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Follow up After the meeting

A leader has two final responsibilities distributing the minutes of the meeting and seeing that responsible committees,

department or individual are appointed to completed decided upon action. Date time place of meeting Signature of the secretary who recorded the minutes

Participant responsibility in meeting : Preparation for meetings


preparation adds to meeting effectiveness. Do your homework collect information check your data confirm

Effective participant role in meeting

Organizer Some persons do not like clutter even in meetings. Some are nature organizer. Meeting as you know often move without direction from either the inability of the leader to give direction or because member wander off the part. When you are an organizer, you give procedural suggestion, you steer the group back to main, central issues.

A clarifier point out misunderstanding attempts to make clear unclear expressions or forggy ideas. it s useful that we begin with a consistent definition of the term strategic let see if we can set common understanding of the time

frame. I suggest we use todays figure for consistent analysis.

Many question need clarification. You wish to fill in your knowledge gap for yourself and others. Be careful know the different

between question. question; question concerns.

a vital or an inconsequential But when in doubt ask your others may have had the same but were afraid to voice their

Factual contributor
Any time you add substantive {factual, accepted ,opinion information to a discussion are making a worthwhile contribution. watch

tone. Presenting factual information in a arrogant or over bearing manner will create negative reaction. Be positive. we seem to be guessing on what our chairman wished us to do . Let me take a minute and read from his letter to this committee...

Football coaches often typify this role so do group member desiring to keep the discussion moving stimulating member to

reach their goal. madam chairperson perhaps a recess is in order. That would give us a little time to reflect and get a cup of coffee. Then lets come back and finish this task before the and of the hour.

Idea creator
So needed is this kind of contributor. If you are an idea creator you are willing to test an idea in the open forum of the meeting. let me try this idea... The nation one of Thailand s newspapers recently had in depth analysis hotel

expansions in Bangkok. May i summarize three issues which could help us get statted? If you play such a role you will become one of the more valuable members of any group.

Critical tester
Every meeting needs person willing to challenge tactfully the validity and responsibleness of contributions. Focus on the idea the content the evidence the reasoning leaving out all reference to the person. Are the facts and the language clear? Are the sources of information and the statistics reliable? Was the cause sufficiently powerful to produces the alleged effect?

What often happen is that persons become so polarized that not losing face is as important as not losing the argument. well were at an impasse as the final recommendation should be i suggest four people two from both side hammer out a

draft and then come to the whole body for our review.

Helper of other
A final role you can play is to invite other participants to join in. Tact sensitivity and cooperativeness with the chairperson

characterize this role.


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