Scope of IT in Power Sector in India

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Scope for IT Implementation in Power Sector in India


The major sources of power in India are as follows:
FUEL Total Thermal Coal Gas Oil Hydro (Renewable) Nuclear Renewable Energy Sources(RES) including Bio Gas, Wind Energy, Urban & Industrial Waste Power etc Total
Source: CEA, August 2011

MW 118409.48 99,503.38 17,706.35 1,199.75 38,206.40 4,780.00 20,162.24 1,81,558.12

PERCENTAGE 65.21 54.80 9.75 0.66 21.04 2.63 11.10 100.00

Todays scenario comprises of manual meter readings,

long queues for bills, mismanagement and lack of transparency


This paper aims to enlist the various IT applications that can be implemented across State Electricity Boards to make power transmission and distribution a much more transparent, profitable and customer oriented business.

Firstly a study of existing literature has been done.

Secondly, current state of affairs have been

identified, exploring the following resources :

Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE IT Task Force Report for Power Sector Power Sector in India White paper on Implementation Challenges and Opportunities, KPMG in India Ministry of Power Website, POWER FOR ALL BY 2012 and National Electricity Plan, CEA

Finally, the findings were analyzed to reach


Literature Review
Comparison of technology adoption in different areas across the globe:
Comparison of technology adoption in different areas across the globe

Metering Technology Technologies Automation Networking System Integration

Developed Countries (US,UK)

Asian Countries (Hongkong, Thailand) SEBs of India

Internet 0 1 2 3 Level of adoption 4 5

1. Absent 4. Advanced

Legend: Level of adoption 2. Initial Stage 5. Very advanced

3. Intermediate Stage

Source: IT Task Force Report for Power Sector by IT Task Force (2009)

Literature Review
Best Practices of IT that have been implemented

in Power Sector:

IT as the operations execution platform Integrated systems over a robust IT infrastructure

The different IT Applications that need to be implemented are: Management Information Systems

To provide relevant information at each level of the organization in a timely and accurate manner

Customer Management System: Quality and reliability of supply Accuracy of bills Payment mechanisms Complaint Handling

Real time Dashboards To monitor the availability of power in each sub-station of each SEB and also the consumption pattern. This data can be used to solve unforeseen grid failures

Data warehouses SEBs have to maintain data about each account (user) and keep tabs on consumption pattern, payment pattern, payment method, etc over the past few years. Using a central warehouse system will also help in segregating customers into profitability groups and take corrective measures against defaulters (late payment, nonpayment).

IT should be used in commercial processes and in

improving the quality of supply in selected high revenue areas.

The key objective of the IT solutions should be to

minimize human interface in commercial processes to avoid human errors and chances of willful mistakes.


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