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REI 2011-2012, COURSE #01

10 points
COURSE 5 points Single choice test 25 questions 5 points Other random tests 1-2 extrapoints Seminar 5 points
TOTAL 12 Final Test Scheduled on 11.01.2012

C1 Data, Information, C2 History of Computers C3 Operating Systems C4 Data Structures C5 Databases C6 Relational Databases C7 Computer Networks C8 Internet C9 Security C10 eCommerce, CRM,

Computers are used in informatics in the same way the telescope is used in astronomy
Dijkstra Informatics = information + mathematics computer clerk who performed calculations automating human factor work (repetitive actions that require attention and not intelligence, common mistakes and errors)

Alan Turing (1912-1954) is considered to be the father of modern computer science.

Turing Test - you can tell about a computer that

"thinks" when it can fool an interlocutor making him believe that talking to a human.

The current sense, IT includes all activities related to - design - implementation - utilization of automated data processing systems in order to increase efficiency of human activities.

Informatics is emerging as practical activity theoretical field. and has two major objectives: to design advanced computer systems that ensure wide access to information, to ensure efficient use of all computing resources.

Information technology (IT) is the technology needed to

process information using electronic computers to

convert, process and transmit information..

Information technology and communication (IT&C) Information Technology + network communications

Any human activity is generating information. (-) If an activity is more complex and dynamic, the volume of information grows and diversifies, so it tends to slow down or even block the decisionmaking.

(+) The information ensures knowledge transfer from one generation to another, ensures access to the most advanced achievements of mankind.

informare (Latin) = to give shape, form. The significance is related to the transformation of something without form into another something having some form. Perhaps the most widely accepted definition is related to its character of novelty, by the addition of knowledge resulting from the reception of signals.

We receive information when we find something that we did not know before.

FUCHS Surprise effect of the message, newness of information will be as greater the less likely.

Information is as greater as more unlikely. In this sense, information is "improbability".

Transmission of information

PRATT Information is an event that occurs at some point in time and space. The analogy with explosions: Just like information, each explosion is different from the others, while designating the same phenomenon. Similar to information, explosions can not be stored. We can store only substances that trigger the explosion; similarly, we can store only the "premises" of information - the data


"content" of the human mind

Although often seen as synonymous, data and information have different meanings.

Data can be characterized as raw material information. Data - sets of symbols - digits, numbers, letters, words, symbols. The data can be met in any form. Data have no meaning by itself.


Data is the form of material representation of information. Data represent formal support of the information that is converted into numbers, letters, symbols, codes. The data is actually the subject of information processing.

Data have not meaning and therefore should be amended and brought into a usable form and placed in a certain context to be of value. Data obtained from the processing of information can act as information for a specific category of users or may remain simple data if they lose the quality of new semantics.

Data is a potential information.

Information = Data + meaning

Information is data processing product, the user from a data set, meaning that can be drawn from a dataset based on associations between them. Not any data processing generates information. A data processing can generate information only if there is a receiver to consider the results understandable and useful.

Regularly, information are viewed from three angles:

Syntactically it is about the formal appearance, that data that is processed must strictly obey certain rules of validity
Semantic point of view, aiming to meaning, the meaning of information (the actual contents of information) arising from dataprocessing In terms of pragmatic, aiming at utility, ie the extent to which users are satisfied


The process of collecting, understanding and ownership of information in a particular field is an information process. Information acquired in a given area from an information process form the domain knowledge and then the knowledge patrimony. Knowledge is a sum of all information acquired over time in a particular field.


Knowledge is something higher quality then data and information.

Understanding is aimed at discovery of universal truths. Information search is looking the difference as in depth as possible (the difference that makes a difference, the relationship between data). Creating knowledge is a process of setting (repeat, repeat differentiation, the discovery of patterns).

When knowledge generate beliefs, values that guide behavior of an individual we can speak of wisdom. Information: what? Knowledge: Who, when, where, how? Wisdom: Why? with what implications?

Economic system and IT system

The concept of system means a dependent set of elements forming an organized whole.

Economic system defines economic components and assemblies

Economic system and IT system

The transformation process (feedback loop) is a dynamic process that makes the system evolve for a certain path described by the state of the system.

Economic system and IT system

Components of an economic system:
decision making system operational system informational system

Sistem economic i sistem informatic

Economic system and IT system

Decision making system consists of all the specialists who predict and plan, decide, organize, coordinate, monitor and control the operation of operational system in order to achieve the objectives set.

Economic system and IT system

Operational system is a set of human resources, material and financial resources to ensure effective achievement of objectives set by the decisions passed by the decision-making system.

Economic system and IT system

Informational system includes all information, information flows and circuits a nd all the resources, methods and techniques, which provide the necessary data to decision making system.

Economic system and IT system

Information system provides the link between operating system and decision system in the double sense:
by decision processing and transmission from decision to operational system, respectively by recording, processing and transmission of information from operational to decisional system

Information system provides the management of all the information inside the economic system.

Economic system and IT system

IT system is a component of an information system that retrieves and solves tasks of collecting, processing, transmission, storage and presentation of data using computer systems.
IT system includes all resources, methods and techniques, which provide automated data processing.

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