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International Marketing Research and Advertising

Case Studies: Germany and Poland

Derived from a presentation for the Higher School of Business National Louis University Ruth A. Pagell and Maria Sidor


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Types of Information
Demographics, Lifestyle and Consumer Behavior
Marketing Research Market Share Advertising


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Marketing Demographics Age and age distribution Income and income distribution Place of residence - urban, city, by region Education Marital status Sex and race/ethnicity Occupation


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Marketing Demographics

How many people live in Germany? How many people living in Germany are between the ages of 15 - 29?

How many people living in Berlin today are between the ages of 15 - 29? In 2025?
How much do Germans spend per capita on clothing? How does that compare to the US and UK?


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Marketing Demographics Regional Information

Regions Statistical Yearbook 2003
Map 7.2 pg 93

European Union

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Culture and Lifestyles

Personal Habits Cultural interests

Religious activities
Involvement in sports Hobbies Group affiliations


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Why you need to understand lifestyles

A company did conduct a survey of Germans, French and Italians. It concluded that West Germans and French ate more spaghetti than Italians.
The questions they asked were about purchases of brand name and packaged spaghetti. Italians buy their pasta in bulk.
from David A. Ricks, Blunders in international business, 1999 5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

14.3 Clothing and Footwear

The German clothing industry generated a turnover of EUR9.246 billion in 2003, a decline of 5.8% on 2002, when turnover stood at EUR10.041 billion. Losses were noted for the whole review period from 1998 to 2003. In 1998 sales had stood at EUR11.559 billion German consumers are spending less money on their clothes as increased competition brings down the prices, especially after the abandonment of the discount law in 2001. Until 2001 retailers were only allowed to provide for a rebate of 3% of the sales price, except for special occasions, such as the two sales periods in January and July. Sales and rebates are now possible throughout the year although many consumers claim that the two sales periods (winter and summer sales) should still be taking place. Increased on-line shopping of clothes is also leading to a further fall in prices of clothes and footwear.

Global Market Information Database

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Consumer Behavior
Consumer buying behavior Consumer buying patterns

Consumer purchasing power

Consumer demand Consumer preference Consumption


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Q: What are the Germans online retail consumer behavior patterns?


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Data Collection Issues Lack of of comparable data among countries Absence of secondary data in general Difficulties gathering primary data in a country not your own Differences in definitions and data collection methods


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Pitfalls of Secondary Market Research Information and Data
How has the market been defined and is it the same across countries? How has the information been collected? Are the consumer demographics collected using the categories you would use? Is there brand level information? Is there regional information?
5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Off the Shelf Reports available to Goizueta students
Marketline Consumer products Direct; Business Source Premier and Dialog In GMID and DIALOG Direct Direct Direct; Emory local load Direct Special permission for use by Goizueta students Direct

Euromonitor Mintel eMarketer Gartner Jupiter Profound Business Insights

Consumer Products, Retail Consumer Products, U.S. and some Europe Online, Internet Business Technology Online. Internet business Commercial portal for market research reports worldwide Consumer Goods, Technology Finance,Healthcare, Energy

International Marketing Research and Advertising Sample Consumer Market Research Reports

Clothing Retailers in Germany (on Dialogweb) Retailing in Germany /Country
Report (GMID) Global Retailing

Apparel Retail in Germany Apparel and Textiles in Europe

Global Apparel, Retail and Specialty Goods


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Sample report from Profound

Access to Profound at Emory is limited to Goizueta students working with a librarian

Search for global clothing report Select specific sections with unique Information.

2004 Dialog, a Thomson business

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Q: What German market research firms cover the retail industry?

Esomar Directory Search (107 Agencies)

AMR - Advanced Market Research GmbH Answers Teststudio GmbH ASAP GmbH Gesellschaft fr Sensorische Analyse und Produktentwicklung mbH ASK Gesellschaft fr Sozial- und Konsumforschung mbH Basis-Kontakt Marktforschung - Fieldservice GmbH & Co. KG BERENT Deutschland GmbH CCSI GmbH 5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

bmc - agency for business marketresearch & consultancy GmbH

International Marketing and Advertising

Sources for Market Share Data
Market Research Reports
Industry Reports Investment Bank Reports Trade Association Information Trade Journal Articles

GMID Company and Shares


Ruth A Pagell

Syndicated Market Data

MEDIAMARK REPORTER Syndicated Demographic Data Spring 1996 Beverages Alcohol Beer Imported Adults All Base Users Pct of Pct Index projecti users - popula ons pct dwn tion Total 191663 23504 100 12.3 100 Men 91780 15018 63.9 16.4 133 Women 99882 8486 36.1 8.5 69 Graduated 39600 8267 35.2 20.9 170 College Did not 36567 2187 9.3 6 49 Graduate High School 18-24 Executive/ H/D Income >$75,000 . MSA Suburban Unmarried White Read Newspapers Radio: Classical ESPN2 WSJ 24848 17299 30884 92855 42982 162526 101489 3849 8791 3226 3760 3470 6120 13315 6754 20322 13527 956 1712 1009 16 14.8 26 56.7 28.7 86.5 57.6 4.1 7.3 4.3 15.1 20.1 19.8 14.3 15.7 12.5 13.3 24.8 19.5 31.3 123 164 162 117 128 102 109 203 159 255

This type of information is NOT available to Emory for non-U.S. data.

12.3% of population drink imported beer = 100

35.2% of imported beer drinkers are college Grads

20.9% of college graduates drink imported beer

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Advertising Topics Advertising Agencies Advertising Expenditures Advertising Rates Advertising Regulations

Advertising Organizations


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Copyright 2004 Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Published by National Register Publishing. Standard Directory of International Advertising Agencies
Grey Worldwide GmbH & Co. KG PO Box 101051 40215 Dusseldorf, Germany Telephone:(49) 211 3807 0 Fax:(49) 211 3807 367 SDAA NUMBER: 1397-026 * * * * * * * * * * ACCOUNT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... Natreen - Quenty - Salina Seagram Deutschland GmbH - Glen Grant & Gianni Kattus Prosecco Ben Sherman - Men's & Women's Clothing Skoda Volkswagen AG - Cars SmithKline Beecham CAT MAN - Consumer Healthcare SmithKline Beecham CEE - Aquafresh - Coldrex - ... LOAD-DATE: December 20, 2004 5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Advertising Rates - SRDS

From Standard Rate & Data Service Consumer Magazines; includes U.S. rates but international contacts.

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Q: Are there articles about advertising regulations in Germany?

International Marketing Research and Advertising

CASE 2 Poland
Regional Data Lifestyle Information Consumer Buying Behavior Sample Market Reports Market Research Firms

Advertising Agencies
Advertising Regulations
5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising Demographic Data by Region

International Marketing Data and Advertising

International Marketing Data and Advertising

Consumer Buying Behavior
Q: Why do Polish consumers purchase mobile phones? Answer in Gartner *

International Marketing Data and Advertising



Poland Beer

Polish Market for Confectionery

European Dairy Food Market Diet Watchers 2003 (U.S. and Europe)

Consumer Eastern Europe World Market for Soft Drinks

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Sample Consumer Market Research Report Contents

Poland Beer (Datamonitor Industry Profile)

Market Overview

Market Value
Market Segmentation Competitive Landscape

Leading Companies
Market Forecasts through 2006


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Sample Technology Market Research Report

Central and Eastern Europe Internet Access (Jupiter)

Executive Summary Online Households and Individuals: Estonia Will Remain at the Vanguard of Internet Adoption in Central and Eastern Europe Fig 13: Key Data for Poland
Total Households Total Population Online Households and Household Penetration Online Individuals and in Individual Penetration


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Polish Marketing Research Firms

Esomar Directory Search (24 firms)

AGB Polska ALMARES Ltd. Institute for Consulting and Market Research ARC Rynek i Opinia BPS Consultants Poland Ltd. BSM - Badania Spoleczne I Marketingowe (BSM - Social & Market Research) CASE Consumer Attitudes & Social Enquiry CBOS (Public Opinion Research Center) CEM Market and Public Opinion Research Institute


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Polish Market Research Firms

from the Polish Internet


Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Polish Advertising Agency Biuro Reklamy SA. Ul. Flory 9, 00586 Warsaw Poland * * * * ACCOUNT INFORMATION * * * * AZ Robert Bosch British Sugar Overseas CFMEACTIM Chrysler Creditanstalt S A Creolla Dell Source: Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies Lexis-Nexis
5/8/2012 Lexis-Nexis Ruth A Pagell

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Polish Ad Agency Website

Polish Advertising Agency Website

International Marketing Research and Advertising

Advertising Regulations - Poland

International Marketing Research and Advertising
5/8/2012 Ruth A Pagell

Information Resources on the Goizueta Business Library Web

International Business Research

Information Guides

Global Perspectives Industry, Issues, Country

International Marketing Companies, Industries, Country, People, Marketing International Trade Coding, U.S. Data, Intl Data, Commercial Data, News and articles International Companies Overviews, Companies by industry, locating companies


Ruth A Pagell

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