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Gender Roles in Same Sex Relationships


Context & Introduction

Ellen DeGeneres and

Portia De Rossi are a famous, lesbian married couple. Within this same sex marriage, does each partner acquire a specific traditional male or female gender role? This is what our group sought out to find with our visualisation assessment.

In terms of research, we conducted

For our visualisation project, we

an interview via email with Dr Matthew Kalitowski, a psychologist who has had many years counselling same sex couples. Utilised internet resources. Content analysis of gay magazine, Pride, and lesbian magazine, Cherrie. We also sent out semi-structured questionnaires via email to people currently involved in a same sex relationship. We received 36 replies, though we sent out 60. Our methodology was quite effective, as it gave us invaluable insight into the workings in same sex couples.

attempted to make something not really well known, that is, gender roles in same sex couples, known to the general public through infographics and diagrams. Our findings could then be structured into three distinctly different headings: Gender roles and identity. Gender roles in same sex couples. Changes in gender roles over time.

Gender Roles and Identity

Gender roles are components of behaviour or functions that society considers appropriate for members of each sex. Masculinity tends to be associated with traits such as rationality, efficiency, competition, individualism and ruthlessness.
We can thus establish the dynamics of a relationship by the traits we take on. In our questionnaire, we asked Why do stereotypical gender roles occur?
26.7% of same sex couples agreed that it relied on the gender identities of the partners in the couple. This meaning that, whichever sex (in terms of personality traits) the partner identifies with more, is the gender role they will take on.

The conventional female role encompasses characteristics such as caring for the home and children, nurturer and acceding to the wishes of others. The traditional male role includes achievement in public life, being a good provider, and proscribes emotional dependency and expressiveness.

Femininity is linked with traits such as emotionality, prudence, coo-operation, a communal sense and compliance.

From here, we can see that there are stereotypical personality traits for each gender.

However, like heterosexual relationships, we find that the traditional lines between male and female roles are staring to blur., with roles interrelating with one another.

Gender Roles in Same Sex Couples- How are these roles allocated/developed?

Changes in Gender Roles Over Time

Past Gays and lesbians could be turned straight. Being gay or lesbian was illegal in most states (1975). Age of consent was 18 for gay males. Present Wider acceptance. Minority who still believe it is true. No law against being gay or lesbian. Now, it is the same as heterosexuals (16).

Women viewed as keepers of the home.

Womens role to have a family. Women got paid lower wages than men.

Gradually changing, i.e. Men can take paternity leave.

Many women today are careeroriented. Gradually changing.

What is the difference between publishing these visualisations from written commentary?
Were not simply just showing

audiences a block of text, that may just as easily go unread by putting our research into a simple and straightforward layout, we are ensuring that the information is easy to understand for all people. Images, diagrams and flow charts are easier to digest for the audience. Audiences are more likely to remember a certain image than a block of text, because of their visual appeal.

Visualisations are more

engaging than written commentary, because they first draw the reader in with its use of colour, diagrams and pictures. We realise that people generally have a short attention span, and as such, these visualisations are quicker to read and not as time-consuming as written commentary.


Abridged from Crowley, V. 2003, Drag Kings Down Under, An archive and introspective of a few Aussie blokes, Journal of Homosexuality (special issue: The Drag King Anthology). 43(3/4) pp. 285310. Chandler, D, last update unknown, Television and Gender Roles, viewed 5th May 2012, <> Cloud, J, (January 17th 2008), Are Gay Relationships Different? TIME Magazine, from website <,9171,1704660,00.html> De Cecco, J.P. 1987, Gay relationships, 1st edition, published by Routledge, NY, USA. GLBTQ, Gay Liberation Front, 2004, viewed 5th May 2012, <> Hawkes, G and Scott, J. "Sex and Society." In Human Sexuality, edited by. G. Hawkes and J. Scott, p.p. 6&7 printed in Hong Kong: Sheck Wah Tong Printing Press Limited, 2008. How you do It. 2009. Retaining Women in the Workforce, viewed 5th May 2012 <> Net Industries and its Licensors 2010, published 2010, Queer Theory, viewed 5th May 2012,, Smith, A.M.A., Agius,, P., Dyson, S., Mitchell, A & Pitts, M. 2003, secondary Students and sexual Health: 2002 results of the 3rd national Survey of Australian Secondary Students, HIV/AIDS and sexual health, monograph series number 47, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Melbourne. O Halloran, Kate. Whats Up with Drag? Cherrie Magazine, January 2010: 12-13. Unknown. (2010). Gender Roles, Information About Gender Roles. Viewed 5th May 2012, from Health: <>

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