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LiE presentation: Critic the Shame with gender criticism.

Background of the writer

Name: Shirley Geok-Lin Lim Born in Melaka, Malaysia She had lived in a life of poverty, deprivation, parental violence. She was abandoned by her mother, and growing up with five brothers in a culture that rarely recognized girls as individuals, she tried desperately to fit in.

Synopsis of the story

Mei Sims mother brought her to the Grandauntys house in Puleng. Mei Sim had heard a lot about the discussion between her mother and grand-aunty. Her mother was seeking advices from her grandaunty about her father who was having affair with another woman. At the last part, Mei Sim let an Indian boy to touch her dress and was seen by her mother. She lied and accused the boy.

Gender Criticism
Feminist and gender criticism are not polar opposites. Gender criticism is not woman centered but sees male and female sexes, the masculine and feminine genders, in terms of a complicated continuum. Purpose of gender criticism is to criticize gender as we commonly conceive of it.

Feminist Theory
Lisa Turtle has defined feminist theory. She cities the goal of feminist criticism as:
To analyze women writers and their writings from a female perspective.

To speak for female community. To seek for equality between man and woman.

All this saying will do you no good. Men are all alike, itchy and hot. You cannot stop him by showing a dirty face or talking bad all the time. You will drive him away. The only thing that women have is cunning. You must think hard. What do you want, a faithful man or a man who will support you and your children? (p.30)

Man is the subject, the one who defines meaning; woman is the object, having the existence defined and determined by male. The man is therefore the significant figure in the male/female relationship while the female is subordinate. (Charles E. Bressler, Feminism, p.107) Men is still the dominated character in a relationship.

Yes, we women must accept our fate. If we want to have fun... But men, they think they are datoks because they can do things without being punished. But we must control them, and to do that we must control their money. (p.32)

From feminism point of view, women want confirmation of status. They seek for a place for themselves neither in family nor society. Although women cannot control the men, she still can control their money to show that they have certain power. Literature and society have frequently stereotyped women as angels, barmaids, bitches, whores, brainless housewives, or old maids; woman must break free from such oppression and define themselves. (Charles E. Bressler. P.107)

The fortune teller had told Grand-aunty after her birth that the girl would eat her blood, so she wouldnt nurse or hold the baby, had sent her to a foster mother, and had taken her back at seven to send her off to the kitchen where she slept on a camp bed. (p. 31) Grand-aunty has been appeared to be a feminist. But she treats her daughter badly. From feminisms point of view, she should not listen the fortune teller although she has been told that her daughter will be bringing bad luck to her. She should fight for her daughter but not to put her aside and treat her like a slave.

Eng! Grand-aunty called harshly. Clear up the table you lazy girl. Sleeping in the kitchen, nothing to do. Come here. She appeared enraged, her fleshy nose quivering under narrowed eyes. As Siew Eng stood quietly beside her chair , she took the sparse flesh above her elbow between thumb and forefinger and twisted it viciously, breathing hard. A purple bruise bloomed on the arm. Ill punish you for walking so slowly when I call you, She huffed. You think you can be so proud in my house. (p.33)

Siew Engs childhood has been portrayed based on the writers psyche. Shirley had experienced parent violence when she was young. The writer is putting the female psyche and its relationship into her writing process.

Thank you =)

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