp class, and this object cannot be transported from one system to another system. User can assign his own development class and object in this class can be transported.

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Change request.
A change request is a list in the system, which mainly contains the objects to be transported.

When change request is created either manually or automatically, the system assigns a number to it automatically and this number is known as change request number.
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The format for this number is. <SID>k<number> EX. DD1K<900002> Where DD1 is system identification number. K is keyword. The number is automatically generated by the system and start with 900001.
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Version management.
ABAP/4 workbench organizer provides a version management for all the objects in the system. With version management user can compare current object version and object with previous version. To display version for an object go to. utilities--display version.
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Releasing task and request.

When new development or correction is complete, developer must release their task and request. To release the task Find a task from workbench initial screen. Position the curser over the task. Click on the release button.

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