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Whats it all about?

Learning how to publish a 3-page mini magazine and earning a Pizza Hut voucher in the process! Its all about teamwork

Participation is through schools only

You can participate if you are a student from: Primary 4 to 6 Lower Secondary level Upper Secondary level

How do I get started?

Form a team of 4 or 5 members

Brainstorm on a topic you all feel strongly about

As a team, decide on: one entry only Or earn a pizza upgrade by submitting more than one entry and/or producing a 3-minute video clip (optional) Then, delegate responsibilities

Finally, set deadlines

What can I write on?

Status Symbol Fun International Historical Language Origins

Why English?

Knowledge Vehicle

Job Requirement Social Integration Comm. Tool


Dynamic Language

Where are ideas from?

Reading, of course!
The Star
Talking to people

The StarOnline

The Internet Interviews Books

See samples of previous entries

See Past Entries!

Topic: Education
Subject in school Text books

Overseas Education

Distance Learning

Language For Examination

How do I expand on Education

Overseas What is the issue? Adapting to a different environment Cultural differences in language Vocabulary differences Accents Gestures that go with the language What are the solutions? Learning to understand English in a new environment Building confidence in the language

Before you start writing Dont plagiarise articles or cartoons from other publications

Always acknowledge the source of your information

What must I include

A self-titled masthead An article A minimum of 3 elements: polls, surveys, advice column/agony aunt page advertisements jokes anecdotes poetry comics caricatures illustrations quotes, etc.

Single frame comic/Illustration


Winston Churchill I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. (Quote)

Vast Majority of Americans Support Official English
A 2010 poll found that 87% of Americans support making English the official language of the United States. 78% of Hispanics believe English should be the official language of government operations. 82% of Americans support legislation that would require the federal government to conduct business solely in English. 67% of Likely U.S. Voters think election ballots should be printed only in English. 83% of Americans believe new immigrants should learn English. 77% of Americans believe it is crucial for immigrants living in the United States to speak English.

(Taken from:

Would that be a PERSONAL or REGULAR, maam? Voucher entitlement

To qualify for
One PERSONAL pan pizza

ONE mini magazine

One REGULAR pan pizza

TWO mini magazine of two different topics OR ONE mini magazine and ONE 3-min. video clip

Video entry can be a public service announcement/ a story/ an animation

For all you high achievers

The marking scheme

Feature article
Primary about 250 words Lower Sec 500 words Upper Sec 700 words or more 3 elements Poem/polls/editorial cartoon/ comic strip/interviews/ photograph/illustration/ad etc With all things being equal Judges will look at layout/creativity/content/ use of language

Contest logistics
Use the original contest template (Apr 13 and 25) for your mini magazine entry and video clip entry Important dates: Apr 13 Online registration opens Apr June Work on mini magazine June 29 Contest closes July 15 List of schools with voucher tally appears in Sept

Grand finals

Contest website

To qualify as a grand prize finalist

Teacher / Contest coordinator MUST:

ONE entry for the mini magazine category AND ONE 3-minute video clip entry from the school!

What happens at the finals in Sept?

6 teams selected for the Grand Prize finals
2 teams each from the Primary Lower Secondary Upper Secondary

The finalist teams do a 5-minute Power point presentation about their mini magazine and its topic Judges decide Grand Prize winners and runner-up teams

Where are our winners off to in Dec?

Grand prize 4 days, 3 nights Hong Kong Disneyland

Runner up 3 days, 2 nights Resorts World Genting

For our Upper Secondary winners

For the 4th year running Taylors is sponsoring scholarships worth RM150,000

From Taylors University: 5 units full scholarships for Foundation Studies worth RM20,000 each PLUS RM10,000 off for the first year of degree studies OR RM30,000 worth of scholarships each for Taylors University Diploma studies


Have fun and enjoy yourselves!

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