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ASHWIN KEVAT (107420592021) HARDIK PANCHAL (107420592004)


Competency Mapping:
Competency: Mapping as a process:


Performance management is about achieving results in a manner that is consistent with organizational expectations.
Integrating competencies within the performance management process supports the provision of feedback to employees not only on what they have accomplished, but also how the work was performed, using competencies for providing feedback.

C.M. :Areas of Implementation

Competency Mapping: a strategic tool for HRM

In traditional system

Achievement of performance results is quantified, past oriented, and tied to unit goals, based on a short term, and used to make compensation decisions. Now a days, Competency appraisal is more qualitative, longer range, future oriented, and used for employee development and career path planning.

Performance management:
Performance management programs are set up to provide feedback to employees on how effectively they are performing in their jobs. Such programs normally include a set of goals or objectives the employee must accomplish within the review period as well as the standards or criteria for determining whether the defined goals have been accomplished.

Individual Performance Element

1. Performance Results Score

Overall Score
2. Competencies Score

Will determine the employees career movement, and also the reward to be earned

Effective performance management includes the following features:

Linking individual goals to the corporate and work unit business plans and goals; Focusing on results, behaviors (competencies) as well as process improvement; Regular reviews and updating of performance plans to address changing demands; Training for both managers and employees on how to effectively give and receive feedback, including providing feedback to employees who experience challenges in performing to the standards required in their jobs / roles; Training for managers on how to provide performance evaluations that are valid, fair and unbiased.

Performance Management (PM) process: two ways:

By defining the competencies needed to perform each Performance Goal / Objective By integrating the competencies for the employees job into the PM process

Multi-source / 360 Degree / Upward Feedback

The behavioral indicators for the competencies needed within the target role / job are used as the standard for assessing the performance of the employee. Different stakeholder groups provide ratings, including the employee, their supervisor, as well as others with whom the employee interacts. In Upward Feedback, all employees reporting directly and indirectly to the supervisor provide feedback on the supervisors performance.

Implementation Stages
Stage 1 Determine policy for integrating competencies within the Performance Management process Design a Performance Management process consistent with the policy (as required) Design communications and training program to support implementation Pilot the process Revise and finalize ready for full implementation Stage 2 Communicate and implement the Performance Management process Review and evaluate the process during the first cycle of implementation (e.g., first year) and make revisions, as required.

Competency-Based Evaluation

competency-based performance reviews focus on three areas: core competencies, job competencies and the use of both to perform job assignments and duties. For example,

Competency-Based Performance Improvement

Supervisors and employees usually work together to develop performance improvement plans based on the results of competency-based reviews. A combined effort between supervisor and employee that begins with the employee acknowledging her deficiencies. A plan for improvement may consist of job skills training, mentoring, coaching or a combination of resources for building up core competencies, job competencies or both.


Hindustan Sanitar Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd

Objective: HSIL, on the fast track of growth felt the need to develop a competency model with an objective to increase the efficiency of the organization and integrate the HR functions and PMS to the model.


continuous interaction with the top management, with an objective to link it to the future strategy and business opportunities of the organization. Individual employees were mapped on each and every identified competency through an Assessment Centre. Each one was assessed on a five-point scale. Psychometric tests, case studies, in-basket exercises, leaderless group discussions and business simulation games were used to measure the competencies.

Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited


Meet the challenges of the national and international market, it was decided to enhance the operational performance and further develop the potentials of their employees. One of the most challenging tasks was to assess the present competencies and find out gaps for future superior performance.

competencies were identified on the basis of discussion with the top management, in order to understand the vision and mission of GHCL. Frame a competency model and assessment centre The tools were developed and customized for the assessment centre to map the competencies of each and every individual.


Comprehensive measurements that assess overall job performance yet examine basic, fundamental work skills. Foster open communication between a supervisor and employee because these types of reviews require employee introspection as well as supervisor observation and assessment. Improvement plans for competency-based reviews are effective because they often focus on total job performance, not just one specific area.

Morel of the story

Helps to distinguish individuals with the characteristics that are required to build and maintain an organization, value, teamwork, and respect for individual innovation or initiative.

Ensures agreement on performance criteria.

Gives a more accurate way of assessing people.

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