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How did you use media technologies in the construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

Response by, David Miles

Technologies Classification
Media Technologies can be classified into two parent groups of Digital technology, in regards to my portfolio's; Software;
Computer software or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In other words, software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system. Program software performs the function of the program it implements, either by directly providing instructions to the computer hardware or by serving as input to another piece of software. The term was coined to contrast to the old term hardware (meaning physical devices). In contrast to hardware, software "cannot be touched" - (Wikipedia).

Hardware is a general term for equipment that can be touched/held by hand such as keys, locks, hinges, latches, handles,wire, chains, belts, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, tools, utensils, cutlery and machine parts. - (Wikipedia)

In the above context, we could focus on the usage of filming equipment. i.e Camera stands, Stills DLR camera, Canon xm2 video recorder etc.. The usage of Software & hardware throughout my portfolio has generously allowed me to excel in mastery over the technologies. With frequent use (constant updating of my blog, filming and editing the video, Evaluative responses) has ultimately equipped me with the knowledge into pre and post production qualities of a project undertaken by professionals, whether the project might be a music magazine with articles interviewing artist, or in this specific case the production of a Music Video and CD/DVD covers + promotional poster.

Technology Classification - Examples of Software;

Adobe Works.
Soundcloud - aided me in uploading my artist track onto my blog. (Using the short code manufactured for Wordpress to embed in the HTML post of my blog) Wordpress - The basis for my advanced portfolio, presenting my ideas and progression throughout A2 in a blog format. Iphone Operating system version 5. - aided me in many ways, i.e recording dates of shoots.

Final Cut Pro (version 10.6.7 or later) - Editing software that aided me in Log & capture / producing my main text.

Google Docs. - aided me in the safekeeping of my work, to produce it in many formats, i.e powerpoints and spreadsheets.

Itunes aided me in downloading the track we worked on.

Wikipedia - Provided me with much resources and references.

These are miscellaneous software programs that I have used through out my advanced portfolio, to aid me in my research and planning and to help the Construct of my main and Ancillary texts. Aside each image logo, there will be a short description of its uses and how its helped me.

Microsoft word Used to produce most production paperwork.

Mac OS Leopard - Operating system accessed to use FCP editing software.

Powerpoint & Excel spreadsheets - aided me in completing my evaluative responses.

YouTube aided me in uploading my main text and extra interviews. Facebook - Used by a fellow team member to market the music video and garner responses, from that demographic.

Technology Classification - Examples of Hardware

ZOOM's Q3 handy video recorder aided me in producing my first evaluative response. iMAC Computer used to edit music video and other project related things Canon xm2 - Video recording Camera, used for preliminary exercise.

These Hardware components have helped me positively, in the progression of my portfolio. Coming to grips with most of this equipment was not too difficult and proved extremely helpful one I mastered the essential functions of each device in regards to my portfolio. Stills Camera Fish EYE Lense - Used to create a wide focal panning view Camera monopod used for those hard to reach camera shots. Nikon D40 - Camera used to catch still imagery.

Canon D60 - Stills & Video Recording Device, used to film music video with.

iPHONE 4S - My phone, great personal assistant.

Media Technologies used in; Research and planning.

In the 'Research and Planning' Stage, the media technologies used can be be reinforced and undergo visual confirmation by viewing the section in my blog. The technologies used are a mixture of digital technology (software and hardware) But I found that at that stage, it was mostly coming to terms with the Software handling that proved most useful. Below I will outline the components of digital technology i used in relation to this section of my portfolio; Canon xm2 - Video recording Camera, used for preliminary exercise. iPHONE 4S - My phone, great personal assistant.
This was in general use; providing me with time keeping in regards to shoot dates and other scheduled appointments. This was in general use, providing me with captured still imagery to produce imagery for my Ancillary texts and Proof of locations.

Nikon D40 - Camera used to catch still imagery.

This, was used in the preliminary exercises which aided me in coming to terms with camera handling. Usage; Interviews and scouting for locations video.

Google Docs.

Wikipedia .
This was the blog, i was made to post all my ideas and research to for my advanced portfolio. Having created an account, I had to upload my edited videos from FCP onto this to then embed into my wordpress blog,

Final Cut Pro, was used to log and capture footage, then edit it into suitable viewing data of importance.

Being the ultimate search engine; I used this for a majority of my portfolio.

This was in fair usage to get external references to decisions being made.

Media Technologies used in; Construction.

In the 'Construction' Stage, the media technologies used can be be reinforced and undergo visual confirmation by viewing the section in my blog. The technologies used are a mixture of digital technology (software and hardware). It is useful to think of this Stage as two separate profiles; 'Pre production' and 'Post Production' Below I will outline the components of digital technology I used in relation to this section of my portfolio;

iOS 5 - My phone operating system. Used to record important dates to this production. Microsoft Word - used to produce the production paperwork; treatment etc. Posting and blogging data to be presented as evidence on my blog. After completing the edit of my music video, I uploaded the video onto my youtube account, I embedded it into my wordpress and my team mate then market it on youtube, using a simple marketing strategy of posting and garnering local response.

Adobe design works Used to produce, Ancillary texts. SoundCloud - Used to upload the artists track onto my blog, embedding it into a post, As seen on my blog, I took the picture from the artist original track and uploaded it to my soundcloud account to post with the track. Posting the Auxiliary and Main Texts as post for viewers to comment on, on my blog.

Media Technologies used in; Evaluation.

In the 'Evaluation' Stage, the media technologies used can be be reinforced and undergo visual confirmation by viewing the section in my blog. The technologies used are a mixture of digital technology (software and hardware). This stage has been subdivided into 4 sections. I will outline the technologies used in each section.

Q: "In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media texts" - I decided to use FCP to animate a video of my voice being recorded, answering the Evaluative question.

Q: How effective is the effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? - I decide to utilise microsoft excel to create pie charts and bar graphs based on recorded feedback data and wordpress post to convey my answer.

Q: "What have you learned from your audience feedback?" - I decided to use a collection of collaborative post and my knowledge on audience theory / Demographics to convey my answer.

Q: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?" - I decided to convey my answer in a intuitive simplistic powerpoint presentation.

Conclusive Response.
In My findings, I was discouraged from seeing the Evaluational
stages as an opportunity to present it as a ridiculously elongated essay, or biblically proportionate powerpoint presentation.
In All Evaluation stages, I have made use of my skill development to present them in a wide range of mediums (visual, auditory and statistical), to interact the viewer and receive a reinforced idea that I have progressed skillfully from Foundation Portfolio to Advanced Portfolio. David Miles.

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