Pitch Proposal

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Film Title
My film was originally called The past should stay dead. I decided upon this because The witch featured in my film (Anne Whittle) was meant to be killed however her ghost returned and terrorised families. I recently decided to change the film name to Chattox. This was what Anne Whittles familiars knew her as. I thought that the name itself was quite daunting and original as a film name has never come close to this one before. I also felt that this title represented the whole film in a subtle way as Its the main antagonists name even though the audience are not directly told, which adds curiosity. This film name is also very different and unique which will help my film to stick in peoples minds and they are more likely to remember it.

Pyschological Horror
My chosen genre is a psychological horror film. Psychological horror generally contains a more subtle type of horror aspects such as - Rarely seeing the Antagonist - Eerie music - A plot generally containing ghosts/demons/supernatural beings - Sometimes a complex story behind the film

Institutional Tag

This is my institutional tag am I going to use to distribute the film. I designed it myself using adobe Photoshop Cs 4. The name has no association with the theme and plot of my film, it was just a name that sprung to mind. I chose to keep the design simple as too much detail can lead to it looking cheesy and unprofessional.

Over 300 years ago in 1612, at Pendle hill in Lancashire, 12 women were taken into custody after accusations of witchcraft, demonology studies and the murder of 10 innocents. After a long and painful trial, 10 of the women were sentenced to death and were to be burned at the stake. These events would later become known as the Pendle witch trials. Every single woman died on that hot night in august 1612. All but one stayed dead. Kate and her dad have lived in a homely cottage on Pendle hill for over 5 years. The film starts with Kates dad returning home from work and Kate preparing the dinner. During the process, ghoulish apparitions and shadows start to appear around her but Kate is oblivious, engaged in her current task, until the lights begin to flicker and Kate is murderously dragged from and disappears. The rest of the film will go on to state that Kates father also disappeared that night upon entering their home. The remainder of the film will follow a family of four immediately after moving into the cottage. Strange things begin to happen to them such as pentagons and the words Chattox written on the walls in blood and dead black cats being found regularly. The family are terrorised for weeks until eventually dissapearing, never to be found again. The closure of the film shows a home video of Kates dad digging to plant water feature in the back garden, days before the start of the film, and in doing so, he stumbles across a pentagonal pendant and decides to keep it. This is the point where the remains of Anne Whittle (Aka Chattox) were disturbed and what triggered the witch to rise from the dead. It also becomes apparent that the house lived in by Kate, her father and the other family, was the house used by chattox and her associates to conduct sances and summonings.

Kate An average 17 year old girl, typically down to earth. She respects her father highly from raising her as a single parent. Although she is mostly good mannered and happy, she has recently been feeling strange, depressed and out of place. This is due to the summoning and presence of Chattox, although this is never revealed. She is a very loving character and we clearly see this during the short period of time she is in the film Kates Father (Frank) Frank, 45 is a hard working man, determined to keep his family stable to lead a happy life, his wife, Kate's mum, died 15 years ago from cancer, At first he was heartbroken but he has to stay strong for Kate. He has a general caring nature although his moods often change due to the stress of work and bills. He is very protective over Kate due to her being his only pride in his life and wants nothing but the best for her.

Target Audience
For my film I have decided to specifically target teenage men but men and women up to the age of 30 also. I concluded this because I conducted an essay and asked people which horror genres they liked most and men and women from the age of 15 to 30 said psychological horror. I chose to specifically target male teenagers due to the inclusion of Kate in the film. Young men like female attention in films and if the role of Kate is played by an attractive woman, it will make the film more succesful among teenagers.

Location shots

I chose to use this location because it has a regular homely feel which is suitable for the story line of my film and the rooms all provide a good soft light source.

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