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Session 1

Topics that we would be covering todayWhat is a Computer The first Computer Next generations of the computers Basic Components, and function of components of computer Input/Output devices, External storage devices Types of Computers.

What is a Computer?

Definition of Computer
In simple words, a computer is an electronic device which processes information based upon the instructions provided, and generates the desired output. In the case of computers , two kinds of inputs are required.
The basic or raw data, and A set of Instructions containing the methodology to process this data. This set of instructions is called Program or Software.

What are the Characteristics of Computers?

5 Major Characteristics of Computers

Speed Accuracy Consistency Storage Capacity Flexibility

What are the generations of computers? Which was the first computer?

Who invented first computer?

The first Computer

In 1822, Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, devised a machine called Difference Engine for the Royal Society. This difference engine was used to perform simple computations needed for setting up trigonometric and logarithmic tables. In short, Babbage had developed a prototype computer which was 100 years of its time. He is therefore, widely considered as the Father of Modern Computers.

Next Generations
ENIAC- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. ENIAC was completed in 1946 and it was the first electronic calculator. The ENIAC performed 5000 additions per second, consumed 150 Kilowatts of power, and needed to be water cooled.

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete variable Automatic Computer) was completed between 1947 and 1950. The More school personnel and the Ballistics Research laboratory of the U.S. Army built EDVAC. EDVAC was based on John Von Neumanns ideas, he was the first to introduce stored program concept in a computer.

Comparison between the Generations of Computers

1st Gen Computers 2ndGen Computers 3rd Gen Computers 4th Gen Computers

Use of vacuum tubes

Limited Storage capacity Slow Speed

Use of transistors and diodes Increased storage capacity Faster Speed

Use of Integrated circuits

More flexibility with input/output Smaller size and better performance Extensive use of high level programming languages

Use of large scale and very large scale Integrated circuits.

Symbolic language programming huge size

Increased Storage

Reduction in size and heat generation.

Considerably faster and smaller

Modular design

The Basic Components

Any computer system essentially has three
important parts, namely, input device, central processing device and output device.

The central processing unit (CPU) itself has

three parts, namely, Memory unit, control unit, and arithmetic Logic unit (ALU).

These three units along with input and output

devices form five important components of any computer system.

Functioning Of The Components


ALU Input Unit

Control unit

Main Memory

Output Unit

Secondary Storage

The Computers memory is a scratch pad where information, which includes both programs and data, is kept while it is being worked on.



Software Components
Software can be defined as the set of instructions that directs hardware what to do and how to do . Software is the complete set of instructions written by the programmer which enables the computer to obtain the solution to a problem.

Application Software

System Software

Utility Software

Input/Output Devices
Input Devices Keyboard Mouse Scanner Touch Screen Light Pen

Output Devices Monitor LCD Printer Speaker Plotter

Input Devices

Keyboard Keys
Enter Backspace Delete Ctrl Alt Shift Tab Arrow Keys Caps lock Esc Home/End Page Up/ Page down F keys Num Lock

Mouse Actions
Click Double Click Right Click Drag and Drop

Scanner is used to input pictures and images into your computer. It converts images to digital form so that it can be fed into the computer

Touch Screen,
Touch Screen allows the user to operate a computer by simply touching the display screen. Example of touch screen includes, ATM at bank.

Light Pen
Light Pen uses light sensor device to select objects on display screen. It is similar to a mouse except that with a light pen you can move the pointer and select any object on the screen by directly pointing to the object with the light pen.

Output Devices
Monitor- It is used to display information, programs and applications in a computer. It is also called Display Screen.

It is smaller, and lighter as compared to a monitor. It is mostly used with portable computers (Laptops)

It is used to create hardcopy of the files stored in the computer. There are two basic qualities associated with the printers: resolution and speed.

Speaker is used to produce music or speech from programs.

A plotter interprets commands from the computer to make line drawings on a paper using multicolored automated pens. Plotter can be very useful in drawing graphs, bar charts, line drawing and maps on rolls of paper

External Storage Devices

External Storage devices are peripheral devices connected to and controlled by the computer to enable permanent storage of user data and programs. Examples of External storage: Magnetic storage- Floppy disk, Hard disk Optical storage- CD, DVD

Floppy Disk
Portable storage device. It is commonly used to move files between different computers, load new programs onto the computer, or store backup of data. Can hold 1.44 MB of data and is usually of 3.5 size. It is not very reliable and can be damaged easily. It can be reused any no of times.

Hard Disk
It is not a single flexible disk but a stack of metal disks sealed in a box. The hard disk and hard-disk drive exits together as a unit and are usually a permanent part of the computer where most of your files are saved. The storage capacity of a hard disk can be several giga bytes ranging from 1GB to 40+GB. Very reliable as compared to floppies. Rewritable. You can access any information in a fraction of a second

Compact Disk (CD) is fairly a simple piece of plastic, about four one-hundedths(4/100) on an inch (1.2mm) thick. It is portable. Its capacity usually ranges from 650-700 MB. Most reliable for long term storage.

DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) is primarily used to store movies or music, and can be played back on your computer as well as on your television screen. It is similar to CD but has a larger capacity. Can store about 17 GB of data. They are not rewritable.

Inside Computer

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