By: Cassandra Silva Subject: EDRL 451A Professor: Christi Carmack Date: 05/03/2012

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By: Cassandra Silva Subject: EDRL 451A Professor: Christi Carmack Date: 05/03/2012

Title Title Page & Table of Contents Overview Unit Goals Rationale Material List Supplementary Material Instructional Procedures Assessment Plan Short Lesson Plans Standards Used Strategies Used

Page 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-15 16 17

Long Lesson Plans

Addressing Class Population Reflection Resources

28 29 30

This Grammar Unit is a 15 day unit that will revolve around learning how to identify and correctly using grammar in writing simple sentences. This is an Elementary 3rd Grade class with 20 students, ages 8-9, boys & girls. There are five tables with four students at each table group. Students at each table are assigned a number (1-4). Each number has a job on collecting papers, turning in papers, homework, or passing out materials when needed.

Objective: Students will be able to identify, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives/adverbs and possessives. They will be able to properly identify them in sentences. Concept: The concept is for students to be introduced to be grammar and to be able to properly identify them in sentences. Topic: Language Arts-Grammar

Nouns and pronouns are an important part of the English language. They allow students to express themselves and communicate clearly. Grammar is a huge part of our everyday life and I feel that there are simple reasons for learning and understanding English as a language. If students can understand the basics of grammar, they can better understand what others say and write on a daily basis. For that reason alone, students should learn correct grammar.

PowerPoint's Worksheets Pencil s Paper School House Rock Video Journals KWL chart Activity #1 magazines scissors glue construction paper common and proper noun worksheet Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver Snap, Crackle, Pop worksheet Lined paper for story. red pen for corrections Crayons Markers Quick Practice worksheet ELMO Game & pieces Jeopardy game web links Test

PowerPoint's School House Rock Video KWL chart All worksheets Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver Game & pieces for Adverb Herd Game Jeopardy game Web links for games

Students will participate in PowerPoint presentations. Students will work with their face or shoulder partner. Direct instruction will be used daily. Guided Practice and Independent Practice will be used daily. Students will participate in Kagan activities.

Students will be asked to participate daily during PowerPoint presentations and for homework, students will be asked to independently complete a worksheets Students will be given tasks that they actually need to do using the English language.

Day MF 1M

Objectives Student will be able to exercise their thoughts on why learning grammar is important.

Procedures -Journal: why do you think we need to learn grammar?(10 min) -Table discussion: why do you think we need to know about grammar? Round Robin Kagan activity(15 min) -Teacher will lecture on the importance of grammar(15 min) -Shoulder partner discussion on what they learned about grammar today. -Closure: students will watch School House Rock Video on Nouns(10 min) -Journal: What did you learn from yesterdays video on nouns? -KWL on nouns(15 min) -Teacher will lecture and show PowerPoint on nouns(15 min) -Closure: Students will participate in activity #1 from PowerPoint(10 min)

Assessment -Journal Entry -I will be assessing students during the entire lesson, I will make sure students are correctly answering questions. I will check students understanding during questioning. -Journal. -Students will be assigned a homework assignment on Nouns.

Materials -Journal s - School House Rock Video


Students will be able to identify nouns and identify them in sentences.

-Journals -KWL chart -Activity #1 -PowerPoint on Nouns

Day M-F 3W

Objectives Students will be able to identify proper nouns and identify them in sentences.

Procedures -Journal: what have you learned about nouns so far?(10 min) -Students will view PowerPoint on Proper nouns and how they are different than nouns. -Students will pair up and cut pictures out of magazines (students will have a worksheet with 2 columns, "common" and "proper" The students will take turns putting their picture in the correct column. -Closure: Each pair will present to the class what they created. -Journal: what do you think verbs are? Have you ever hear about them?(10 min) -Teacher will read to students Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver. (25min) -Teacher discussion: Teacher will go over PowerPoint of Verbs (15 min) -Closure: as closure students are to participate in Kagan activity Talking Chips and speak of some of the verbs they learned today(10 min) -Journal: Students will synthesize and summarize the book Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by completing the Now I Know Poem (15 min) -Students will create a Snap, Crackle, Pop verbs worksheet. -Closure: Students will write a two paragraph story using common verbs, as well as past and present tense verbs.(20 min)

Assessment -Journals -magazine project

Materials -Journal s -magazines -scissors -glue -construction paper -common and proper noun worksheet


Students will be able to identify verbs and properly identify them in sentences.

-Journals -Closure Activity

-Journal Check. -Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver -Verbs PowerPoint


Students will be able to use present, and past tense verbs.

-Journals -Now I Know Poem -Story

-Journal s -Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver -Snap, Crackle, Pop worksheet -Lined paper for story.

Day M-F 6M

Objectives Students will be able to identify adjectives and properly identify them in sentences.

Procedures -Journal: What was your story on verbs about?(10 min) -Teacher discussion: Teacher will present PowerPoint on Adjectives.(15 min) -Independent Practice-Student will complete What is an Adjective? Worksheet. -Closure: Table discussion: students will correct each others worksheet(15 min) -Journal: free write. (10 min) -Teacher discussion: teacher will explain to students their assignment for the day (15 min) -Students will draw a picture of a place, a character, or a thing. Students are to write adjectives around the picture, and draw a line from the adjective to the specific detail in the picture they are describing. -Closure: Face partner discussion: students are to describe what they drew and what adjectives they used (5 min)

Assessment -Journal -Worksheet

Materials -Journals -PowerPoint -Worksheet -red pen for corrections


Students will be able to identify adjectives.


-Journals -Paper -Crayons -Markers -Pencil

Day M-F 8W

Objectives Students will be able to identify adverbs and properly identify them in sentences.

Procedures -Journal: N/A -Teacher discussion: Teacher will present PowerPoint on adverbs to class -Group discussion: in groups of 4 students will complete a quick practice work sheet on adverbs. (20 min) -Closure: Teacher will put the project the worksheet on the ELMO and have students come up and complete a sentence each(15 min) -Journal: Free Write. (10 min) -Table activity: Students will participate in Adverb Herd Game -Class discussion: class will discus the outcome of the game (10 min) -Journal: Students will reflect on the game Adverb Herd. (10 min) -Class Discussion/closer: as review the class will play Adverb Jeopardy. (40mins .)

Assessment -Worksheet on Adverbs -Class Participation

Materials -PowerPoint -Quick Practice worksheet -ELMO


Students will be able to modify accurate, attention-grabbing adverbs. Students will review adverbs.

-Answers in the game -Participation in the game -Journal entry -Jeopardy participation.

-Journals -Game & pieces


-Journal -Jeopardy game

Day M-F 11M

Objectives Students will be able to identify possessive nouns and properly identify them in sentences.

Procedures -Journal: N/A -Teacher discussion: Teacher will go over PowerPoint that explains what possessive nouns are. -Students will being the Possessive Nouns Scavenger Hunt Activity (Part 1-30mins)

Assessment -Scavenger Hunt Activity -Participation in PowerPoint

Materials -PowerPoint -Scavenger Hunt Activity


Students will be able to identify singular possessive nouns and properly identify them in sentences.

-Journal: N/A -Teacher discussion: Teacher will go over PowerPoint that explains what singular possessive nouns are(15 min) -Students will finish the Possessive Nouns Scavenger Hunt Activity (Part 2-30mins) Closure: Table Discussion. What is a singular possessive nouns? (15 min)

-Participation in games -Table discussion

-PowerPoint -Quia website link

Day MF 13W

Objectives Students will be able to identify singular possessive nouns and properly identify them in sentences.

Procedures -Journal: Students are to reflect on their whole experience with Grammar.(10 min) -Class activity: the class as a whole will play some games about Singular possessive nouns from Quia website(30 min) -Students will complete worksheet on singular and possessive nouns.(25 min) -Group Discussion: Students will discuss what the difference between singular and plural nouns are (10 min) Teacher: briefly review grammar. (35 min) -Closure: Students will take test on Grammar Unit(60 min)

Assessment -Journals -Group participation -worksheet -group discussion

Materials -journals -web link -worksheet


Students will show what theyve learned in a unit test.



WRITING - MECHANICS It is expected that students will: (3)7.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences [NS/PS 7.3.1] a. nouns/verbs b. pronouns c. adjectives/adverbs d. possessives (singular-plural) f. past, present, and future verb tenses.

Individual Learning: Students usually reflect their own thoughts by thought or by writing. Whole Group Learning: Students listen and at times participate in the direct instruction. Small Group Learning: Students listen to each others thought with conversing or writing. Kagan activities: Round Robin & talking chips. These strategies promote group work. Summarizing and synthesizing activities. Word Map for definitions.

Description of Classroom: 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. Background: This is the second day of a fifteen day unit involving grammar. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to identify proper nouns and identify them in sentences. Language Objective(s): Students will participate during PowerPoint and will independently complete 2 activities.

Nevada Standard: NS/PS 7.3.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences : a. nouns/verbs, b. pronouns, c. adjectives/adverbs, d. possessives (singular-plural), f. past, present, and future verb tenses
Key Vocabulary: Common nouns, proper nouns.
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing X X X Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement X X X X Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral



Teaching Strategies: I will use the Direct instruction method. I will state learning objective and orient students to lesson, review perquisites, present new material, conduct learning probes, provide independent practice, assess performance and provide feedback, and provide distributed practice and review.
Warm Up Activity: N/A. Lesson Sequence: 1) I will tell students that they will be identifying common nouns, proper nouns, and will also be picking them out from sentences. 2a) I will go over the skills that students will need 2b) Students will begin a K-W-L Chart 3) I will then go over slides 2-4 which presents the new material. 4) I will ask students to participate for the duration of activity #1 and will ask the students that need accommodations if they need any assistance. 5) I will go over slides 6 and 7 and then give students an opportunity to practice the new skills on their own (activity 2). 6) I will go over activity #2 with the students input. 7) As practice and review I will assign a homework assignment on nouns, pronouns, common and proper nouns. Accommodations: For students with learning challenges I will spend more time with them, if needed, while checking their understanding. For students that require advanced instruction, I will offer them an extra credit assignment. Supplementary Materials: PowerPoint, worksheets, pencil. Review/Assessment: students will be given in class and take home activities on common nouns, nouns, and pronouns to complete Reflection: Lesson went well. The worksheets worked great. Students seemed engaged and focused.

Description of Classroom: 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. Background: This is the third day of a fifteen day unit involving grammar. Content Objective: Students will be able to identify proper nouns and identify them in sentences. Language Objective(s): Student will be expected to show learning from individual work. Nevada Standard: NS/PS 7.3.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences : a. nouns/verbs, b. pronouns, c. adjectives/adverbs, d. possessives (singular-plural), f. past, present, and future verb tenses Key Vocabulary: Nouns & Proper Nouns
X X X X X X X Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing X X X Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement X X X X X Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral


Teaching Strategies: Individual Learning and response journals Warm Up: Journal response on what they have learned about nouns so far. Lesson Sequence: -Students will write in their journals what they have learned about nouns so far?(10 min) -Students will view PowerPoint on Proper nouns and how they are different than nouns. -Students will pair up and cut pictures out of magazines (students will have a worksheet with 2 columns, "common" and "proper" The students will take turns putting their picture in the correct column. -Closure: Each pair will present to the class what they created. Accommodations: For students with learning challenges I will spend more time with them, if needed, while checking their understanding. For students that require advanced instruction, I will offer them an extra credit assignment. Supplementary Materials: Journals, magazines, scissors, glue, construction paper, common and proper noun worksheet. Review/Assessment: The students journal entries and their final magazine projects on common and proper nouns are the formal assessments. Reflection: Went smooth. Students fully understand the difference between nouns and proper nouns.

Description of Classroom: 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. Background: This is the fifth day of a fifteen day unit involving grammar. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to use present, and past tense verbs. . Language Objective(s): Students will show that they learned by completing their poem and completing the two paragraph story. Nevada Standard: NS/PS 7.3.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences : a. nouns/verbs, b. pronouns, c. adjectives/adverbs, d. possessives (singularplural), f. past, present, and future verb tenses. Key Vocabulary: Verbs, Present tense, past tense


Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing




Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement

Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral


Teaching Strategies: Cooperative/Individual Learning, response journal Warm Up Activity: Journal Lesson Sequence: -In their journals, students will synthesize and summarize the book Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by completing the Now I Know Poem (15 min) -Students will create a Snap, Crackle, Pop verbs worksheet. -Closure: Students will write a two paragraph story using common verbs, as well as past and present tense verbs.(20 min) Accommodations: For students with learning challenges I will spend more time with them, if needed, while checking their understanding. For students that require advanced instruction, I will offer them an extra credit assignment. Supplementary Materials: Journals, Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day By Robin Pulver, Snap, Crackle, Pop worksheet, Lined paper for story. Review/Assessment: Now I Know Poem checked, and two paragraph story for homework. Reflection: Went great. Students really liked completing the Now I Know poem.

Description of Classroom: 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. Background: This is the seventh day of a fifteen day unit on grammar. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to identify adjectives. Language Objective(s): Students will showed what they learned through the picture and labeling.

Nevada Standard: NS/PS 7.3.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences : a. nouns/verbs, b. pronouns, c. adjectives/adverbs, d. possessives (singular-plural), f. past, present, and future verb tenses
Key Vocabulary: adjectives.
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral





Teaching Strategies: Cooperative/individual learning and face partner discussion. Warm Up Activity: N/A. Lesson Sequence: -Journal: free write. (10 min) -Teacher discussion: teacher will explain to students their assignment for the day (15 min) -Students will draw a picture of a place, a character, or a thing. Students are to write adjectives around the picture, and draw a line from the adjective to the specific detail in the picture they are describing. -Closure: Face partner discussion: students are to describe what they drew and what adjectives they used (5 min) Accommodations: For students with learning challenges I will spend more time with them, if needed, while checking their understanding. For students that require advanced instruction, I will offer them an extra credit assignment. Supplementary Materials: Journals, Paper, Crayons, markers, pencil Review/Assessment: Final picture Reflection: Students needed a little more directed instruction.

Description of Classroom: 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. Background: This is the twelfth day of a fifteen day unit on grammar. Content Objective(s): Students will be able to identify singular possessive nouns and properly identify them in sentences. Language Objective(s): Students will show what they learned with their participation in the game and table discussion.

Nevada Standard: NS/PS 7.3.1 identify and correctly use grammar in writing simple sentences : a. nouns/verbs, b. pronouns, c. adjectives/adverbs, d. possessives (singular-plural), f. past, present, and future verb tenses
Key Vocabulary: None.
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral



x X




Teaching Strategies: Individual/ Cooperative Learning Warm Up Activity: N/A Lesson Sequence: Present: -Teacher will go over PowerPoint that explains what singular possessive nouns are(15 min) -Students will finish the Possessive Nouns Scavenger Hunt Activity (Part 2-30mins) -For closure in their groups students will discus what a singular possessive nouns is? (15 min) ) Accommodations: For students with learning challenges I will spend more time with them, if needed, while checking their understanding. For students that require advanced instruction, I will offer them an extra credit assignment. Supplementary Materials: PowerPoint, Quia website link

Review/Assessment: Participation in games and table discussion.

Reflection: Went great!

This unit involves graphs and reading and a lot of discussions. The evidence of the strategies used are on the slide strategies used and listed in the short/long lesson forms. Prior knowledge assessed is from reading and discussing. Link-age to the real world will be information from the example graphs and graphs show in the real world. Pleasure for reading is from the book club where they are encouraged to read to further only gather book subjects of their interest.

The class consists of 20 third graders one second language learner, one with a learning disability and one above level student. For the learning disabled and ESL students, teacher will ask and spend more time with students, if needed, while checking their understanding. I will make sure that ESL students are always given translation of the content covered in class daily. Above level student will be offered an extra credit assignment. The above level student can also help other students if needed.

I wanted to design a lesson plan that was creative by incorporating technology. This unit was very overwhelming. This is the first 3 week unit that I have been assigned. Overall, creating this unit was a challenging learning experience for me. I think it turned out decent but not perfect. Creating this lesson was kind of tough. I found myself having trouble creating the short lessons. I think the main reason is I wanted to add so much but was having trouble plugging my ideas in where they made sense. After a few slides I started feeling overwhelmed. Im not sure what it was, it may have been end of the semester anxiety. I just wasnt sure where my unit was heading. I wasnt sure if it was even making any sense anymore. I think feeling this way is typical though. Theres going to be times where my lessons will be effective and theres going to be times where they may not make any sense at all. The one thing that I was happy with was some of the PowerPoint's I created. I definitely plan to incorporate technology such as PowerPoint in a classroom and I would like to try this unit on a real third grade class one day. I am curious to see if these activities will be easy for them to understand and Im interested to see what the outcome of this whole unit will be. One day I hope to be able to create lessons without second guessing my decisions. I may just not be giving myself enough credit!

Language arts. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://thirdgrade.okaloosaschools.wikispac arts Verb lesson plan. (n.d.). Retrieved from Singlular and plural possessive nouns. (n.d.). Retrieved from Adjectives. (n.d.). Retrieved from ctives.html

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