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Customer Relationship Management A Databased Approach

V. Kumar Werner J. Reinartz Instructors Presentation Slides

Chapter One

CRM, Database Marketing

and Customer Value

Topics discussed: Marketing concept Link between CRM and Database Marketing CRM and Customer value

Conceptualizations of CRM
Relevance of CRM

Data based Customer Value Management

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for

creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for

managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. American Marketing Association,2004

Link Between CRM and Database Marketing

Database Marketing Customer Databases
Identify and analyze customer population Group based on similarities Recommend separate marketing campaigns for different groups

Applies database marketing techniques at customer level Develops strong company-to-customer relationships

Capture customer data and interact with the customer simultaneously

Develop specific strategies for interaction with each customer

Better relationships with profitable customers Locating and enticing new customers that will be profitable Finding appropriate strategies to deal with unprofitable customers, including termination of relationships

Link Between CRM and Customer Value

Customer Value: The economic value of the customer relationship to the firm expressed on the basis of contribution margin or net profit

CRM is the practice of analyzing and utilizing marketing databases and leveraging communication technologies to determine corporate practices and methods that will maximize the lifetime value of each individual customer to the firm

Using Customer Value for Marketing Decisions


Decrease in Costs Maximization of Revenues Improvement in Profits and ROI Acquisition and Retention of Profitable Customers

Reactivation of Dormant Customers

Conceptualizations of CRM
Functional level: focuses on technology

Sales force automation in the sales function

Campaign management in the marketing function

Customer facing front-end level: focuses on total customer experience

To build a single-view of customers across contact channels

To distribute customer intelligence to all customer-facing functions

Strategy level: focuses on customer satisfaction

Frees CRM from technology underpinnings Describes CRM as a process to implement customer centricity in the market and build shareholder value

Knowledge about customers affects the entire organization

Components of CRM from a Business Strategy Perspective

Strategic process

Spans multiple organizational functions Continuous effort towards becoming customer-centric


Resource allocation based on economic value of customer


Exchange of information and goods between customer and firm evolves as a function of past exchanges

Components of CRM from a Business Strategy Perspective (contd.)


End-users and intermediaries such as distributors and retailers Greater fine-tuning of segmentation strategies to eventually target individual customers with customized product offerings

Optimizing current and future value of customer

Maximizing customer equity by maximizing profits over a series of transactions

Caution: Managing fairness in the exchange process is important to sustain mutually profitable relationships

Relevance of CRM
Firms are facing changes with respect to:
Consumers Marketplaces Technology

Marketing functions

CRM is a response to these changes

Changes with respect to Consumers

Growing consumer diversity- due to demographic and behavioral trends
Ageing of the population in developed countries- de-youthing Increased diversity in ethnicity of population Increasing individualization

Time scarcity
Activities compete for customers time

Value consciousness and intolerance for low service levels

Rise in customer expectations Decline in consumer satisfaction level

Time Scarcity and Value ConsciousnessExample

Average waiting time (in seconds) after which calls are abandoned by customers
60 55 51.3 45 42.5 1998 1999 55


50 45 40 35 30 UK Worldwide

Source: : Merchants International Call Center Report

Figure shows that customers are less and less satisfied with the treatment they get from corporate call centers. The average time after which calls are abandoned fell by about 19% in just one year.

Declining Customer Satisfaction- Example

Scheduled Airlines
Household Appliances

90 85 80 75 70 65 60



Commercial Banks
90 85 80 75 70 65

P arcel Delivery
90 85 80 75 70 65

P ersonal Computers
90 85 80 75 70 65

P ublishing/ Newspapers












1994 1996 1998 2000 2002







1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

(American Customer Satisfaction Index) with products and services Source:, University of Michigan

Changes with respect to Consumers (contd.)

Information availability and technological aptitude

Customers more knowledgeable in making purchase decisions More comparisons across providers and transactions

Decrease in loyalty

Diversification of holdings across service providers even within same



Marketers should be wary of placing heavy time demands on consumers The major challenge facing companies has become meeting consumer demands rather than cost reduction

Decreasing Customer Loyalty- Example

Number of different financial service providers that respondents are associated with
35 30 30.2 30.7

% of consumers

25 20 15 10 5 0 14.1




Number of financial service providers

Source: Unidex Report

Changes with respect to the Marketplace

More intense competition between firms for customers

Fragmentation of markets
Diminishing product-quality differentiation Consequences
Value added to customers by offering customized product and service propositions To maintain market share, need to realign business strategy to become customer-centric

Product Parity of Grocery Private Label (US)

More switching to private-label products with decrease in disposable income . Switching back to national brands with economy picking up and decreased unemployment. This link broken today. (Source: Information Resources, Sloan Management
Review, BCG Analysis)

Changes with respect to Data Storage Technology

Better technology, cheaper and larger storage units Huge increase in demand for data storage Increased popularity of data warehouses


Better information about customer behavior and attitudes Better prediction of customer buying behavior Too much data can lead to misapplication and wrong analysis

Changes with respect to Marketing Function

Media dilution and multiplication of channels
Proliferation of communication media focused on the customer
Direct-to-consumer channels - email, telephone Interactive media - internet, interactive TV etc

Reduced need for techniques focused on price alone due to

Availability of new data collection and communication tools Marketing processes such as loyalty programs

Changes with respect to Marketing Function (contd.)

Decreasing market efficiency and effectiveness due to

Focus on acquisition, price and short-term transactions Proliferation of new contact channels Increased or flat cost of contact Decreased customer response

Reduced value for advertising in any medium

Pressure on the marketing function Marketing in danger of being restricted to advertising and media planning

Implications of Changes in Business Environment

Greater demand for learning about

Customer preferences Product and service customization

Focus on customer-centric instead of product-centric strategies

Data Based Customer Value Management

To satisfy increasing customer heterogeneity To address concerns of marketing accountability To put available data to use To use customer profitability as the key objective function

Benefits of Data Based Customer Value Management Approach

Integrate and consolidate customer information

Provide consolidated information across all channels to assist in timely and relevant communication with customers
Manage customer cases Personalize the service and products offered to each customer to meet expectations Automatically and manually generate new sales opportunities Provide flexibility to adapt campaigns to take changes in customer behavior or information into account

Benefits of Data Based Customer Value Management approach (contd.)

Yield faster and more accurate follow-up on sales leads, referrals and customer enquiries Manage all business processes by introducing a central point of control ensuring all business processes are executed in accordance with correct and effective business rules Give top managers a detailed and accurate picture of all sales and marketing activities Instantly react to a changing business environment

From a strategic perspective, CRM is the process of selecting the customers a firm can most profitably serve and shaping the interactions between a company and these individual customers Assessing Customer Value is critical to CRM Rapid changes are taking place in the environment in which firms operate with respect to customers, market places, technology, and marketing functions These changes have driven the marketplace to become relationshipbased and customer-centric CRMs goal is to optimize the current and future value of the customers for the company

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