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Details of project:

Site: 5,600sq.m Built area: 3,500sq.m

Location: Amstelveenseweg, Amsterdam Design: 1997-2000 Start construction: November 1999 Completed: August 2002 Client: ING Blauwhoed VOF Architect: Meyer en Van Schooten Architecten (MVSA) Roberto Meyer, Jeroen van Schooten


Cantilever Auditorium

Gross floor area : 20,000 m excluding car park Auditorium: 500 m Span of auditorium : 26 m Height: 3 storeys Shallower CF100 decking used in this cantilevered area Long span steel trusses

Long span steel trusses

To support superstructure To resist the high forces

In-situ concrete

structural grid of 7 metres ASB steel section -More than 30 minutes fire resistances - 280 ASB 136 beams
Deep composite

decking -create a slab depth of 300mm -working platform during construction works Service integration

Application benefits usage of Slimdek

Speed of construction of the superstructure

Minimum structural depth for visual impact

Service integration opportunities

Reduced self weight for the poor ground conditions

Reduced craneage requirement

Limited access to site mitigated against concrete construction

Inclined composite steel columns

Technique in bridge building on 16 steel V-shaped legs. 12 metres high Steel blocks

Building Systems

Constructed entirely of STEEL Allowing for a DOUBLE SKIN FAADE

The building is RAISED to the level of the elevated highway (nearby) on 16 STEEL V SHAPED LEGS The Vs come together in colossal cylinders resting on pinsin big steel blocks which are sunk into the ground


A sustainable design that incorporate: Sitting Double skin faade Water source heating and cooling system Environmental response to ensure an ecologically friendly building. A luxurious building that does not sacrifice comfort and design to be environmentally friendly.

To mould a high-tech environmentally friendly building. Selection of site is environmentally sensible, location is compatible with the significance of the corporation that it houses. Environmentally positive such as the tram system that provides environmentally friendly public access to the site. Close position to a residential area minimizing travel distances, and the natural aquifer deep beneath the site. Site selection is environmentally conscious minimizing the possible negative impact of the building placement.

Site plan

Aerial view

First line of defense: Double Skin Faade

Faade components: 1. Building floor 2. 1-storey automatic solar shading 3. Automatic vents in the outer skin 4. Single glass skin 5. Manually operated windows 6. Thermal line, insulating glass 7. Glazing curtain wall supports 8. Insulating panels 9. Structural column 10. Air cavity

Double Skin Faade Principle

Buffer, extract air and twin face Incorporates a Hybrid double skin which boasts of the benefits of the Twin Face Faade and the Extract Air Faade Twin Face = conventional fixed insulating curtain wall system, which prevents heat loss in the winter, along with an outer skin of single glazing

Double Skin Faade: Two Layers of Glass

Inner layer : has an insulating quality as minimizes the energy allowed to exit in the body of the building. allows solar heat to enter building during winter, passively heat the building. Outer layer : consists vents which allow the heat to escape and the operable shades minimize solar entry. Reduces amount of mechanical heating and cooling required. Void: allows for operable windows, natural ventilation unaffected by strong winds, noise and pollution cause by traffic. allows air to be brought around to the faade that faces the freeway from the opposite side to minimize the intake of pollution.

Cavity in between the glass skins become part of the HVAC system, allowing air to pass through the entire height of the faade. Heated air in cavity either distributed into HVAC system, or is extracted to the exterior.

Environmental Controls:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Flue Dampers 1-storey high automatic solar shading Automatic vents in the outer skin Single glass skin Manually operated windows Thermal line, insulating glass Photocell controlling dimmers Fresh air Heat recovery Air outlet Automatic closing valve Multi service unit(heating, cooling, ventilation, light and sprinkler system) Single panel glass Thermal line, insulating glass Smoke tube Automatic Valves Ducts from office to atrium

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Climate Specific Facades

Double Skin Cladding System

A computer that regulates the inner climate was installed Depending on the orientation of building North faade (highway) the exterior skin buffers the noise and fumes South faade = louvers with their own motors open and close centrally and open automatically when the temperature rise All operable devices (louvers, windows, lighting) wired to the central control so the faade may respond mechanically to the behavior and presence of each individual user Different orientations of facades, a different glazing is utilized.

Ventilating Techniques

Integrated throughout the building From each office workers can operate their own windows by computer or remote control, automatically closing off the space from the central climate control. 8 gardens scattered throughout the building as well as the cavities between the glass facades incorporates stack effect circulates air Used as primary heating and cooling source but on a very hot or cold days, the mechanical ventilation is used

The HVAC system accesses a subterranean natural aquifer beneath the building for heat and cold storage and circulation using heat pump This heated or cooled water from the aquifer is run through chill ceilings from the cold layer to the warm layer in order to produce energy for the climate installations.

System extracts hot or cold from the fairly constant temperature of the aquifer using a process similar to refrigeration cycle. All water eventually returned to aquifer.

Longitudinal Section

Division of building into climatic zones

Allows the comfort level to be adjusted depending on the space use to save energy. This system is monitored by an intricate computer system that controls the louvers on the windows and cavity ventilation allowing each workspace to be individually adjusted by the people using the space. Window is opened, shade is raised, air conditioning is automatically turned off. Artificial light automatically turned off when ample daylight is available as the glass facades allows great deal of natural light to penetrate deep into the space.

Steel and glass appear lightweight and modern. Minimum life of the building in the brief range from 50 to 100 years, materials were selected in the concern for their long life. Low embodied energy. Both recycled materials.

The building is a modern achievement in sustainable design but the wide spread application of the technology has yet to be proven. It is all controlled by a complex computer system while the systems are expensive and susceptible to malfunctions. However, ING Headquaters is still a monumental achievement of sustainable design and example of environmentally sustainable buildings that major advances towards viable applications will evolve in the future.

Thank you.

Prepared by: Intan Nor Maya Binti Idris Tan Kae Yunn Ahmad Syahmi Ismail

AB090044 AB090217 C11BE0003

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