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Universidad del Pas Vasco

Escuela Tcnica Superior de Nutica y Mquinas Navales

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Nautikako eta Itsasontzi Makinetako Goi-EskolaTeknikoa


Eder Utrero Beaskoetxea Licenciatura en Nutica y transporte Martimo

Distress : A distress signal indicates that a person or group of people or other vehicle is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requests immediate assistance. Urgency: An Urgency call is for help is needed, but the risk to the vessel or person, although serious, is not grave or imminent. Safety : It is a message that indicates that there is a imminent risk for navigation.

NAVTEX or Navigational Telex
It must be installed on vessels in order to be able to receive information messages as meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine safety information to ships. It was developed to receive information about aboard ships at sea within approximately 370 km (200 nautical miles) off shore. Transmission are made on the Medium Frequencies of 518 kHz and 490 kHz.

EPIRB or (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon) Also called as Emergency Bacon or Distress Radio Beacons. It is a small radio transmitter able to transmit UHFdistress signals. These signalas are received by satellites and relayed to Rescue Co-ordination Centre. they are radiobeacons that interface with worldwide offered service of Cospas-Sarsat, the international satellite system for search and rescue(SAR). Most beacons are brightly colored and waterproof.

An EPIRB will be released by hand or automatically by a hydrostatic mechanism once the beacon has been submerged for a few metres in case of shipwreck. It can operate transmitting for 24 to 48 hours. There are fit in a cube about 30 cm on a side, and weigh 2 to 5 kg. There are two valid transmission modes: digital (406 MHz UHF) and analog (121.5 MHz VHF). SAR response to anonymous beacons can be delayed 46 hours, and as much as 12 hours.

SART or Search and Rescue Radar Transpoder The radar-SART works in any X-band radar within a range of approximately 8 nautical miles. Onboard there two or more SART. It is operating in the 9Ghz bandwidth will be able to home on your vessel. Battery Renewal - 5 years Operating life span - 100 hours in stand-by mode and 8 hours when continuously sending a signal Serviced every 2 years

Monthly tests - turn the switch on the S.A.R.T. to test mode, hold for a few seconds, an audible alarm will sound and the light will flash.

over 5 miles

between 1 - 5 miles

under 1 mile

This homing signals will be seen on the radar screen of the ship, or aircraft as a line of 12 blips extending approximately 5NM outwards from the SARTs position.

Universidad del Pas Vasco

Escuela Tcnica Superior de Nutica y Mquinas Navales

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Nautikako eta Itsasontzi Makinetako Goi-EskolaTeknikoa


Eder Utrero Beaskoetxea Best Regards

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