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Thesis Statement

Introduces and summarizes the entire paper. The rest of the paper explores and develops.

Thesis Statement
Expresses the controlling idea. Indicates subjects goals and purposes. Central message of an essay Reflects the content of your essay and guides your writing.

A hook statement that begins the essay. A statement that romances the reader An invitational statement that lets the reader know that the writer has something worthwhile to say.

A Thesis Statement must

Assert your point Suggest your evidence Structure your argument

If you can summarize your paper in one sentence, youre more likely to have a tightly-constructed, concise, and readable essay.


noun verb phrase


Importance of Breakfast: A healthy breakfast is said to be an important meal of the day because it gives the person all the essential nutrients that the body requires and also helps in facing the challenges of the day. Obesity in Children: As children love to indulge in fast foods and spend their time in front of the television or by playing video games, obesity in children has become a common health problem. Sex Education in Schools: Introducing sex education in middle school is very important as many cases of teenage pregnancy have been reported in the past few years. School Examinations: Though people argue that examinations cause too much of stress and tension in students, they are important in evaluating the student's knowledge.

Thesis viability
Single sentence format. Declarative sentence Clear precise terms Concise wording

Testing a tentative thesis

Does the thesis require an essays worth for development.

Will you be able to include all of your support? out of points too quickly?

Or will you run

Is the thesis too obvious?

If you cannot come up with interpretations that oppose your own, consider revising your thesis.

Can you support your thesis with the evidence available? Can you explain why readers will want to read an essay with this thesis
Rules for Writers

The key difference between an opinion statement and thesis statement is that a thesis conveys to the reader that the claim being offered has been thoroughly explored and is defendable by evidence. It answers the "what" question (what is the argument?) and it gives the reader a clue as to the "why" question (why is this argument the most persuasive?).

Thesis statement - A thesis statement is a strong statement that you can prove with evidence. It is not a simple statement of fact. A thesis statement should be the product of your own critical thinking after you have done some research. Your thesis statement will be the main idea of your entire project. It can also be thought of as the angle or point of view from which you present your material.

Sketch a plan to support your thesis Help you see whether the parts of your essay work together and whether your essays structure is logical. It will often make clear which parts of your draft should be re-arranged and which parts dont fit at all.

Guide for constructing an outline

1. 2.

3. 4.

Put the thesis at the top Make items at the same level of generality as parallel as possible Use sentences unless phrases are clear Use the conventional system of numbers and letters for the levels of generality
I. A. B. 1. 2. a. b.

5. Always use at least two subdivisions for a category. 6. Limit the number of major sections in the outline 7. Be flexible; be prepared to change your outline as your draft evolves.

Draft an introduction that includes a thesis statement

Credit card companies love to extend credit to college students, especially those just out of high school. Ads for credit cards line campus bulletin boards, flash across commercial Web sites for students, and get stuffed into shopping bags at college bookstores. Why do companies market their product so vigorously to a population that lacks a substantial credit history and often has no steady sources of income? The answer is that significant profits can be earned through high interest rates and assorted penalties and fees. By granting college students liberal lending arrangements, credit card companies often hook them on a cycle of spending that can ultimately lead to financial ruin. Matt Watson, student

Flextime scheduling, which has proved its effectiveness at the Library of Congress, should be introduced on a trial basis at the main branch of the Montgomery County Public Library. By offering flexible work hours, the library can boost employee morale, cut down on absenteeism, and expand its hours of operation. David Warren, student

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