Wireless Sensor Networks: Prepared by

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Wireless Sensor Networks

Prepared by: Seren Fouad Elwash ( ID_NO :20012)

Present to :Dr.Elbhlool Fgee

Semester Fall 2011-2012

What is a Sensor?
Definition: A device that produces a measurable response to a change in a physical or chemical condition, e.g. temperature, ground composition.

Sensor Networks
A large number of low-cost, low-power, multifunctional, and small sensor nodes They benefit from advances in 3 technologies digital circuitry wireless communication silicon micro-machining

Wireless Sensors
Low-power microscopic sensors with wireless communication capability

Miniaturization of computer hardware Intelligence Micro Electro-Mechanical Structures (MEMS) Sensing Low-cost CMOS-based RF Radios Wireless Communications

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

New technologies have reduced the cost, size, and power of microsensors and wireless interfaces

Circulatory Net



Environmental Monitoring


Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN)

Even though wireless sensors has limited resources in memory, computation power, bandwidth, and energy. With small physical sizeCan be embedded in the physical environment. Support powerful service in aggregated form (interacting/collaborating among nodes) Self-organizing multi-hop ad-doc networks Pervasive computing/sensoring

What are wireless sensor networks Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)?

A wireless sensor network is a collection of nodes organized into a cooperative network. Each node consists of processing capability may contain multiple types of memory have an RF transceiver, have a power source (e.g., batteries and solar cells), and accommodate various sensors.

What are wirelessNode networks Sensor sensor (WSNs)? continue

In addition to one or more sensors, each node in a sensor

network is typically equipped with a radio transceiver or

other wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, and an energy source, usually a battery.


Processor Radio


WSN device schematics

WSN node components





Radio WSN device schematics

Low-power processor. Limited processing. Memory. Limited storage. Radio. Low-power. Low data rate. Limited range. Sensors. Scalar sensors: temperature, light, etc. Cameras, microphones. Power.

Node Hardware
In-node processing Event detection Wireless communication with neighboring nodes

Acoustic, seismic, magnetic, etc. sensors interface



Electro-magnetic interface


Limited battery supply

Detection, classification and tracking

Habitat Monitoring
Micro-climate and wildlife monitoring
Examples: ZebraNet (Princeton) Seabird monitoring in Maines Great Duck Island (Berkeley & Intel)

Structural, seismic
Bridges, highways, buildings
Examples: Coronado Bridge San Diego (UCSD), Factor Building (UCLA)

Smart roads
Traffic monitoring, accident detection, recovery assistance
Examples: ATON project (UCSD)



Contaminants detection

Typical Features of WSN

A very large number of nodes, often in the order of thousands. Asymmetric flow of information, from the observers or sensor nodes to a command node. Communications are triggered by queries or events. At each node there is a limited amount of energy which in many applications is impossible to replace or recharge. Almost static topology. Low cost, size, and weight per node. Prone to failures. More use of broadcast communications instead of point-topoint. Nodes do not have a global ID such as an IP number. The security, both physical and at the communication level, is more limited than conventional wireless networks .

Sensor Network Algorithms

Algorithms determine the path in Determine the path is divided into two main groups: 1. Selection depending on the title: It means to find the shortest path between pairs depending on the title of the final contract.

Sensor Network Algorithms

2.Selection depending on the data: and looking for tracks from multiple sources to a depth of One, allowing the collection of data.

Protocols determine the path

Classing flooding : It is sending data to all nodes adjacent.

Disadvantages of this protocol: *.Implosion Problem. *. Overlap Problem.

Protocols determine the path

Gossiping: Each node of the data went to a neighboring one node this node is randomly selected. After receiving node (d) data, it must be that forwards data to the sender (b), otherwise the data were not up to the node (c).

Protocols determine the path

Sensor Protocols for Negotiation Information SPIN: *.SPIN1. *.SPIN2.

Software simulated wireless network sensors

JavaSim. GlomoSim. NS-2. SNetSim.

Sensor Network Protocol Stack

Power Management How the sensor uses its power, e.g. turns off its circuitry after receiving a message. Mobility Management Detects and register the movements of the sensor nodes Task Management Balances and schedules the sensing tasks given to a specific region

Task Management

Mobility Management

Application Transport Network Data Link Physical

Power Management

Physical Layer
You select and generate the appropriate frequencies in addition to generating signals proliferation and exploration and encrypt the data signals and modulated.
Application Transport Network

Data Link

Data Link Layer

Application Transport Network Data Link Physical

The data link layer is responsible for the multiplexing of data stream, data frame detection, medium access and error control. Ensures reliable point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections in a communication network.

Network Layer

Basic issues to take into account when designing the network layer for a WSN are: Power efficiency Data centric Data aggregation . Locationing systems.

Transport Network Data Link Physical

The following table shows Systems the network layer and function of each system of systems or protocol selection:Systems the network layer SMECN FLOODING function The establishment of the planned partial network sensors so that the track has less energy. Send data for all nodes regardless of. the neighboring node that has received this data before or not.


Choose one of the neighboring nodes at random and send data to it.
No data is sent to the contract, provided that sensitive but contain the types of messages (ADV, REQ, DATA). The formation of groups to reduce the power dissipation.


DIRECT DIFFUSION Gradients prepared speeches flowing from the source to the rear or the bottom through the deployment of appropriate.

Transport Layer
This layer is used mainly when the intended access to the Internet or any network External and protocols of the network is UDP and TCP.
Application Transport Network Data Link Physical

Application Layer
Application Transport Network Data Link Physical

This layer contains the protocols to make the physical and software layers World and a clear sensitivity to network applications and protocols such: *. Sensor management protocol (SMP). *. Task assignment and data advertisement protocol (TADAP). *. Sensor query and data dissemination protocol (SQDDP).

Thank you

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