Case Study Agate Full Version

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Case Study: Agates Information System

A1: AGATE Ltd Case Study: Introduction

To record details of Agates clients and advertising campaigns for those clients.
To record names, address, contact details for each client. To record details of each campaign for each client (title of campaign, planned start & finish dates, estimated costs, budgets, actual costs & dates, current state of completion). To provide information that can be used in separate accounts system for invoicing clients for campaigns. To record payments for campaigns that are also recorded in separate accounts system. To record which staff are working on which campaigns, including campaign manager for each campaign. To record which staff are assigned as staff contacts to clients. To check on status of campaigns and whether they are within budget.

Requirements (cont)
To provide creative staff with recording details of adverts and products of creative process that leads to development of concepts for campaigns and adverts.
To allow creative staff to record notes of ideas for campaigns and adverts. To provide other staff with access to those concept notes. To record details of adverts, including progress on their production. To schedule dates when adverts will be run.

To record details of all staff in company.

To maintain staff records for creative and administrative staff. To maintain details of staff grades and the pay for those grades. To record which staff are on which grade. To calculate annual bonus for all staff.

Requirements (cont)
Non-functional requirements.
To enable data about clients, campaigns, adverts, staff to be shared between offices. To allow system to be modified to work in different languages.

A2: AGATE Ltd Case Study: Requirements Model

Requirement list

Use case for Staff Management

Use case for Staff Manage -ment (cont)

Use case for Campaign Management

Use case for Campaign Management (cont)

Use case for Advert Preparation

Incursion & Prototype interface for

Find campaign use case

Initial Package Architecture

Initial Package Architecture (cont)

Use cases have been grouped into 3 subsystem packages: Campaign Management, Staff Management, and Advert Preparation. Distribution Package is necessary to meet Requirement # 16

Activity diagram for Requirements capture and modeling

Activity diagram for Capturing requirements

Activity diagram for Developing prototype

Activity diagram for Developing an initial architecture

A3: AGATE Ltd Case Study: Requirements Analysis

Use case collaboration: Add a new campaign

Collaboration diagram for Add a new campaign

Class diagram for Add a new campaign

Use case collaboration: Assign staff contact

Collaboration diagram for Assign staff contact

Class diagram for Assign staff contact

Use case collaboration: Check campaign budget

Collaboration diagram for Check campaign budget

Class diagram for Check campaign budget

Use case collaboration: Record completion of campaign

Collaboration diagram for Record completion of campaign

Class diagram for Record completion of campaign

Class diagram after further requirement analysis

Activity diagram for Requirement analysis

Activity diagram for Analysis use case realization

A4: AGATE Ltd Case Study: Requirements Model (Cont.)

Sequence diagram for Add a new advert to a campaign

Sequence diagram for Check campaign budget

Statechart for Campaign

Statechart for Staff Member

Operational specification for Campaign

Operational specification for Client & Advert

Revised analysis class diagram with generalization and aggregation

Activity diagram for Iteration analysis

Activity diagram for Iteration analysis (cont)

A5: AGATE Ltd Case Study: Design

Package diagram for Software architecture

Package diagram showing classes

Prototype UI for Check campaign budget

Classes in package Agate::Boundary

Classes in package Agate::Control::Client::CheckCampaignBudget

Classes in package Agate::Control::Server

Classes in package Agate::Entity::Domain

Broker classes in package Agate::Entity::DataManagement

Factory class in package Agate::Control::Server

Sequence diagram for Check campaign budget

Sequence diagram for Check campaign budget (cont)

Sequence diagram for Check campaign budget (cont)

Sequence diagram for Check campaign budget (cont)

Statechart for control of UI in Check campaign budget

Event-action for Statechart for control of UI in Check campaign budget

Activity diagram for Design workflow

Activity diagram for Design workflow (cont)

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