TQM in Toyota

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TQM in Toyota

Presented to: Dr. Shymaa Al Sawaby Presented by: Omnia Mohamed Hassan Salma Hisham Ibrahim

History of Toyota Toyota Production System (TPS) 14 Principles of TPS 4P Model of The Toyota Way Toyotas Leader View Toyota 5S System

History of Toyota
The Toyota Group is one of the largest and most respected corporations in the world. From a local spinning and weaving company, Toyota gradually developed into a world player comprised of 13 business units. In 1918, founding father Sakichi Toyoda formed the Toyoda Spinning and Weaving Company. His automatic power loom revolutionized the Japanese textile industry. A few years later, His son Kiichiro Toyoda invested in the automotive sector and founded the Toyota Motor Corporation.

History of Toyota
Many other major technical and business achievements followed over the succeeding decades forming the Group now encompassing 13 business areas. The Group employs over 500,000 people worldwide. Every individual contributes to safeguard the enormous legacy of experience and character that make up the diverse activities of the modern Toyota Group.

Toyota The Key Dates

1924 Sakichi Toyoda invents Toyoda Model G Automatic Loom. 1930 Kiichiro Toyoda begins research on small gasoline-powered engine. 1933 Automobile Department is established at Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. 1935 The Toyoda precepts are compiled. 1936 The AA Sedan is completed. 1937 Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. is established. 1950 Company faces a financial crisis; Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. is established. 1957 Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc. is established. 1962 Joint Declaration of Labor and Management is signed. 1965 Toyota wins the Deming Application Prize for quality control. 1966 The Corolla is launched ;business partnership with Hino Motors Ltd. begins. 1967 Business partnership with Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. begins. 1974 Toyota Foundation is established.

Toyota The Key Dates

1982 Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. and Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd. are merged into Toyota Motor Corporation. 1984 Joint venture with General Motors (New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.) begins production in the USA. 1989 The Lexus brand is launched in the USA. 1992 Toyota Motor Manufacturing (United Kingdom) Ltd. begins production. 1997 The Prius is launched as the world's first mass-produced hybrid car. 1999 Cumulative domestic production reaches 100 million vehicles. 2000 Sichuan Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. begins production in China. 2001 Toyota Motor Manufacturing France S.A.S. begins production in France. 2002 Toyota enters Formula One World Championship; Tianjin Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. begins production in China. 2004 The Toyota Partner Robot is publicly unveiled. 2005 The Lexus brand is introduced in Japan. 2008 Worldwide Prius sales top 1 million mark. 2010 Worldwide Prius sales top 2 million mark; Toyota and Tesla Motors agree on joint EV development

History of Toyota
In 1980s Toyota takes over the market of Ford which lead to loss of about 3 billion dollars to Ford + also vanished the 3 billion dollar market of Ford who was owned by Henry Ford who was famous for line manufacturing.

This forced the world to think about TQM.

Toyota Production System

What TPS is?
A consistent way of thinking. A total management philosophy. Focus on total customer satisfaction. An environment of team work and improvement. A never-ending search for a better way. Quality built in process. Organized disciplined work place. Evolutionary.

14 Principles of TPS
The right process will produce the right results. Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. Use Pull system to avoid over production. Level out he work load (Heijunka). Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time. Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment. Use visual control so no problems are hidden.

14 Principles of TPS
Use only reliable thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and process. Add value to the organization by developing your people and partners. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy and teach it to others. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your companys philosophy. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. Continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning.

14 Principles of TPS
Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options, implement decisions rapidly. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (Hansei) and continuous improvement (Kaizen).

4P Model of The Toyota Way

1. Problem solving (continuous improvement & learning) 2. People and partners (respect, challenge, and grow them)

3. Process (eliminate waste)

4. Philosophy (long-term thinking)

Toyotas Leader View

Toyota 5S System
The 5S
Seiri sort (housekeeping) Seiton set in order (workplace organization) Seiso shine (Cleanup) Seiketsu standardize (Cleanliness) Shinseki sustain (Discipline)
Visual workplace

Toyota 5S System
Benefits of 5S
Reduce waste hidden in the plant Improve quality and safety

Reduce lead time and cost

Increase profit

Toyota 5S System
Seiri sort
Ensuring each item in a workplace is in its proper place or identified as unnecessary and removed. Sort items by frequency of use Get rid of unnecessary stuff
Bare essentials for the job Red Tag system Can tasks be simplified? Do we label items, and dispose of waste frequently?

Toyota 5S System
Seiton set in order
Time spent looking for things, putting away Arrange materials and equipment so that they are easy to find and use
Prepare and label storage areas Use paint, outlines, color-coded Consider ergonomics of reaching items Frequent, infrequent users

Toyota 5S System
Seiso shine
Repair, clean & shine work area (Everyone is a janitor) Important for safety Maintenance problems such as oil leaks can identified before they cause problems. Schedule for cleaning, sweeping, wiping off Cleaning inspection checklists Workspace always ready to work See workspace through customers eyes

Toyota 5S System
Seiketsu standardize
Formalize procedures and practices to create consistency and ensure all steps are performed correctly. Prevention steps for clutter Otherwise improvements from first 3 lost Everyone knows what they are responsible for doing, when and how Visual 5S see status at a glance Safe apparel, no wasted resources

Toyota 5S System
Shitsuke sustain
Keep the processes going through training, communication, and organization structures Allocate time for maintaining Create awareness of improvements Management support for maintaining Training, rewards Visual Controls Andon
Indicators for tools, parts, and production activities Placed in plain sight of all workers so everyone can understand status of system at a glance If a machine goes down, or a part is defective or delayed, immediate action can be taken

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