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Stress Management

Satyajeet Singh

Introduction What is stress Reasons Symptoms Impact Managing Stress

Stress is part of our everyday life. Living in a fast-paced, technological society with innumerable demands upon our time, the majority of people can state: I am stressed out.
What is stress? Where does stress come from? How can I tell when I am under stress? What are some of the ways stress affects my body, my mind, or my mood?

What is Stress
In his book Stress Without Distress, Hans Selye defines stress as:

ones reaction to life events the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it Our response to any situation we find challenging, frightening, or difficult

Everyday fact of life
Stress can be good Excessive stress can be harmful

Typical Relationship Between Performance and Stress

High (excellent) Too Little Stress Optimum StressExcessive Stress

Low (poor)

Level of Performanc e

Low Stress


Positive Stress Results

Enables concentration Increases performance Energizes you into motion

Negative Stress Results

Loss of motivation Reduces effectiveness Physical, mental, and behavioural problems

What Stresses You Out?

Money Traffic Health/Medical issues Lack of Free time Relationships
family & friends

Job related stress:

work load overcrowding lack of support lack of on the job training

Stress Signs

Physical Stress Signs

Increased heart rate/ Increased blood pressure Muscles tightening Cold clammy hands Fatigue Sleeplessness Longer recovery from injury Stomach or bowel upset Headaches Backaches Change in eating habits: lost of appetite/overeating Restlessness/irritability Increased illness

Mental Stress Signs

Anxiety Forgetfulness Depression Apathy/ lack of interest Confusion
Lowered self-esteem Increased anger Excessive fear Worry Decreased self-confidence

Behavioural Signs of Stress

Hostility Irritability Under/over eating Decreased ability to concentrate Memory problems /forgetfulness Frequent use of cigarettes or alcohol Clumsiness Withdrawal from usual activities Poor performance, Absenteeism, High accident rates Making more mistakes

Impact of Stress

Impact on health of an individual

Back pain Headaches Stomachaches Ulcers High Blood Pressure Heart Attack or Stroke

Impact on the health of an organization

Increased health insurance costs Lost work days Stress-related workers compensation claims Lower Productivity

Over 75% of industrial accidents are rooted in stress

How to Manage Stress

Mental Techniques
Time management Organize Problem solving attitude Think Positive

Music Hobbies Play Learning Vacation

Physical Techniques
Body Scan relax-let go Deep breathing Exercise Meditation Nutrition Rest Laughter

Workplace Skills
Delegate Anticipate problems Be assertive Be decisive Organize Balance work and personal time

Organizational Stress Management Initiatives

Organisational Initiatives
Improvements in the physical work environment Changes in Job design Changes in workloads and deadlines Changes in work schedules, More flexible hours Increased employee participation

Organisational Initiatives
Team building Time management workshops Job burnout workshops Training in relaxation techniques Career counseling

" Success belongs to those individuals who can look at the complex challenges offered by the World as Inspiration."

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