Internal Employee Relations

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Human Resource Management 10th Edition Chapter 13 INTERNAL EMPLOYEE RELATIONS

2008 by Prentice Hall


HRM in Action: Continuous Background Checking

Not just for pre-employment any more Few employers are screening their employees on an ongoing basis People and events are ever-changing Examples: Financial devastation, marital collapse or a medical crisis can send a person with the cleanest record over the edge
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-2

Internal Employees Relations Defined

Human resource activities associated with movement of employees within firm after they become organizational members
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-3

Internal Employees Relations Activities

Promotion Transfer Demotion Resignation Discharge Layoff Retirement Discipline Disciplinary action
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-4

Employment at Will
Unwritten contract created when employee agrees to work for employer No agreement as to how long parties expect employment to last Approximately 2 of every 3 U.S. workers depend almost entirely on continued goodwill of employer
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-5

Not Included
Individuals with a contract for a specified time period - collective bargaining agreements between labor and management and teachers Whistleblowers

2008 by Prentice Hall


Exceptions to Employment-at-Will Doctrine

Prohibiting terminations in violation of public policy Permitting employees to bring claims based on representations made in employment handbooks Permitting claims based on the commonlaw doctrine of good faith and fair dealing
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-7

How Employers Can Protect Themselves

No statements suggesting job security or permanent employment Avoiding statements during job interviews, such as You can expect to hold this job as long as you want - Could be considered a contractual agreement A person should not be employed without a signed acknowledgment of the at-will disclaimer
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-8

How Employers Can Protect Themselves (Cont.)

Clearly defining workers duties Providing good feedback on a regular basis Conducting realistic performance appraisals on a regular basis There is no law involving ethical considerations for employment-at-will
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-9

Discipline and Disciplinary Action

Discipline - State of employee self-control and orderly conduct Disciplinary action -Invokes penalty against employee who fails to meet established standards
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-10

Effective Disciplinary Action

Addresses employees wrongful behavior, not employee as a person Should not be applied haphazardly Not usually managements initial response to a problem Normally, there are more positive ways of convincing employees to adhere to company policies
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-11

The Disciplinary Action Process

EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Set Organizational Goals Establish Rules Communicate Rules to Employees Observe Performance Compare Performance with Rules

Take Appropriate Disciplinary Action

2008 by Prentice Hall 13-12

Disciplinary Action
Word discipline comes from word disciple Translated from Latin, it means, to teach Intent of disciplinary action should be to ensure recipient sees disciplinary action as learning process
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-13

Approaches to Disciplinary Action

Hot stove rule Progressive disciplinary action Disciplinary action without punishment
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-14

Hot Stove Rule

Burns immediately Provides warning Gives consistent punishment Burns impersonally Problem - All situations are not the same
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-15

Progressive Disciplinary Action

Ensure minimum penalty appropriate to offense is imposed Model developed in response to National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 Involves answering series of questions about severity of offense

2008 by Prentice Hall


The Progressive Disciplinary Approach

Improper Behavior

Does this violation warrant disciplinary actions?



No Disciplinary Action

Does this violation warrant more than an oral warning?



Oral Warning

Does this violation warrant more than a written warning?



Written Warning

Does this violation warrant more than a suspension?




2008 by Prentice Hall 13-17

Suggested Guidelines for Disciplinary Action

Offenses Requiring First, an Oral Warning; Second, a Written Warning; and Third, Termination
Negligence in the performance of duties Unauthorized absence from job Inefficiency in the performance of job

Offenses Requiring a Written Warning; and Then Termination

Sleeping on the job Failure to report to work one of two days in a row without notification Negligent use of property

Offenses Requiring Immediate Termination

Theft Fighting on the job Falsifying time cards Failure to report to work three days in a row without notification
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-18

Disciplinary Action without Punishment

Process of giving worker time off with pay to think about whether he or she wants to follow the rules and continue working for company Employee violates rule, manager issues oral reminder Repetition brings written reminder Third violation: Worker takes 1, 2 or 3 days off (with pay) to think about situation Important all rules explicitly stated in writing
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-19

Problems in Administration of Disciplinary Action

Lack of training Fear The only one Guilt Loss of friendship Time loss Loss of temper Rationalization

2008 by Prentice Hall

Disciplinary Action Advice

Managers often avoid disciplinary action, even when it is in companys best interest Some managers believe that even attempting to terminate women and minorities is useless Proper time and place to administer disciplinary action Many supervisors may be too lenient early in disciplinary action process and too strict later
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-21

Grievance Handling Under Collective Bargaining Agreement

Grievance - Employees dissatisfaction or feeling of personal injustice relating to employment Grievance procedure - Formal, systematic process that permits employees to express complaints without jeopardizing their jobs

2008 by Prentice Hall


Grievance Procedure
Assists management in seeking out underlying causes of and solutions to grievances Virtually all labor agreements include some form of grievance procedure Normally well defined Usually restricted to violations of terms and conditions of agreement
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-23

General Principles for Effective Grievance Administration

Grievances should be adjusted promptly. Procedures and forms used for airing grievances must be easy to utilize and well understood by employees and their supervisors. Direct and timely avenues of appeal from rulings of line supervision must exist
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-24

A Multiple-Step Grievance Procedure


President, Vice President for Labor Relations, etc.

To Impartial Third Party

International Representative, Local President, etc.

Plant Manager, Personnel Manager, etc.

Grievance in Writing

Grievance Committee, Business Agent, etc.

First-Line Supervisor
Oral Presentation

Union Steward

AggrievedPrentice Hall Employee 2008 by


Parties submit dispute to impartial third party for binding resolution Final step in most grievance procedures Union and company select arbitrator Courts will generally enforce arbitrators decision
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-26

Factors Arbitrator May Use to Evaluate Fairness of Managements Actions

Nature of offense Due process and procedural correctness Double jeopardy Past record of grievant Length of service with company Knowledge of rules Warnings Lax enforcement of rules Discriminatory treatment
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-27

Formats of Written Warnings

Statement of facts concerning offense Identification of rule that was violated Statement of what resulted or could have resulted because of violation Identification of any previous similar violations by same individual Statement of possible future consequences should violation occur again Signature and date
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-28

Example of a Written Warning

Date: To: From: August 1, 2007 Judy Bandy Wayne Sanders


Written Warning

We are quite concerned because today you were thirty minutes late to work and offered no justification for this. According to our records, a similar offense occurred on July 25, 2007. At that time, you were informed that failure to report to work on time is unacceptable. I am, therefore, notifying you in writing that you must report to work on time. Please sign this form to indicate that you have read and understand this warning. Signing is not an indication of agreement.


2008 by Prentice Hall 13-29

Grievance Handling in Union-free Organizations

Most large and medium sized nonunion firms have established formal grievance procedures Means of resolving complaints varies
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-30

Trends & Innovations: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Procedure where employee and company agree problems will be addressed by agreed upon means ahead of time Arbitration, mediation, mini-trials, and ombudspersons used Uses range from racial, gender, and age discrimination to unfair firings

2008 by Prentice Hall


Trends & Innovations: Alternative Dispute Resolution (Cont.)

Presidential EO requires federal agencies to (1) promote greater use of mediation, arbitration, early neutral evaluation, agency ombudspersons, and other alternative dispute resolution techniques, and (2) promote greater use of negotiated rulemaking Circuit City v Adams - Greatly enhanced employers ability to enforce compulsory alternative dispute resolution agreements
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-32

Complaint officer with access to top management hears employee complaints, investigates, and recommends appropriate action Impartial, neutral counselors give employees confidential advice about problems ranging from abusive managers to allegations of illegal corporate activity Typically independent of line management and reports near or at top of organization
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-33

Most severe penalty; should be most carefully considered Termination of nonmanagerial/ nonprofessional employees Termination of executives Termination of middle- and lower-level managers and professionals
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-34

Termination of Nonmanagerial/Nonprofessional Employees

If firm unionized, termination procedure well defined in labor agreement Non-Union workers can generally be terminated more easily
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-35

Termination of Executives
Economic Reorganization/downsize Philosophical differences Decline in productivity No formal appeals procedure
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-36

Termination of Middle- and LowerLevel Managers and Professionals

In past, most vulnerable and neglected group with regard to termination Not members of union nor protected by labor agreement
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-37

Demotion as Alternative to Termination

Demotions used as alternative to discharge Demotion is process of moving worker to lower level of duties and responsibilities, usually involving reduction in pay
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-38

Lateral movement of worker within organization Should not imply that person is being either promoted or demoted

2008 by Prentice Hall


Transfers Serve Several Purposes

Necessary to reorganize Make positions available in primary promotion channels Satisfy employees personal desires Deal with personality clashes Becoming necessary to have wide variety of experiences before achieving promotion
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-40

Movement to higher level in company One of the most emotionally charged words in human resource management

2008 by Prentice Hall



Exit interview Advance notice of resignation

2008 by Prentice Hall


Analyzing Voluntary Resignations

Exit interview - Means of revealing real reasons employees leave jobs which is conducted before employee departs company Postexit questionnaire - Sent to former employees several weeks after leave organization to determine real reason the employee left.
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-43

Attitude Surveys: Means of Retaining Quality Employees

Seek employee input to determine feeling about such topics as: Work environment Opportunities for advancement Firms compensation system Their supervisor Training and development opportunities
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-44

Advance Notice of Resignation

Would like 2 weeks Communicate policy to all employees May pay employee for notice time and ask him/her to leave immediately
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-45


Many long-term employees leave organization through retirement

2008 by Prentice Hall


A Global Perspective: Getting Information to Support Disciplinary Action

Multinational companies face significant challenges when they try to encourage whistle-blowing across a wide variety of cultures Number of cultural factors that discourage international employees from reporting misconduct
2008 by Prentice Hall 13-47

2008 by Prentice Hall


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